What I eat in a day on 1200 calories

Looking for ideas on what everyone eats in a day on a 1200 calorie plan to lose weight. Hopefully we can maybe get ideas from each other. 😊


  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    edited January 2021
    I eat a wide variety of foods taken in two meals per day. Yesterday, I slow cooked an entire butternut squash and roasted the seeds. The squash will last me for 4-5 meals. I like it for breakfast, but it makes a good side with dinner or mashed into a crispy pancake. It also freezes easily.

    This was today:

    Meal #1

    Coffee - 3 10 oz. mugs (taken over 2 hours)
    Half & Half, 4 tbsp
    7 oz serving (warm) squash topped with 2 oz. Greek Yogurt

    Slow Cooker Whole Butternut Squash:
    Whole squash, peeled and cubed
    Honey 1T
    Orange Juice 6T
    Butter 1 T
    Raisins 2 oz.
    Grated fresh ginger

    Meal #2

    Large Baked Potato topped with butter, Greek Yogurt and chives
    2% Milk, 8 fluid ounce
    Marinaded Baked Chicken Thigh With Skin
    Sauerkraut 3/4 c.

    Evening green tea

    Exercise: 30 minutes on the mini-trampoline.

  • KylieStrelt
    KylieStrelt Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2021
    I usually eat the same thing every day but this was for today:

    Breakfast: 241 calories
    2 boiled eggs (136 cal)
    1 medium banana (105 cal)

    Snack 1:
    Protein Shake (155 cal)

    Lunch: 312 calories
    Turkey breast, grilled - 100 grams (104 cal)
    Lettuce - 70 grams (7 cal)
    Capsicum - 30 grams (30 cal)
    Cherry tomatoes - 8 (24 cal)
    Cheese - low fat grated 25 grams (84 cal)
    Avocado - 25 grams (40 cal)
    Mayonaise - 99% fat free 20 grams (23 cal)

    Snack 2:
    Strawberries - 100 grams (32 cal)
    Licorice Tea - Higher Living 1 cup (6 cal)

    This leaves me with 490 calories remaining from 1200 for today
    If I have a 30 gram serve of my favourite mixed nuts with my afternoon snack (snack 2) I would have 306 calories left from 1200

    Dinner: Typically around 300 - 350 calories

    On my big training days where I have sessions with my personal trainer I will usually eat a little more, or have a third snack just prior to training.

    Typical exercise most days involves about 20 - 30 mins of cardio and 60 - 90 mins of weight training
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    Oh, and I should add that while I don't really obsess about carbs, I generally try to follow a higher carb day with a lower carb day. Yesterday, I had butternut squash for breakfast AND a large baked potato for dinner (135 daily carbs). So today, I'll have the same - but a smaller portion of breakfast cinnamon squash with more Greek yogurt and swap out stir fried green beans/onions/mushrooms for the baked potato. (~75 daily carbs)
  • Fit_Happens_2021
    Fit_Happens_2021 Posts: 303 Member
    I might eat only about 1250 on a day that I literally sit and do nothing, but those days are few and far between and only happen due to health issues that can flare-up. If I burn 2000 calories on a fairly active day with a workout included I would eat around 1750 that day, so a deficit of 250 for a weightloss goal of around 0.5lb per week.

    Anyway, these are the type of things I eat:
    Breakfasts -
    A selection of the following:
    Greek yogurt (I like the Dannon fit & light with 12g protein and only 80 cal)
    Egg white omelets with one yolk, onions, peppers, and turkey sausage crumbles
    Total breakfast cereal with fat-free lactose-free milk
    100% Wholewheat toast with Heinz baked beans
    boiled eggs with mayo in a wholewheat sandwich

    Lunches -
    A selection for the following:
    6oz chicken breast with fresh lemon juice and EVOO
    Or grilled pork loin steak with spinach and spring mix salad greens
    tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, walnuts
    Sometimes I get bored of salad and have a small baked potato with a little butter and eat the skin for the added fiber, with broccoli, cabbage, and/or carrots
    Homemade leek and potato soup with wholewheat bread
    Tuna (canned in water) with light miracle whip, vinegar and pepper, mixed in with wholewheat pasta shells

