Cyst on Kidney???

Has anyone ever had a cyst on their kidney or know someone that has? If so, is it serious? Did you need surgery


  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Are you able to give more info? Was there a specific diagnosis/name given to the cyst? Was it an "incidental finding" on a CT scan? Kind of hard to tell you much without knowing more. My husband has continuous kidney stones so I might be able to give you some info if I knew more. Feel free to PM me.
  • i've had a small one on my right kidney for years.

    i was worried at first too, but after speaking to my gastroenterologist, cysts on kidneys are usually no more worry than say an ovarian cysts.

    if there's no symptoms, or it's not affecting any other body function things, then they'll usually just check it out every now and then. :D
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    My family has a history of polycystic kidney's, which are like water blisters all over the kidneys. Different amounts mean different things and can lead to total failure, which is what happened to my grandfather, who needed dialysis 3 times a week, to keep him alive.

    However my mother also has it but doesn't need any treatment other than an ultrasound every X amount of years to check on the progression and growth of cysts.

    As stated above without more information its hard to advise, however I would recommend speaking with your GP about the matter and they should be able to clear any concerns you might have up
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    It really depends. Most cysts are harmless but some can cause damage, depending on how big or where it is specifically on an organ.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    If you know you have a cyst on your kidney, then the doctor should have told you whether or not it needed to be removed. You have to go to the doc to find out if you have a cyst or not, so the doc would probably give you the plan of action as well...not MFP users.
  • i do ultasound and it depends ... a single cyst is not that worrisome but multiple may be, especially if it's both kidneys
    how is blood work and urine?
  • I thought I was having a gallbladder attack about a 1 1/2 MO ago, my main issue was that 'charley horse feeling' underneath my right never has been painful, mainly discomfort and annoying. I went in for a ultrasound and they couldn't find anything and then the discomfort remained, so I opted to have a CT Scan done. My Dr just left me a voicemail, and so I am waiting to talk yet to her, but she mentioned seeing that there was a 2.5MM cyst on my left kidney and she mentioned that it had possibly grown (she was looking at another CT scan from when I went in a yr ago to have a kidney stone that time it was 2.0MM). Oh my god, trying not to freak out, but I am because I automatically think cancer...growth etc. She did mention seeing a urologist in her vm...just waiting to talk to her and trying to stay off the internet, because that can make things worse. Is this like having a kidney stone removed? If so, I am not worried....any advice??
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I thought I was having a gallbladder attack about a 1 1/2 MO ago, my main issue was that 'charley horse feeling' underneath my right never has been painful, mainly discomfort and annoying. I went in for a ultrasound and they couldn't find anything and then the discomfort remained, so I opted to have a CT Scan done. My Dr just left me a voicemail, and so I am waiting to talk yet to her, but she mentioned seeing that there was a 2.5MM cyst on my left kidney and she mentioned that it had possibly grown (she was looking at another CT scan from when I went in a yr ago to have a kidney stone that time it was 2.0MM). Oh my god, trying not to freak out, but I am because I automatically think cancer...growth etc. She did mention seeing a urologist in her vm...just waiting to talk to her and trying to stay off the internet, because that can make things worse. Is this like having a kidney stone removed? If so, I am not worried....any advice??

    Please just wait to talk to your doctor.
  • Blood and urine are fine! I am just waiting on the dr and a tat nervous...I am a young mom of two and this stuff scares me!! :)
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Ugh, like you don't have enough on your plate. :( Prayers for you girlfriend!
  • I have a Cyst in my R-Kidney and Liver, according to my surgeon who recently fixed my very large Hernia; he said that he could select 50 people off the street and take an image of those organs and 90% of them would have a Cyst on one or both of those oragns or other.

    I am keeping tabs on this non-the-less, seeing a specialist because something is causing right flank pain.......

    May I make another suggestion? Get all of your medical records, images, image reports and keep a medical journal.

    Be proactive about your medical care........ :smile:
    Take care,