Looking for Other moms!

I am a new mom and looking for other moms who are in a fitness/weight loss journey. Feel free to add me and we can share tips, tricks, support and stories!

Good luck on your journey whatever it maybe!
Haylee Settee


  • amoangelus
    amoangelus Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there, I have a five year old and would love more mum friends.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Hi. I'm a mom of 2 back to losing weight and getting healthy. Feel free to add me
  • 93Diana
    93Diana Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, mom of a 7 year old trying to get this body back to where it was 7 years ago and then push further down on that scale. Jumped right back in on here and I’d love new friends, so we can motivated each otherπŸ’œ. Feel free to add me πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
  • johannasburg9819
    johannasburg9819 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey , I’m jo 31 .. i have 12 year old , we both on a journey to eat healthy ... and me to lose my baby weight πŸ˜‚πŸ€£. I don’t really know what I’m doing but I do like to have others around me for support and I’ll try my best to support you .. πŸ˜€
  • BeefStew85
    BeefStew85 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, mom of 3 here (13, 8 and 1). Have a lot to lose, but taking it one day at a time and setting mini goals, so not to get overwhelmed with the long goal. Always open to having new friends! Anyone is welcome to add me 😁
  • cgcdavis7
    cgcdavis7 Posts: 85 Member
    Mom of 3 as well but my two are older so they know to leave me alone during my workouts πŸ™ƒ. My 2.5 year old is another story but he is in training and sometimes does the moves with me, lol. I'm also in school for the time being and doing the homeschooling with the older two. It's definitely a process but worth it! I've got another at least 50lb to go after losing 60 in 2020. Anyone can add me as I'm pretty active and love seeing updates πŸ’• 😊.
  • labebesita
    labebesita Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi, I have a 2y/o and I'd love to join you on this journey :) anyone feel free to add me, I'd love to support each other
  • newmanrochelle
    newmanrochelle Posts: 2 Member
    I am a mom of 2 need tips to loose weight please add me
  • MichAnn1234
    MichAnn1234 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - I'm a mom to an 11 year old and I don't know how I gained so much wait this past year (yes, eating junk and watching TV). Looking for accountability partners who will kick me in the butt.
  • CICOKairalie
    CICOKairalie Posts: 12 Member

    MOM'S UNITE! lol, I have 3 girls and pregnant (due any day now with girl #4 -- 11, 3, 1 and newborn)
    Have a ton to lose, I really just let it all go this last year plus with lockdown and being stuck inside all day with kids who LIVE off snacks... I FEEL YOU GIRL lol

    Feel free to add me, could use the extra motivation to be on more :)
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Mom of 3 here.. 13, 8 , and 3 y/o.
    Homeschooling and trying to squeeze everything in.. always would love to add more moms as well. All are welcome to add me as well, good luck all on your journey!
  • Lisafitmom
    Lisafitmom Posts: 10 Member
    Mom here πŸ€œπŸ»πŸ€›πŸ»
  • kimmie19863
    kimmie19863 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ladies! I have two boys 14 and 13. I've decided I need to get healthy! healthy mind healthy body. Good luck to you all. Only you can make the change you want!
  • Aiv1ys
    Aiv1ys Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sylvia. I just turned 35 and I'm a mom of two. I have an 11 year old and 7 year old. I've been here so many times before. A few years back I managed to lose 50-60lbs but I became sort of obsessive and had to pull myself away from the brink. Unfortunately, that meant, I gained it all back. But, after a lot of work and self reflection, I'm trying again. This time healthier and slow and steady. I'm currently weight lifting and want to add cardio in the evenings, but one thing at a time. I'd love active supportive friends. :)
  • DoryPhish
    DoryPhish Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Dory, I'm 30. I have two kids 11 yo boy, and 6 yo girl. I've been using this app for a while, but just recently have been starting to look at all the other features. I don't know how to add people, so please add me, or message me.
  • PizzaCultz
    PizzaCultz Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm a mom of an almost 5yr old boy. I just turned 30 a few months ago and am determined to finally lose this weight. I'd love some mom friends to support!
  • harleyvalvo
    harleyvalvo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! Mom of two here just trying my best over here! trying to log and track all my food to old me accountable! please add me as a friend! need some more support! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’œ
  • Mtlchick37
    Mtlchick37 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi! I’m a mom of 4 (13 and 2 year old, and 2 step kids who are 10 and 11). I re-joined the gym right before COVID and it’s been shut down ever since. I work from home, and so by the end of the day I’m exhausted and have no motivation to work out but I’m sick of feeling like crap and having a *kitten* body image so I’m looking for motivation and encouragement from others. Please feel free to add me. ☺️