    Shepherd's pie made to my recipe with extra lean beef (don't get me started on the "It's not Shepherd's Pie it is doesn't have lamb in it!) no butter in the mashed potatoes but milk and nutmeg served with cabbage (savoy is my fave) carrots, broccoli or whatever veggies I have in.
    Vegetarian homemade chili - main ingredients are kidney beans, black beans, corn, chickpeas, tinned tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and spices, served with brown rice, or baked potato.
    Steak with homemade fries and peas
    Burgers on the grill made from extra lean ground beef - small patties with whole wheat bun, onions, a little ketchup, and homemade fries (portion control!)
    Mod pizza usually once a week (pineapple and ham, easy on the cheese as I'm lactose intolerant)
    There are a bunch of other recipes I make, but no point in mentioning them here as they are ones I have developed over time and would require explaining all the ingredients to make them more healthy (I sub lots of ingredients so I can eat fave dishes without the crazy amount of salt, fat, calories or whatever they would normally have)

    Mostly fruit and nuts
    crisps and a couple of glasses of red wine are my weekend evening treats

    Tea with 1/4 cup lactose-free milk and half tsp sugar,
    Coffee with almond creamer
    Robinson's Apple and Blackcurrent juice (5 cal for 16oz)

  • kellycreen
    kellycreen Posts: 7 Member
    I might eat only about 1250 on a day that I literally sit and do nothing, but those days are few and far between and only happen due to health issues that can flare-up. If I burn 2000 calories on a fairly active day with a workout included I would eat around 1750 that day, so a deficit of 250 for a weightloss goal of around 0.5lb per week.

    Anyway, these are the type of things I eat:
    Breakfasts -
    A selection of the following:
    Greek yogurt (I like the Dannon fit & light with 12g protein and only 80 cal)
    Egg white omelets with one yolk, onions, peppers, and turkey sausage crumbles
    Total breakfast cereal with fat-free lactose-free milk
    100% Wholewheat toast with Heinz baked beans
    boiled eggs with mayo in a wholewheat sandwich

    Lunches -
    A selection for the following:
    6oz chicken breast with fresh lemon juice and EVOO
    Or grilled pork loin steak with spinach and spring mix salad greens
    tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, walnuts
    Sometimes I get bored of salad and have a small baked potato with a little butter and eat the skin for the added fiber, with broccoli, cabbage, and/or carrots
    Homemade leek and potato soup with wholewheat bread
    Tuna (canned in water) with light miracle whip, vinegar and pepper, mixed in with wholewheat pasta shells

    Shepherd's pie made to my recipe with extra lean beef (don't get me started on the "It's not Shepherd's Pie it is doesn't have lamb in it!) no butter in the mashed potatoes but milk and nutmeg served with cabbage (savoy is my fave) carrots, broccoli or whatever veggies I have in.
    Vegetarian homemade chili - main ingredients are kidney beans, black beans, corn, chickpeas, tinned tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and spices, served with brown rice, or baked potato.
    Steak with homemade fries and peas
    Burgers on the grill made from extra lean ground beef - small patties with whole wheat bun, onions, a little ketchup, and homemade fries (portion control!)
    Mod pizza usually once a week (pineapple and ham, easy on the cheese as I'm lactose intolerant)
    There are a bunch of other recipes I make, but no point in mentioning them here as they are ones I have developed over time and would require explaining all the ingredients to make them more healthy (I sub lots of ingredients so I can eat fave dishes without the crazy amount of salt, fat, calories or whatever they would normally have)

    Mostly fruit and nuts
    crisps and a couple of glasses of red wine are my weekend evening treats

    Tea with 1/4 cup lactose-free milk and half tsp sugar,
    Coffee with almond creamer
    Robinson's Apple and Blackcurrent juice (5 cal for 16oz)

    Thank you this was really helpful (I wouldn't put lamb in my Shepard pie either. Lol) I would love to try the leek and potato soup. This is great help.to get started. 😊
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    I have no problem sticking to 1200 and have never had any issues. I think everyone is different. If you hair is falling out on 1200 - 1500 cals a day you may have other health issues.... Besides, she never said she was struggling, she just asked for food suggestions!

