Scale brand/type recommendations?

So I’ve had this digital scale for probably 6 years now and it’s really becoming inconsistent. Any recommendations for brands/types of scales that you’ve liked?


  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Personally, I use a doctors office scale. Just make sure it’s balanced and then that sucker is brutally accurate.

    My personal scale is similar to this:!6708!3!425903079982!!!u!295052892860!&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuuOj1Lvf7QIVArGGCh2_wAxnEAQYAiABEgLsYPD_BwE

    You can find them used on Facebook marketplace and craigslist for under $50. I think I paid $40 for mine. I also use mine to weigh plates for my home gym (I buy large lots of Olympic plates and then keep the ones that are most accurate to what they claim to weigh).
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    Food or person scale?
  • creesama
    creesama Posts: 128 Member
    Food or person scale?

    Person, should’ve been more specific, sorry!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    I have the Tanita BF-679. I only use the scale function, as everyone says the body fat measure isn't accurate on scales anyway, but it's been working great for the past 8 years. Simple, inexpensive, does what I need it to do.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I got a WW conair digital scale from Walmart. It was around $20 and seems to be very accurate. I check it once in a while with a dumbbell. I used to weight myself and my puppy, then compare his weight to the puppy scale at the vet...the weight matched.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited December 2020
    I have a Tanita HD-351. It's not cheap (~$70 US). I wanted something that was accurate, repeatable, but didn't use fake repeat. Another MFP user recommended this scale and I've been happy with it for over a year. Occasionally it gets moved so that one of the feet is on a grout line and my weight "plummets", but that's quickly fixed.

    I usually weigh 3-4 pounds more at the doctor's office, which seems about right since I am dressed and have eaten.
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 889 Member
    My roommate and I have a Renpho scale and I really like it because it gives your weight and lots of other stats. I'm not sure about the accuracy/utility of all of those other stats....BUT --- it gives an estimate of body fat % which I like. It also gives an estimate of visceral fat (which is fat around your organs...which if it's high can have many negative health implications) and overall muscle mass.

    I've used some of that info to be able to get more accurate TDEE calculations (body fat % helps in those calculations) as well as being aware that as I lost weight I also lost a good bit of muscle mass and need to concentrate on getting some of that back.

    It also allows you to look at visual graphs of all the stats it gives you and it's really satisfying in a weight loss journey to be able to look at a line graph that is decreasing consistently. =D

    It connects to an app on your phone via bluetooth.
  • DavWillTry
    DavWillTry Posts: 76 Member
    edited January 2021
    Dogmom1978 wrote: »
    Personally, I use a doctors office scale. Just make sure it’s balanced and then that sucker is brutally accurate.

    You can find them used on Facebook marketplace and craigslist for under $50. I think I paid $40 for mine.

    These are really the best, if you have room. We bought ours 20 or 30 years ago at a swap meet for $25. Still totally accurate and totally repeatable.

    I was searching Amazon for digital scales tonight. None of the ones that advertise BMI and such actually measure it, they use a formula based on your weight. so basically a made up number. And they all seem to have repeatability issues. And after awhile they break.

    So I'm sticking with my mechanical doctor's scale. No batteries and will never break.

    If you really can find one for under $80 it is definitely the way to go.

    (Just checked craigslist; local to me are several for $50 to $100 in So Cal.)