knee pains

Hello everyone.

my right knee has begun to hurt when i run and i am about to start slightly limping. I believe i overworked it by running. I want to continue exercising....but im not sure if i should continue to push myself to exercise any further. Does anyone have insight on knee pains? what other exercises could i do besides walking? or if i should just continue to exercise like i normally do. which on average i burn a 1000 calories daily.

I would appreciate any info.


  • jimmie25
    my boss is a runner and she ruined her knee with it. she kept pushing herself so much, that she couldn't run/walk properly at all for almost a month. she switched to swimming.. i don't recommend doing anything at all that's hard on your knees at least for a week or two. Swimming is good and as far as I know burns a lot of calories too, maybe not as much as running tho.. But dont run, you wouldnt wanna end up in surgery.. :/
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Swimming sounds like a good one. It might be a good idea to see a doctor if the pain persists for more than a couple of days.
  • jen1036
    You could also try biking. My dad was a runner and ended up messing up his knee and having surgery too. After his surgery he the doctors told him to try biking because it works the legs in a way that puts less stress on the knees. The key, really, is to do a variety of exercises so you're not always putting a lot of strain on the same parts of your body (like your knees) every day. A lot of sports injuries com from repetitive movements, so it's good to mix it up a bit.
  • Fatmumasita
    My left knee is held together with screws so running is out of the question for me but a good exercise is the power plate if you have access to one. It really strengthens the muscles around the knee and increases the bone density.
  • TG55555
    Sore knees...? Try to tone down the impact. Cycle, swim, more walking & less running or run slower and/or run on softer surfaces such as grass, rather than pavements or roads.

    Checked your trainers recently? Apparently, trainers need replacing every six months or so, if jogging regularly...????
    Sounds expensive, but sore knees are a greater price to pay perhaps?

    I also use special cushioned inner soles ( bought from sports shops) to try to reduce the impact on my knees. I've never been able to run through knee pain... "rest or less" seems to cure it.

    Good luck
  • 2001cobra

    I agree with the other people here. The hard rule for any exercise is: if your feeling pain from what you are doing STOP immediately. I did not follow that rule about a week ago an now I believe I have really messed up. My left knee began to hurt while jogging on day but I kept going anyway and by the time I stopped I could hardly walk. Now it clicks when I bend it, even walking. It did not do that before. I believe I may have torn the meniscus. I say that because I tore the meniscus in my right knee years ago and my left knee feels just like my right did then. I have quit jogging and have made an appointment to have it looked at.

    Having said all that... perhaps you have not done any damage to your knee, but if it hurts when you are doing a particular activity and you don't stop, you could very well cause damage. As the other people said, there are exercises that have less impact on your knees such as swimming and biking. I would give your knee some rest (1-2 weeks) and then try one or both of those exercises and see if it still bothers you. If so, you may want to have it looked at too?

    Good luck, I hope it is not anything serious. I will include you in my prayers.

  • claguna23
    thanks everyone for advice