Weight Watchers

kdm97 Posts: 111
I'm thinking of joining Weight Watcher. I would like to know others success or you guys thoughts on the program....


  • tinastanley
    tinastanley Posts: 55 Member
    I just joined Weight Watchers at work on Thursday. A lot of people at work have found a huge sucess with weight watchers. I'm sending you a friend request. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • katyjof
    katyjof Posts: 2 Member
    I did weight watchers 4 years ago on line and I walked 5 days a week and lost 70 pounds. I have kept it off and now it's like a combination of points and calories for me. I have also added zumba to my work out.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    A number of years ago I joined Weight Watchers with one of my daughters. We both went to a few sessions and then stopped attending. I did continue to use the points calculator and the resources, but paying to attend a meeting and weigh in just didn't make sense to me, when the biggest thing I needed was to watch my food intake. I think I lost about 20 pounds total at that time, but didn't keep it off once I stopped tracking food.

    Coincidentally, I was just thinking today that MFP is the perfect tool for me. I can see and learn from others' success and failures, I have an easy and FREE way to keep track of my food and exercise intake, as well as my nutrients, and it's convenient--I don't have to find a meeting time/place that works with my schedule.

    I also rationalize the cost of the data plan for my smartphone as being about the same as what I would pay to attend Weight Watchers' meetings for a month. Of course I use my phone for many other things, but even if all I used it for was mobile MFP, it would be cost effective.
  • Shineonme06
    Shineonme06 Posts: 73 Member
    I go to weightwatchers. I love it and the group leader is also awesome
  • I just cancelled my membership to WW, but only because they switched the way the program works and it stopped working for me. Before that, I had lost 45 lbs. I like MFP better because I can track everything I want to, not just see point values for everything.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I did weight watchers....but I found this more supportive, and cheaper!

    The new plan is harder because they assign a zero point value to 98% of all fruits and veggies. If you are eating tons you are miscalculating what your putting in your mouth! On the old plan i lost a good amount of weight....on the new plan not so much.

    with MFP i get the same support, more encouragement and ability to talk through my concerns with people (where as a meeting they are always so busy) and I can use that 40 minutes to go for a walk instead of sitting in a chair hearing the same thing and getting a sticker for my book! I track my food, don't have to calculate points on the fly and don't have to worry about trying to convert restaurant meals either.

    Save your money!

    Just my two cents!
  • I did Weight Watchers online from January 2010 - December 2010 and lost a total of 53lbs and most of it was just from changing my eating habits and following the points system. I gained 13 lbs of it back, but I got of program when my husband came home (He was in Afghanistan for the year). It is a really good program and it teaches you a lot about portion control.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I joined weight watchers last year and did wonderfully. I lost 30 lbs. It really help a ton. I didn't use MFP at the time. I liked all the tools that WW had.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I did WW for about 2 yrs, till the program changed. Now that I'm here, I see no reason to do WW. I watch my calories, and workout. It's a good program, teaches a lot about healthy eating. But doesn't focus much on working out. Everything they teach you can learn from friends here. I will tell you that in the almost 2 yrs of going to meetings and weighing in, hardly ever did anyone speak to me. My leader was supportive, as long as I was losing, she even wanted me to be a leader. But soon as I started gaining after the program changed, she seemed to not care. I have had way more support, encouragement and motivation here, and have learned about calories, and much more about healthy eating. Plus I don't have to pay for this.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I did weight watchers a couple of years ago and had great success. Became a lifetime member, etc. Then I gave birth two more times and gained the weight back. A couple of months ago (before I joined mfp), I took out my old literature and started the program again - no meetings - just doing it by myself. For me, weight watchers works. I have heard mixed reviews about the new program, but am not familiar with it. If you have time to attend the meetings, I found them to be very helpful, motivating - and fun. There's something to be said about being in a room filled with people who know exactly what you are going through and who will support you on your weight loss journey. Feel free to contact me if you have questions, etc. - and know that you will also receive support from your mfp friends on your weight loss journey.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    I use to belong to Weight Watchers on line but I cancelled my subscription. I found that the total amount of points they give was around the same amount of calories that MFP gives me. To me it wasn't worth the money and I don't have time to sit in on meetings. A lot of people have had success with it though so really do what you feel is best for you. :flowerforyou:
  • cm13278
    cm13278 Posts: 2 Member
    Its definitely different for everyone. I did it for probably six months, only lost maybe 10 pounds. I was on the old program, and with me it became obsessing with points. I'd rather eat 2 points of something like low fat chocolate than 3 or 4 points of fruits/vegetables/lean meat when the fruits/vegetables are obviously a better choice.

