Women Only! Regarding AF & Diet

AF(aunt flow/period/monthly cycle) for any who don't know the lingo.

Who else is great with their diet and sticking to their calories, except when AF visits or is about to?

And anyone have a irresistible craving for chocolate a day or 2 before it arrives?


  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    So far this month, since AF has arrived. I've eaten chocolate the day before AF came, the day I got AF and the day after. I have still been exercising, but have been over my calorie goal the last 2 days.

    I just can't seem to be able to talk myself out of eating the chocolate when I have PMS.

    And then I spend the time after AF has gone, trying to get back some order.
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    im exactly the same i et chocolate the whole way through mine though and i just cannot say no to it otherwise i end up with the right hump lol think lots of women are like it i just make sure im good the rest of the month or try too :)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I must avoid my cravings at all costs. I have a 21 day cycle. TOM last 8 days. I have no rest of the month! Not all days are bad with cravings, but they are frequent!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I do stick to my calories for the day, but I eat a lot more sugar for the day or two before it starts. I find I really can't stomach most vegetables in the couple of days before, and just want protein and sugar.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Here's hoping I'll be fine for the rest of my period. It's about a 5-6 day cycle. Plus, I have no more chocolate in the house and no money to buy more, so that should help.

    I have resisted the chocolate all days except 1 last month, but no so much luck this month. I think it's because I'm extra tired, craving my sugar due to that and have been rather emotional with my PMS. And when I get down and have PMS, I tend to reach for the chocolate.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, in moderation, is actually really good for you. Just a couple of squares as a snack. The reason you crave them is because you need extra magnesium/iron which chocolate has. Plus it's yummy and boosts your mood which tends to be at a low during PMS/your period.
    So I vote: give in! A few squares of chocolate never hurt anyone, just avoid chocolate cake and other foods which contain chocolate but mostly other, bad things.
    I also like melting my chocolate and adding perhaps a tiny bit of milk and dipping fruits like strawberries, pears, apples and bananas :) It's a large snack but if you plan for it and count your calories you should be fine :)
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Try dark chocolate I get the Hershey's big bar I have 4 squares only but it's enough to satisfy the craving it's not too bad in calories and fat. It's better for you! :explode:
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    You know the funniest thing. I can and posted this 'new topic' and then saw the topic directly below mine, which was called 'ladies. Can we just call it our period?' And that just made me laugh, simply because I was using lingo for my period(AF) and my topic just happened to be directly above that subject, without me knowing.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    lexgem - Funny thing is, today, I picked up the 'energy' chocolate, but put it back and decided on Tim Tam's instead.

    Damnit! Should've stuck with the energy chocolate!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Right ladies, thankx for that.

    Next month, I be grabbing the energy chocolate when I get my craving, instead of the Tim Tam's :flowerforyou:
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I have an awful time with Aunt Flow (never heard it called that before..lol) a few days before she visits. Chocolate is usually the craving but last time it was Cape Cod Potato Chips. What's that all about? :noway:
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Haha honestly I think it's fine even if you have something not-so-good. It's really only once a month for a few days and if you're like me you feel like CRAP so whatever helps...
    I've been reading that exercise actually helps, which I wouldn't have suspected, I'm going to try it next time :) That way I can indulge in chocolate with even LESS guilt and if I'm lucky have fewer cramps.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Now I think about it, 2 days before when I was in the supermarket I did buy chocolate despite not having it for a month or two. I just could not resist buying a chocolate bar.

    I didn't know that was linked to when my period was coming!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    what is the obsession with this. jesus christ.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Oh, I go on parenting forums a lot and I didn't used to know what AF even stood for. But I'm so used to the lingo now, I use it all the time. Just forum speak. On the other websites I frequent.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Haha honestly I think it's fine even if you have something not-so-good. It's really only once a month for a few days and if you're like me you feel like CRAP so whatever helps...
    I've been reading that exercise actually helps, which I wouldn't have suspected, I'm going to try it next time :) That way I can indulge in chocolate with even LESS guilt and if I'm lucky have fewer cramps.

    Yeah I did the exercise...down to the supermarket, where I brought the Tim Tam's...I needed a boost to get me up the hill home(at least that was my excuse justifying them) So before I even got near home, I'd eaten 3 LOL! But I did find the exercise nice and refreshing, but then later, I got bored and ate.

    I seem to eat out of boredom as well. That never helps!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Now I think about it, 2 days before when I was in the supermarket I did buy chocolate despite not having it for a month or two. I just could not resist buying a chocolate bar.

    I didn't know that was linked to when my period was coming!

    After getting to the age of 32 and years of getting AF monthly. I myself only just worked out that connection about 3 months ago. And I was like, oh, hmm, that seems to happen EVERY month, 1 or 2 days before I get my period.

    Other things I've worked out, when I have PMS(as in the PMS before AF arrives) Is that I get really tired leading upto it, I get way emotional(not my usual emotional) and things just irritate the hell out of me and I get really pissed off at everything! Then I get my period and all is explained, til next time LOL!
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    So far this month, since AF has arrived. I've eaten chocolate the day before AF came, the day I got AF and the day after. I have still been exercising, but have been over my calorie goal the last 2 days.

    I just can't seem to be able to talk myself out of eating the chocolate when I have PMS.

    And then I spend the time after AF has gone, trying to get back some order.

    Make a guy feel welcome why don't ya?

    (Btw - great idea for a thread, pity nobody else has thought to do one before) AF
  • emma1488
    Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, in moderation, is actually really good for you. Just a couple of squares as a snack. The reason you crave them is because you need extra magnesium/iron which chocolate has. Plus it's yummy and boosts your mood which tends to be at a low during PMS/your period.
    So I vote: give in! A few squares of chocolate never hurt anyone, just avoid chocolate cake and other foods which contain chocolate but mostly other, bad things.
    I also like melting my chocolate and adding perhaps a tiny bit of milk and dipping fruits like strawberries, pears, apples and bananas :) It's a large snack but if you plan for it and count your calories you should be fine :)

    You should try eating raw cacao beans. They're the good thing in chocolate without the sugar and fat. I find they give me a sort of 'zing'/energy boost and I quite enjoy eating them now. At first they were kind of bitter and strange but now I look forward to my daily serving :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i get an incredibly bad craving for sweets when im on AF..
    Unfortunately mine lasts about 8 days, and during that time i get VERY faint!
    And then not only crave sugar but need it not to pass out lol.
    Think its due to loss of blood lol.
    It accidentally started once when i was naked in front of my fiance, and he'd never seen so much blood lol.
    He was trying to get me to go to A&E lol.
    I was like bloody hell this is meant to happen, now go get me some sweet strawberry pencils!!
    But anyway im getting off the point lol..
    I do have alot of chocolate and sugar during AF.
    Im not one of these people that acts different wen im on the blob, or talks about it.
    But people do notice im like what i need this chocolate.
    Thinking if i was a man, we'd be dead by all this blood loss..
    Where do we keep getting this blood from anyway.. =S