    Here is some of my 'go to' low cal foods for my 1200 a day diet.

    Hardboiled egg whites (17 cal per)
    Grilled chicken
    grille veggies
    Ostrim beef/ostrich sticks (110 cal per)
    pan seared brussel sprouts or broccoli
    more hard boiled egg whites!
    Schmidt 647 bread (40 cal per slice)

    Do you mean 1200 before adding in more for the calories you burn through activities and exercise?
    On a day you do nothing but lie still, maybe if you are very small, you might burn that, and it would be you BMR - Basic Metabolic Rate - what your body burns to keep functioning.
    For example, I am a 5'2" female, 136Lbs and my basic metabolic rate is about 1200, that is what my body burns, roughly, in a 24 hr period without exercise or any movement - just resting.
    There are lots of BMR calculators online, such as this simple one you might be surprised what comes out if you plug in your numbers:

    when I am trying to lose weight in a quick manner, I will stick to 1200 total cals a day. I understand my BMR might be higher, that is a good sign I will be losing weight :-) I wouldn't do it for long periods of time, but for short term losses it works well.
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member

    you might find some ideas on this site.
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    edited January 2021
    To op here are my meal ideas that can easily be adapted to whatever calories you want
    Protien pancakes watch your toppings jam has about 25 calories
    Oatmeal less then 200
    Egg white scramble with pepper and onions or spinach
    Anabolic french toast ( buy low cal bread)
    Yogurt unsweetened find your fav way to sweeten it berries stevia
    A scrambled egg on a piece of toast
    Smoothie just watch your cals close with this one

    Salads choose your toppings wisely make sure it has a protien
    Grilled chicken on a low carb wrap with purple onions and a slice of low fat cheese with a side of veggies and fruit
    Pizza= Joseph lavash bread or pita with pizza sauce parm 2 slices low fat cheese and a lowfat meat with veggies and a fruit
    Bbq chicken (hughes bbq sauce no sugar) with veggies and fruit
    Sweet potato topped with cottage cheese and cinnamon

    Lean as you can find ground beef make hamburgers, spaghetti, tacos, sloppy joes
    Rotessierie chicken

    100 calorie chocolate muffin in a mug with strawberries and reddi whip
    100 calorie blueberry muffins
    Crustless sugar free pumpkin pie= pumpkin, 2 eggs, 1 can non fat evaporated milk, stevia I do aboyt four spoonfuls it is to your taste and pumpkin pie spice
    Halo top πŸ˜›

    This is8 just a few ideas if you watch your ingredients and lables and be honest with logging you can do so much

    *edited by a MFP moderator
  • figurethefat
    figurethefat Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm short, old, but fairly active. When I want to actively lose weight I stay at or just under 1200 calories a day. That said, if I do quite a bit of walking on a certain day I do tend to go over...
    Here's some breakfast ideas:
    1. Canned black beans (put them in the food processor after draining off most of the juice - add a few spices like smoked paprika, cumin, garlic. They are just like refried beans). Bake two corn tortillas in the oven (that's 100 calories), spread each with some black bean mix (30 grams for each tortilla), put on some tomatoes and top with some chopped jalapenos and a light sprinkle of lower fat cheese like edam. All up probably 300 calories.
    2. I often will eat two slices of thin bread toasted and two small eggs poached. Hey it's only about 300 calories and very satisfying. If you want, have just one egg and a slice of lean bacon, with 2 toasts. These things can be switched up and switched around, still only about 300 calories.
    3. A small ciabatta roll toasted, spread lightly with peanut butter (about 15 grams total which is about 1 tablespoon) and 1/2 a small banana sliced on top. Less than 300 calories! Sprinkle some cinnamon on top to make it special.
    4. Tofu scramble (mash up the drained firm tofu with some spices while your veggies saute) - mushrooms, capsicum, zucchini, onion (I don't like it for brekkie) all thinly sliced and cooked in a spray of olive oil in a non-stick skillet. Add the mashed tofu and cook a few more minutes. You could probably still fit in a slice of toast with this and it's really filling. You could do the same with a couple of small eggs.

