Momma needing to lose it :)

I'm Jill. I just started using MFP and I'm so inspired by all the amazing stories of weight loss on here! You guys are awesome!

I'm 29 and I'm around 100 pounds overweight. I had three kids in 2 years (a set of twins then another baby). My twins are 2 and my baby is 5 months....I feel like I've either been pregnant, breastfeeding, or totally overwhelmed for the past 3 years. I've always been overweight but after my pregnancies, I'm the highest I've ever been. I'm SICK OF IT and ready for a change!

My mantra right now is that it's hard to be fat....and it's hard to lose weight. So I need to choose my hard.

I do need some help/encouragement, though....I started working out hard about 2 1/2 weeks ago. i went from being pretty much sedentary (as in, no extra exercise) to using the treadmill and elliptical twice a day. I guess I expected SOME weight loss....I gained 2 pounds the first week, and since then have only lost 0.6 pounds. I weigh more now than when I started! Is this normal? My husband said it's probably just muscle....what am I doing wrong?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you'd like! I too gained too much weight with pregnancy...and am finally taking it off 5 years later! Know that you are better off doing it now rather than waiting like I did! That said, how are your eating habits? If you're staying within your calorie goals and eating healthy food you should be dropping some weight. I've heard other people talk about gaining a little bit initially, but I never really read much about it because I didn't experience that. I didn't go to your profile, but it's always a good choice to make your diary public if it is not already that way your friends can give you some suggestions on healthier eating habits! Welcome to MFP!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Hello I am a 30 yr old mom of 3 only my kids are older, (13, 11, and 4) when I started my goal was to lose 110 lbs I am now 56 lbs away from that goal (almost halfway there!!) It was the highest weight I had gotten to and before I had kids never really had a problem with weight, feel free to add me if you want, good luck on your weight loss!
  • I'm also a momma who needs to lose it. I've had more time than you to do so (6 year old and 1 year old boys) but I'm finally ready to put my health first! I've been on here two weeks and I love the community, the celebrations, and the fact that I've lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. It is a small feat but it is better than the nothing I've lost in the past year.

    Welcome to the site and hope to hear more about your journey!

  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Maybe nothing! Sometimes it takes a little while to see any significant change...and that can be SO frustrating. But if you are tracking all your calories, staying within your limit and working out, something HAS to give. I also gained many pounds with my 4 kids, but truthfully I was 30 pounds overweight before I got pregnant the first time. My only suggestion is that ff the impasse continues, recheck your food intake and play around with how much you are eating. Too much?? Not enough?? Add more water Good luck. You are so right. There are so many people here who last successfully lost weight and you will too!! Welcome!
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    It's normal. Focus on eating healthy and increeasing your activity level. You body needs to learn that you're changing your life, not running for it (no need to store energy.....)
  • illianjay
    illianjay Posts: 19 Member
    my eating habits DEFINITELY need to be controlled....i think you guys can see my food log, but let me know if you can't. i'm trying to eat around 1200 to 1300 calories per day.

    i'm doing cardio twice a day....20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. do you think it would be better to do 40 minutes all together? i think 40 minutes might just kill me, but i would do my best.

    i'm frustrated because i don't notice a change in how my clothes fit....i don't look like i've lost weight. the only good thing is that i have a lot more endurance....i can run without stopping for a 1/4 mile, then rest for a minute, and run more.
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    My hands aren't quite as full as yours, I only have a almost 2.5 year old. She doesn't keep me quite busy and when she doesn't I have a whole house worth of fun chores, ect.
    I really like your mantra. There's a lot of truth with that statement! Don't get discouraged! No matter how many people believe in your cause, you still need YOU to be your loudest cheerleader!
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    The intervals when your running is great for boosting your metabolism! Pound it out with everything you can muster then slow down, repeat.

    How is the breakup with the work outs with your kids? I believe if your getting in 40 mins total your great! Ive never tried to split up the sessions. I like that idea!
  • hi
    i have 4 little angels...including twins....MFP is sooo what you need ....i am now down to the weight that I was 5 years ago and all in 6 weeks!! i want to get back to something close to my pre-pregancy weight, i had thought that was unrealistic, but now i am getting closer I'm thinking I can do it.....I'm sure you can reach your goals too
  • illianjay
    illianjay Posts: 19 Member
    docHelen---thanks for the encouragement!!! i love hearing that it's possible to lose the weight.

    Nic--I'm actually doing the cardio in the morning before they wake up (around 6:30 if i'm not working, 5:30 if i'm working) and then the second 'dose' after they go to bed, around 8:30 at night. i don't like working out so late, but i just can't do with my girls awake.

    i can occasionally get a little exercise in when my best bud, Elmo, is on...but that doesn't work out most days :)