Men Getting from 20% - 15% Body Fat

mikemcclymont Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2021 in Motivation and Support
Hey All..

I'm new to MFP communities, but I'm looking on how to use the app to get like-minded men wanting get from 20% body fat down to 15%. Are MFP communities the right place?

Looking for a few guys to keep each other accountable... Including progress pictures.


  • MerrickMagic20
    MerrickMagic20 Posts: 6 Member
    I can’t say that I am going for that current goal, or for the pictures. But I am a guy that is looking to go from there to around 10%.
  • mikemcclymont
    mikemcclymont Posts: 5 Member
    cool. how are you measuring ?
  • MerrickMagic20
    MerrickMagic20 Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself constantly and I am getting back into the gym. Other than that I am watching what I eat each day.
  • mikemcclymont
    mikemcclymont Posts: 5 Member
    sorry, I mean how do measure your body fat %?

    I have a scale that tells me in general, but I have also done the dexiscan. lowest I got was ~18%. im probably closer to 20 now.

  • MerrickMagic20
    MerrickMagic20 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh, I’m at around 17% possibly 18%. I get it measured at my gym.
  • mikemcclymont
    mikemcclymont Posts: 5 Member
    cool... I will be back to 18... then 15... then who knows :-)
  • MerrickMagic20
    MerrickMagic20 Posts: 6 Member
    If I was you I would be aiming for 12% or 10%.
  • snuff15ee
    snuff15ee Posts: 99 Member
    edited January 2021
    I'm going to attempt single digit (not a long term goal) just to see if I have the discipline to get there. I use a pair of fat calipers for now. I'm planning to go get a DEXA scan here soon so I have a more accurate baseline.