Starting Yin Yoga

supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
So I am starting a journey to get into Yin Yoga. Would anyone care to join me. I am doing this at home using YouTube videos. Would anyone care to join so we can motivate one another and share videos?


  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Here is my second class done today and it was a good one.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,753 Member
    I don't have any videos to share but I take one yin yoga class every week: Sunday at 5:30 PM. It's a perfect way to wind down and stretch after a busy weekend and get my mind straight for the work week.

    At first I had trouble staying in poses for so long but I've learned that if I completely focus and do not let my mind wander or think about anything else it's truly relaxing and beneficial.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks I got blocks and I’m going to get a pillow. I agree that the poses are hard to hold. I am hoping that over time I will see great strides in this area and also get much better at mindfulness
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,753 Member
    I keep saying I'm going to buy a bolster and blocks for home but I haven't done it yet. I really like some of the stretches using the bolsters.
  • Missmass4
    Missmass4 Posts: 56 Member
    This looks interesting! What’s the difference between this and other types of yoga? I’m always down to try something new
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Yin yoga’s main focus is calming the mind, reducing stress, and entering the mentality of focused meditation. The movements target the body’s connective tissues in order to regulate the body’s flow of energy and promote balance and flexibility. The positions are held longer in Yin, anywhere from 1-5 minutes or longer. Yin is more passive and is about surrendering yourself which is also freeing. I really like it.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,999 Member
    Above is correct.

    A flow or dynamic yoga class is energetic and can be very athletic and physically taxing if you go whole hog.

    In a yin class you might hold a forward fold, snail (aka plow), pigeon, folded cobblers pose, etc for up to five minutes, with the emphasis to relax into the pose as much as possible.

    You won’t be doing a standing or balance type series, so no warriors, triangles, crescents, (standing) tree, etc.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,999 Member
    It’s not a calorie burning practice.
  • Missmass4
    Missmass4 Posts: 56 Member
    Any recommendations for a good beginner yin workout?
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    I liked this one, it seemed easy to follow.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    YouTube: Sarah Beth Yoga, Yoga with Adrian,and Yoga with Bird. Those are three bo to yoga on YouTube. I think they all have yin yoga, along with other types as well as daily challenges (and 30 day yoga),

    When I would go to the gym, I used to do a class where we started with flow and ended with yin. In the beginning, I dreaded the yin portion (sitting sti,still, and surrendering was very difficult for me),but then I got to the point of looking forward to the yin and wanting to be done with flow.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    YouTube: Sarah Beth Yoga, Yoga with Adrian,and Yoga with Bird. Those are three bo to yoga on YouTube. I think they all have yin yoga, along with other types as well as daily challenges (and 30 day yoga),

    When I would go to the gym, I used to do a class where we started with flow and ended with yin. In the beginning, I dreaded the yin portion (sitting sti,still, and surrendering was very difficult for me),but then I got to the point of looking forward to the yin and wanting to be done with flow.

    I like all those suggestions too, Travis Eliot also has some good Yin videos on YouTube.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    I’m excited, I signed up for my first in-class yin yoga class
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,999 Member
    Let us know how you like it.

    One thing to be warned about, different Yon instructors have different teaching techniques. One of ours talks extensively about different religions, origins of yoga etc. Interesting for the most part, very thoughtful, but occasionally I want to smack him and tell him to shut up. He is, however, a superlative instructor, and extremely well read and studied about muscles and physical structure. If one could have a doctorate of yoga, I believe it’d be him.

    Another one tells jokes and cusses a lot. I cuss like a sailor myself but I don’t care to hear the F bomb strewn casually, interspersed with stand up comedy when I’m trying to relax. But it’s the most popular class in the studio, so that’s on me.

    A third just puts us in the pose and doesn’t talk much at all.

    You may have to try several to find a good fit.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks I hope to find someone knowledgeable and who is a good instructor ... surprising about the one who uses extensive profanity ... seems kind of out of place
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Any updates for anyone concerning your Yin practice? I have kept up with it doing online classes and taking an in studio yin class once week. I really like it.
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    I really love yin yoga. It is one of my favorite forms of yoga. Right now I use ompractice, which has live online classes.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    That’s awesome, I am taking Melissa West’s online classes
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