The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 3



  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD: What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    My # 1 gripe is that it takes so long. I know slow and steady is best, but I'm impatient. ;)
    I also hate that it's so hard to stay on point when socializing. Especially when my friends (who are all size 2 or below) can order anything they want off the menu and not gain a pound. All I have to do is just look at the bread basket and I'll gain a pound. So unfair.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD: What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    You really want them all?

    1. It takes so damn long! You sweat buckets and the next day you get up and you look the same.
    2. Same as above only its a week/month/year later
    3. People who don't tell me I've lost weight. I can't see it, I need comformation - I need support!
    4. I hate being hungry and not being able to eat whatever I want. I hate it, really hate it - but thankfully I don't hate it as much as being fat
    5. I hate smelling sweaty all the time and not having enough time or money to have clean fitness gear I can change into every 5 seconds
    6. I don't like the fact I have to rely on only myself to make sure I eat correctly. I know I shouldn't beef about men but seriously - they lose faster, don't have periods, and have someone that cooks and does their laundry for them at home (ok not all but many do) - I have to rely on only me - if hubby cooks my meal forget it - its going to be 1000cal upwards, eating out same deal although I have a bit more control
    7. People who rain on your parade all the time - weight loss is hard work it should be celebrated not rained on.
    8. I hate not having enough time to make myself look presentable, I exercise, cook, clean, work, look after my kids but my hair? Forget it
    9. Its too hard to lose weight - if we could lose weight at double the speed so many people would be much happier including me.

    I love this list Sandra!! It's almost everything I would say..but you just said it so much better!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    I would have to say the thing that I dislike most about trying to lose weight is the fact that it is so hard. Why can't I just be lazy and skinny at the same time?? With that being said, I also respect the fact that it is hard because I appreciate every pound I am losing now and it's teaching me a new healthy way at life!

    I wish I could say I disliked always having to spend so much money buying new clothes because I'm dropping sizes...but who would I be kidding...I LOVE SHOPPING!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    I wish I could say I disliked always having to spend so much money buying new clothes because I'm dropping sizes...but who would I be kidding...I LOVE SHOPPING!

    LOL. Shopping for new clothes is definitely a perk to losing weight. :laugh:
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    QOTD: What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    Oh my . . .
    I dislike that it took me months to get fat and will takes twice as long to get fit
    I dislike that I cannot eat my sweets
    I dislike knowing that I have to make a change in my life style - if I get to my goal weight and stop working out, I WILL gain weight.

    On a positive note, my herniated disc will not hurt so much as I lose weight and I can look forward to wearing my skinny clothes again once I hit my goal weight
  • QOTD 09/09: My first turn to ask a question, and I've been in a bit of a negative mood this week, so want to open this up as a chance to vent. What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    My current annoyances are the constant laundry from sweaty smelly gym clothes and being tired from exercising. :grumble:

    I hate that it takes so long! I hate that it's not easy! lol

    Seriously, it bothers me that it feels like everyone around me is trying to sabotage me. I know they aren't really and I know they support me, but it's hard when no one else around me wants to eat healthy.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    QOTD: Do you eat back your work out calories? Why or why not?

    I don't eat back my exercise calories primarily because I don't have any. Ha ha! Just kidding... kind of. When I do have them, I don't eat them back because it's a bit like extra credit for me. If I am going to eat out or something like that, I try and build in extra calories by exercising but I still try and stay under my allotted calories. It’s more of a mental thing for me and something I did before MFP.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I would have to say the thing that I dislike most about trying to lose weight is the fact that it is so hard. Why can't I just be lazy and skinny at the same time??

    I know, right? Ditto for me!
  • The #1 thing I hate is how much time it takes to lose weight. UGH. But I constantly have to remind myself that it took months and years to put on this weight. When I went to my doctor on 7/11 and he told me I had gained 11 pounds since January, I just about died. But I am grateful it didn't take 6 months for that 11 pounds to come only took a week and a half. Wish every week was that successful!! I also do NOT like calories. Why can't food just not have calories? Who invented this whole burning calories looses fat idea anyways. Blah!! :)
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    OK Ladies! Sorry this is late but I am just getting home from work - working 7 days a week right now :sad:

    QOTD - What is your favorite exercise or piece of equipment?

    My favorite would be free weights - I am just now starting to use them on a daily basis - well each gym day - and I am really feeling the muscle soreness which means I am doing something right!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Favorite exercise or piece of equipment -- this is a tough one....

    Favorite exercise -- is a zumba dance that is swing.

    Favorite piece of equipment is the inner/outer thigh machine.

    Sorry, I couldn't decide on which I like the best...

  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Wish me luck - tomorrow is weigh in

    I added a recipe and put it to share - it is herbed quinoa from Giada @ Home - food network - healthy alternative to pasta or rice
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD - What is your favorite exercise or piece of equipment?

    I love resistance bands. They are very versatile. I can work virtually every part of my body. My favorite resistance band exercise is the triceps raises.

    Shawn_Marie ... Good luck at weigh in tomorrow.
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    QOTD - What is your favorite exercise or piece of equipment?

    Ah, there are quite a few that I like doing that I can no longer do because the gym I go to has no proper weights section. Oh how I miss my nice YMCA in Australia...

    So, out of what I currently do my favourite exercise is playing sport - netball in particular and I've happily joined a team here so my gym efforts make playing easier, a nice bonus for working out hard.
  • QOTD - What is your favorite exercise or piece of equipment?

    Right now, the treadmill. I have on in my basement (bought it back in February) and it's the only exercise I get. Once I lose 20 more lbs. or so, I plan on getting some free weights to start toning and burn more fat.
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Wish me luck - tomorrow is weigh in

    I added a recipe and put it to share - it is herbed quinoa from Giada @ Home - food network - healthy alternative to pasta or rice

    I so LOVE Giada! I'll have to check that out. Thanks for sharing!

    And good luck!!
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm back from lovely Las Vegas and although I'm up about 4lbs, I know it's ALL water weight. So I'm feeling pretty good but ready to get back to this Way of Life. Vegas was fun but NOT my scene really, lol.

    My favorite piece of exercise equipment would have to be.... me! I love dancing so that is my absolute favorite way to work out :)
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    OK ladies - just have to say I made the Herbed Quinoa I got from Giada @ Home; I out too much lemon juice in so it was quite lemony other than that is a nice change - I made another helping of the quinoa without the herbs and lemon juice and added to the original and it took care of the lemon - next time I am going to make it without lemon - since I have all of the herbs fresh in my yard I can probably get away with no lemon and still have a really good dish.

    And have to say "bless his heart" my bf was right there to try it and since he didn't care for it; he nuked a few hotdogs lol - he is a sweety!
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    QOTD - What is your favorite exercise or piece of equipment?

    I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Elliptical machine at the gym. I wish I could afford a super, duper one for my basement.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Could anyone recommend a Zumba DVD I could use at home? I checked one out from the library and I liked it, but probably not enough to buy it. Wondered if you guys have a really cool one you enjoy?