Weight Watchers?

Hi everyone :)
Just wondering out of interest if anyone on here is doing weight watchers? & if anyone has had much luck with it?
I've just joined today, after spending the last few weeks following slimming world like a saint and loosing just two pound in nearly seven weeks! :(
Hoping that maybe this will give my body the shake up that it needs, fingers crossed.


  • Annieminnesota
    Annieminnesota Posts: 111 Member
    I used to be a member of WW, but I've found the points were too hard to keep track of. I've lost more with this website. Good luck!!
  • I've done weight watchers on the old points system and did very well. I joined again in April on the new points plus program and lost and gained the same 4 pounds for six to seven weeks. I eventually gave up because it was not working and I was getting discourage. Since leaving and following my calories on MFP I've done much better losing 12 pounds my first month.

    I know there are a lot of people doing very well on the new Points Plus but it did nothing for me.

    Good luck and keep us posted.
  • I've heard a few people say that they've not done well on the new pro points system if they've followed the old one. Here's to hoping it'll work for me as a newbie :)
    I've never ever been able to get on with calorie counting - always felt deprived and that it ruled my life a little too much...
    Wouldn't it just be nice to be thin & not have to worry hey?

    Good luck to you all too :)
  • alaw1119
    alaw1119 Posts: 68 Member
    I've lost 45 lbs with weight watchers. I love it! I just started using this site so I could see how many cals I was getting a day. I have been trackin on here and weight watchers and have found that some days I'll have around 4 points left when I've almost met my calorie goal here. I think it's because I'm vegaterian so I eat tons Of veggies and fruit and don't have to track them with WW. Anyway good luck to you!
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    I did WW in the early spring and lost a pound every week. I did not exercise either, just normal daily routine. I came back to MFP to try to get to my original goal weight after giving up and being happy with the 8 lbs I lost on WW. Well I am not happy. It has been almost 4 weeks and my weight has stayed the same, but I am exercising everyday. I faithfully stay in the 1200 or so calorie range and do eat back some calories. I weigh 133 but would like to get down to 120. I do have a small frame so for me that weight is doable. I am thinking of switching back to WW but we will see, maybe a few more weeks.

    With WW the more fiber the better, but what I am doing is eating alot of protein and limiting my carbs. Maybe my body doesn't like this. I will say I am not hungry like I would be on WW. I don't know what to do either, but my body feels much better with the food choices that I have been making.
    Good luck to you!!
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    I've been doing WW for the last 18 months. Last night I hit my goal (Dr's note) of 175, which is a 108 pound loss for me. I've done just as well on the new PointsPlus as I did on the original Points plan. But I think that's because I was eating pretty clean on the older plan and not eating a lot of the snack pack and fiber manipulated foods that were low in points, so the switch didn't really affect my eating habits.

    I do switch between counting points and doing MFP because it's hard for me to do the same thing all the time. But I love my meetings and the support and camaraderie I get there. Lots of local hints that just aren't available on a message board.
  • I used to belong to WW and really liked it (and was successful). But, I didn't like counting points because they didn't tell me anything about my protein, carb, sugar, etc intake and I feel monitoring those numbers are important, too.

    I stick with MFP because I have no desire to double-track.
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I like MFP over weight watchers because:

    1) it's free
    2) I don't have to convert calories into points
    3) I can track my macronutrients and make sure I'm getting enough protein, not too much sugar, etc.
    4) I find the message boards more helpful and supportive
    5) I think MFP makes more sense and WW is a more complex, convoluted system

    That said, I know many people who've lost a lot of weight on WW, and I think that if you can use it to lose weight, that's great.
  • ohiomom0503
    ohiomom0503 Posts: 38 Member
    I started with WW and was losing consistently(still am) 2lbs/week or so.
    Beginning of July, end of June, I switched to calorie counting here at MFP, losses really slowed down, almost stopped.
    Went back to WW and the weight loss started back up again, 1.5-2lbs/week again. I tried dual tracking, calories come out to about 1200-1300, depending on how much fruit and veggies I eat. I do use the recipe builder here rather than the one on WW, then use the NI from it to determine points(I do WW online only.)
    I've lost almost 30lbs since beginning of June with WW(minus the 2-3 weeks in July I did MFP only.)
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    I lost 70+ pounds on WW and have recently gained back some of it just because I haven't been working the plan. I have come here because many friends use this site and because it is a more realistic way for me to track my half-marathon training calories. I think when I have stalled before I actually wasn't eating enough calories or the right mix of protein, carbs and fats. So, I still believe in WW but am trying to get more of a detailed handle on these components as well. Good luck!
  • I am currently doing ww! I havent been on it long but i am down 7 pounds on it so far. I have had weeks where i have been up but during those weeks i had surgery (2 in the last 2 months) so I cant say for sure if its the surgery that got me up or the program. I have this last week been tracking for both ww and this site and i find that when i eat all my points im still under my calories on here. The new program on ww is drastically different but so far i have been having sucess! A few of my friends have as well but that said no everyone likes the new program and so some revert back to the old. Personally so far i enjoy it!
  • I used to belong to WW and really liked it (and was successful). But, I didn't like counting points because they didn't tell me anything about my protein, carb, sugar, etc intake and I feel monitoring those numbers are important, too.

    I stick with MFP because I have no desire to double-track.

    I didnt like that either, the new ww program is a little different as to calculating points now, they take into consideration fats, carbs fibre and protein, but i see your point on sugars and that. I just track for both sites as i have apps on my phone for both so i find it easy enough!
  • kathleen0211
    kathleen0211 Posts: 11 Member
    Just joined WW on Tuesday and I'm pretty excited about it. My boyfriend is a VERY picky eater and he's even becoming a little energetic and motivated about this points plus system they put in. We're doing the non-online program where you attend the meetings and 3 days in I feel great. I've done a lot of homework on this diet and with the latest reviews of it it seems like one of the most sensible diets and one that pushes you into a lifestyle change rather then just a speedy weight loss. I'm not looking to lose weight, I'm looking to lose weight and then keep it off for good. Before college I lost 60 pounds in 9 months of calorie counting, but I gained all of it back and then some when I hit college. It wasn't a lifestyle change. And for $10-12 a week its worth it to me to have that constant little affirmation that I'm doing this and I'm accountable to more then just myself being on this program!
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    I've done weight watchers on the old points system and did very well. I joined again in April on the new points plus program and lost and gained the same 4 pounds for six to seven weeks. I eventually gave up because it was not working and I was getting discourage. Since leaving and following my calories on MFP I've done much better losing 12 pounds my first month.

    I know there are a lot of people doing very well on the new Points Plus but it did nothing for me.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

    I totally agree. I eat fairly clean and found that for people who did this prior to Points Plus, the new system was just too much food, with "free fruit" (even only 2 svgs a day). I could have made it work by tweaking it (lowering my daily allowance, etc) but became tired of paying for a plan that I had to "tweak" to make work. Also got tired of calculating/worrying about points.

    I know - it's really psychological because points are still a way to keep what you eat under control, just like calorie counting. I just prefer the latter.