    If your head is in the right place it can definitely work, I just like this better, i can track things by calories which is easier and better for me than by points, its nicer to see that you have 1300 calories to eat than 33 points for me.

    Ive had friends and family who have been really succesful at it though, they were probably more disciplined than i though, :)
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I was thinking of joining WW before my daughter told me about this site. I have dieted on Weight Watchers twice: once before I married, so I could look fabulous in my wedding dress, then later, to loose about 40 lbs.

    The pros about weight watchers:
    Easy to follow diet
    Week by week program of information on the details of a healthier diet
    The support you get by going to the weekly talk by a weight coach who gives you strategies on how to overcome hurdles in dieting.
    I still use the strategies learned.

    The Cons about Weight Watchers
    It's expensive
    You count points, not calories.
    I ate the minimum points, lost weight quickly and got to target at a reasonable rate.
    Once I stopped, I was STARVED, and could not fill the bottomless pit
    I gained everything back (twice).

    What I like about My Fitness Pal as an alternative to weight watchers
    It's free
    You actually see how many calories you are eating
    You actually see how many calories you are burning
    This enables you to calculate how much exercise you need to burn off calories, and to plan your life accordingly
    You get information about the nutrition of the foods you are eating
    The strategy here seems to avoid the yo-yo dieting where you lose and gain even more than you lost
    The forums are a great alternative to the weight coach, and give you as much information as you could hope to obtain at a Weight Watcher meeting.

    However, everybody has to make the decision that is right for you. You might want to follow Weight Watchers to learn how to loose weight, and then use My Fitness Pal to make sure you don't gain it back. For me, this website is better, and I would not go back to WW.
  • My husband and I joined WW in the middle of March. I've lost 27 pounds and he has lost 15. I joined MFP at the end of June and started walking and other exercises too. I don't really track anymore and if it were up to me I would only do MFP but my husband still wants to go to WW until we reach our goals. He is only 5 pounds from his goal and I have much more to go. I'd rather join a gym with the money we spend on WW, but his preference is WW so we're sticking with that for now.

    I actually like logging my food in MFP better than tracking points. I think seeing the real calorie content is better than using made up numbers (points plus). I love MFP and being able to log in the exercise and see my progress in that area too.
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    I totally agree with Bonnie, MFP is great for tracking food and exercise. I did not do well on the points system. I like many of the recipes and tips, but the points system didn't do it for me. I like seeing all of the nutritional information on the database and how large the database is.
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    I joined ww on 6/18/11 I am down 18lbs I do need the support i receive at the meetings i have met a wonderful group of friends locally that also able to keep me focused. I actually also love mfp even though it is calories with mfp i can track the food and the exercises so I kinda love both for different reasons. everyone is different whatever works for you go with. As of today I really need both so I will continue to do the points with ww and calories and exercise with mfp. I also started using an HRM which I have found is what I really needed. Good luck on your journey......feel free to add me if you would like:)
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    Joined WW in Feb 2010 and reached my goal last week, so about 18 months to lose 108 pounds. I love my meetings and the cost is worth it to me. Now I have to maintain for 6 weeks and the meetings and materials I receive the rest of the way will be free as long as I am within two pounds of my goal weight.

    For me, it is a huge advantage to gather with people in the same boat as me, sharing tips on great restaurant finds, different farmers and fresh market finds. Which grocery stores carry this or that. I've made some great friends.

    That said, the last few months I have found tracking to be easier on MFP and will probably continue to do that, but I look forward to my weekly meetings, it's time I set aside for myself, which as a mom is a rarity.
  • lusciousli
    lusciousli Posts: 8 Member
    ive done weight watchers, n the only diff between this and WW is the meetings. Yr better off doing this and knowing that kcals that yr actually eating for life than getting to know a foreign points system. if u need to moral support from meetings then maybe ww will help.
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    Thanks Everyone for your input!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • abookreader2
    abookreader2 Posts: 49 Member
    I have two friends who have tried. They both lost a lot of wieght, but as soon as they stopped paying attention to points and stuff, they both have gained it back :(
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