    Lunch ideas:
    1. Lettuce, lots of it with chopped capsicum, celery, cucumber, tomato, maybe a hard boiled egg if no egg for brekkie, meat or fish or your choice or what's on hand - leftover chicken breast, ham, salami, canned tuna, smoked salmon. You don't need too much just enough to give the salad some oomph. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds and dress with your choice of dressing. I like to use a mayonnaise or creamy dressing. The low calorie veggies make this doable. Depending on your ingredients it should be about 250 calories. I usually have something sweet afterwards like some canned fruit (in juice) with some plain yogurt or chia pudding.
    2. Dahl - this is easy to make, low in calories and filling. Use red lentils, about 1/3 cup cooked in a separate saucepan with water. The red lentils so soft very quick and will be ready when you have finished the onions, garlic and ginger. So while the lentils are simmering away, in a different saucepan heat 2 teaspoons of oil, sprinkle in some mustard seeds, cumin seeds, a few cloves, when the seeds pop add the onions and cooked slowly stirring as needed, add the minced garlic and ginger, finally add some curry powder, mix up and then add a small bit of chopped squash or yam, a small potato and lastly the lentils. They should have broken down and be a thick slurry but you may need to drain off some of the liquid. Cook for about 20 minutes, adding a small chopped tomato after 10 minutes. Eat topped with plain yogurt. This is a rough approximation of one serve, but I make more, usually for dinner and eat it for a few days.
    3. Waldorf salad - chopped apple, chopped celery, chopped walnuts, some grapes or raisins if grapes not in season. Mix plain yogurt with a bit of mayo and some lemon juice, toss, chill eat along with some cold chicken breast. Coleslaw is also good! Easy to make, filling and satisfying. Slice the cabbage thinly and then again to make shreds. Grate in some carrot, add salt and pepper and some mayo. Easy on the mayo but cabbage has practically no calories.

    Over the years I've come to realise that fat is my friend. I used to shun it when dieting but I think it's one of the things that keep us going when we are eating fewer calories. It keeps me from feeling "deprived." So oils, especially coconut and olive oil, avocado, peanut butter, nut butter, nuts, seeds, all these things help. Also full fat dairy like plain yogurt. Oh, and cheese! Feta, swiss, even cheddar, all wonderful in small amounts.

    Happy, healthy eating!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I'm short, old, but fairly active. When I want to actively lose weight I stay at or just under 1200 calories a day. That said, if I do quite a bit of walking on a certain day I do tend to go over...
    Here's some breakfast ideas:
    1. Canned black beans (put them in the food processor after draining off most of the juice - add a few spices like smoked paprika, cumin, garlic. They are just like refried beans). Bake two corn tortillas in the oven (that's 100 calories), spread each with some black bean mix (30 grams for each tortilla), put on some tomatoes and top with some chopped jalapenos and a light sprinkle of lower fat cheese like edam. All up probably 300 calories.
    2. I often will eat two slices of thin bread toasted and two small eggs poached. Hey it's only about 300 calories and very satisfying. If you want, have just one egg and a slice of lean bacon, with 2 toasts. These things can be switched up and switched around, still only about 300 calories.
    3. A small ciabatta roll toasted, spread lightly with peanut butter (about 15 grams total which is about 1 tablespoon) and 1/2 a small banana sliced on top. Less than 300 calories! Sprinkle some cinnamon on top to make it special.
    4. Tofu scramble (mash up the drained firm tofu with some spices while your veggies saute) - mushrooms, capsicum, zucchini, onion (I don't like it for brekkie) all thinly sliced and cooked in a spray of olive oil in a non-stick skillet. Add the mashed tofu and cook a few more minutes. You could probably still fit in a slice of toast with this and it's really filling. You could do the same with a couple of small eggs.

