just started the hcg diet, any advice?



  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Not quite sure how you can imply that someone is "that stupid" when you are actually saying that eating 500 calories and NOT exercising is good for anyone's body...for 21 days or 40 days or whatever. Our bodies need exercise and need nuritionment...
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I have not felt hungry, the drops help to control that and you do get a nutritious lunch and dinner as well as 2 pieces of fruit a day. You will be so happy with your results, so just stick with it!! This diet will retrain you bad eating habits (which is what got us here in the first place)

    lady. you are crazy... this is NOT a good way to be healthy----which isn't THAT the reason we are all here??? yes we want to lose weight but also be healthy about it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Prepare to gain back all the weight you shed.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member

    Google it, do a little research, watch the news.... blahblah....

    Drinking a glass of water before you eat would have the same effect,
    So would a big cup of coffee or a protein shake and they'd both be healthier for you.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member

    You lost 18lbs in 21 days using this incredibly dangerous method of weight loss. Cool story bro. I lost 18lbs in just under 2 months...and guess what I'm EATING....about 1600 cals a day. Who's lost more muscle and who's healthier between us? I'll let whoever reads this decide.

    OOOHhhh, let me guess!!! HCG fanatic=losing muscle as we speak, YOU=healthier and happier because your not starving!! Did i win??
  • leslielt
    leslielt Posts: 113 Member
    Hey yall, im on day two of the very low calorie diet (vlcd) along with taking the hcg fusion drops. I have been STARVING the past two days and i am aware that 500 calories is not going to fill me up but I have lost 2.5 lbs already which is pretty motivating. I just need to know if these hunger pangs will go away. or if im just going to keep starving to death haha!
    My advice...quit! But you've heard that one. Check out these links


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Are you seriously trying to mathmatically account for weight loss using only calories?
    Yes because if your claim is that it's NOT water weight, then the weight loss had to come from tissue.
    And comparing my body with that of an athlete who has hardly any fat to spare? Wow. Don't know if I should thank you or not.
    Don't get excited here........I wasn't comparing bodies but caloric usage. If you actually think you burn more calories a day than a Pro athlete, you probably wouldn't have a weight issue.
    But - actually, it's the 21st century.
    And you're using a diet from 1954. What does this have to do with it?
    I think if you check into it you will find that cutting carbs actually initiates fat burning above and beyond the simple calorie in/out equation.
    I don't disagree. Atkins diet does that. Being a bodybuilder, high protein diets have been used since the 1950's for competition. But HCG isn't needed to do this.
    And, FYI - I'm not saying the drops are the cause of my weight-loss, nor am I saying they cut my appetite - it probably IS all in my head. But, I'm on the right track - don't need as much medication anymore and am feeling great.
    Whether or not you believe it's smart or not, to deprive the body of nutrients and exercise through the correct amount of food intake will have a physical impact on your body if sustained for a long enough period of time. It's irresponsible of you to endorse a product that has no peer reviewed clinical studies to back them up. If you saw a teenager that was desperate to lose 10lbs because she wants to be "in" with the girls, would you recommend HCG to her? And if not, then why?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Don't be throwing around your "esteemed scientific journal" mumbo jumbo! My brother's wife's next door neighbor's mailmen's tire guy's wife totally lost 325 pounds in two weeks on it. Just read "Pounds and Inches" then you'll learn how totally freaking rad HCG is!

    But not more than my mailman's sister's lover's mother in law! She lost 100lbs in 10 days!!!! She's balding and walking a in a trance, but hey who gives a hoot if you lost a hundred pounds?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Just the idea that someone would purposely eat so few calories that it is recomended NOT to exert yourself. and think this is healthy???? where is the common sense people.... not to mention the injection of hormones at a time, or in a body the don't belong. don't even get me started. I supposed the drops off the internet are probably 'safer' in that respect over the real thing at the docs office
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    I was on this diet for about 4 weeks, stuck with the whole program and I did feel hungry, after about two weeks it was easier, I bought a second bottle at GNC a different brand than the first bottle and it worked much better curbing the hunger pains. I just drank more water when they came on. I did lose 14 lbs. I am still using the drops but am eating more than 500 calories , closer to 900 and eating different foods that aren't on their diet. I have lost 3 more lbs. I can say that it taught me portion control that I didn't have before I started using it. just don't go back to eating your old way and it may be the kick start you need. it was for me.
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    IM on a similar diet minus the hcg shot with a b12 shot and amino acid pill and strong prescribed multi! 500 cals seems to fill me right up... my diary is public if u wanna take a look... i cheated some days though lol
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    IM on a similar diet minus the hcg shot with a b12 shot and amino acid pill and strong prescribed multi! 500 cals seems to fill me right up... my diary is public if u wanna take a look... i cheated some days though lol

    um no its not
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member

    so yes its dangerous and it works so i would keep on going ur doing great

    He said it himself...:noway:
  • Tyler477
    Tyler477 Posts: 23 Member
    the 2 people advocating this diet are probably people with websites selling the crap.... look the 2nd guy gave his email, I'm sure he will end up sending a letter back with a sales pitch.

    PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP! the internet is filled with scams and 80% are geared towards people trying to lose weight.

    I saw the Dr OZ episode and he didn't really talk HCG down much I don't like that guy he should have bashed the hell out of it.
  • My advice is to give it up, its a scam.

    This. The 2.5lbs you've lost is probably water weight.

    Once you start actually eating again, you will gain it all back. At 500 calories, you are starving yourself.

    You can gain all the weight back no matter how you lose the weight. I"ve lost over 80 lbs eating healthy and exercising only to gain all of it and then some.

    Now that I've been on the HCG diet...even when I've gone off of it I haven't gained any weight back. I even went on a cruise and gained nothing...and I ate and drank. The difference isn't how I'm losing the weight, but my attitude and life changes. I'm eating the most healthy meat and all kinds of veggies.

    I'm learning portion control and more importantly what works for my body and what doesn't. I know how different meats and especially sugar affects me - it's immediate. Plus, the inches that have come off...I've lost 50 inches since I started in February and that's even with the phase of cheating that I went through (and side note: even with the cheating, I didn't gain any weight). I don't have the sagging fat...it is like I'm losing the fat. Most importantly I'm learning so much about my body.
  • well not exactly damgerous like oh ur gonna die!!! :/ no just low calorie
    but theres the 800 calorie protocal which works better
  • Don't do it. The last time they found HGC in my body a tiny person forced his way out of my vagina...It hurt really bad and now he won't leave me alone and keeps calling me mommy all the time.

    This is a great post! LOL!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member

    Now that I've been on the HCG diet...even when I've gone off of it I haven't gained any weight back. I even went on a cruise and gained nothing...and I ate and drank. The difference isn't how I'm losing the weight, but my attitude and life changes. I'm eating the most healthy meat and all kinds of veggies.
    You don't need HCG to figure that out which is why people that tout it somehow miraculously and all of a sudden became aware that they ate bad before. Amazing.
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm on my 4th round of the hcg drops now. I'm down 68 lbs since January 10. Even if the drops don't do anything and I'm experiencing a placebo affect, I do not care - it's working for me.

    In between rounds of the drops I use MFP to count calories - I do the maintenance calories and then switch over to 1200 calories a day.

  • Now that I've been on the HCG diet...even when I've gone off of it I haven't gained any weight back. I even went on a cruise and gained nothing...and I ate and drank. The difference isn't how I'm losing the weight, but my attitude and life changes. I'm eating the most healthy meat and all kinds of veggies.
    You don't need HCG to figure that out which is why people that tout it somehow miraculously and all of a sudden became aware that they ate bad before. Amazing.

    I actually didn't eat that bad before. I wasn't eating cakes and cookies...but I wasn't getting the right portions of food. Also, I was working with a dietitican, writing down my foods and eating exactly what she adviced and wasn't losing the weight. It just wasn't working anymore for my body and I needed something else. I'm not suggesting HCG is for anyone or everyone...it just is working for me and seeing the fast results keeps me motivated. It isn't like I didn't try everything else. I've done Jenny Craig, working with countless doctors and nutritionists...it just stopped working. Stop judging people thinking that we're trying to find the easy way out for this mess we have created. I know this is my mess...and I've been working hard for the past 15 years to take it off. So, don't think this was the first thing I tried.