    Lunch ideas:
    1. Lettuce, lots of it with chopped capsicum, celery, cucumber, tomato, maybe a hard boiled egg if no egg for brekkie, meat or fish or your choice or what's on hand - leftover chicken breast, ham, salami, canned tuna, smoked salmon. You don't need too much just enough to give the salad some oomph. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds and dress with your choice of dressing. I like to use a mayonnaise or creamy dressing. The low calorie veggies make this doable. Depending on your ingredients it should be about 250 calories. I usually have something sweet afterwards like some canned fruit (in juice) with some plain yogurt or chia pudding.
    2. Dahl - this is easy to make, low in calories and filling. Use red lentils, about 1/3 cup cooked in a separate saucepan with water. The red lentils so soft very quick and will be ready when you have finished the onions, garlic and ginger. So while the lentils are simmering away, in a different saucepan heat 2 teaspoons of oil, sprinkle in some mustard seeds, cumin seeds, a few cloves, when the seeds pop add the onions and cooked slowly stirring as needed, add the minced garlic and ginger, finally add some curry powder, mix up and then add a small bit of chopped squash or yam, a small potato and lastly the lentils. They should have broken down and be a thick slurry but you may need to drain off some of the liquid. Cook for about 20 minutes, adding a small chopped tomato after 10 minutes. Eat topped with plain yogurt. This is a rough approximation of one serve, but I make more, usually for dinner and eat it for a few days.
    3. Waldorf salad - chopped apple, chopped celery, chopped walnuts, some grapes or raisins if grapes not in season. Mix plain yogurt with a bit of mayo and some lemon juice, toss, chill eat along with some cold chicken breast. Coleslaw is also good! Easy to make, filling and satisfying. Slice the cabbage thinly and then again to make shreds. Grate in some carrot, add salt and pepper and some mayo. Easy on the mayo but cabbage has practically no calories.

    Over the years I've come to realise that fat is my friend. I used to shun it when dieting but I think it's one of the things that keep us going when we are eating fewer calories. It keeps me from feeling "deprived." So oils, especially coconut and olive oil, avocado, peanut butter, nut butter, nuts, seeds, all these things help. Also full fat dairy like plain yogurt. Oh, and cheese! Feta, swiss, even cheddar, all wonderful in small amounts.

    Happy, healthy eating!

    You had me drooling on breakfast1 & 2, Still happy on 3. But you lost me on 4. Lol.

    Guess what I’m having for dinner tonight? Smashed black beans on tortillas! That soup I had planned can wait
    For another day! Thanks for the ideas!
  • skeletalplatypi
    skeletalplatypi Posts: 19 Member
    One of my go-to comfort food meals is an Italian dish my nonna made a lot. It's salsiccia italiana con patate e peperoni e salsa di pomodoro (Italian sausage with potatoes and peppers and tomato sauce). I absolutely love it. I sub the sausage for a chicken based sausage instead and it is around 360 calories for one serving. This morning I made it and topped it with an egg. It's kept me full for most of the day because it has a great carb amount mixed with high protein. It's pretty simple, so not heavy on the stomach but incredibly filling. ^-^
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
  • figurethefat
    figurethefat Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited January 2021
    Another tip - rice can be replaced with cauliflower under curries or Italian type sauces. See the post above re salsiccia italiana con patate e peperoni e salsa di pomodoro (Italian sausage with potatoes and peppers and tomato sauce) - sounds delicious!

    *edited by a MFP moderator