Gained back weight and feeling down

I know it happens to slip-up sometimes, but I lost 1.2 lbs last week, and I'm up 1.4 this week, so all of it plus a teeny bit more. Any suggestions on staying motivated? I feel like I'm in a slump because I know I'm lacking the consistency I need and recently just have not been able to stick to anything. I would really appreciate any tips at all on how any of you break your plateaus and find that extra push


  • amygibson82
    amygibson82 Posts: 28 Member
    This happens to me sometimes too. The only thing that really helps me is thinking..."today is a new day. I can do this. I WILL do this." Its frustrating I know but you have to tell yourself that it happens and you can get over it! I know they are just words but hopefully they help you :happy:
  • I lost 50 lb. about 5 years ago and have put 15 back on. I know it happens. The key is I HAVE to log my food and exercise at least 3-5 x per week when I want to take the weight off. It is all about being healthy and also fitting into those jeans. LOL
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I hear you when you say it is really hard to stay motivated and you just can't find it in you to keep pushing. This was me a little over 2 weeks ago. I have started a program called couch to 5k and it has really changed my outlook on eating healthy and getting out their to exercise. Not sure if you have heard of it but it is a program to get you from a "couch potato" to running a 5k in a set amount of weeks. I despised running but now I find myself pushing every day because I want to be able to log more burned calories! It has pushed me so much to keep increasing my times and distance that the next day I just want to beat my own times- I LOVE it! If you are interested, here is the website

    I wrote a post about how to try and stay motivated and the responses I got where really helpful... when it is time for your workout they told me don't sit down at the computer/tv/etc just put my workout clothes on immediately and go do my workout. Also, when I don't feel like getting my butt out there immediately I come on here and read the motivational and support threads... this always gets me in the mindset of getting out there.

    As for food, yes I want to eat healthy things that are good for my body but at the same time I look more at that I need to stay inside my calorie amount of 1200. I don't deprive myself of certain foods but if I eat something not so good for me, I have to either a: stay very clean the rest of my day or b: workout to earn some calories back.

    I write myself notes after I finish a workout about how good I feel when I am done. When I can't get my butt of a chair I read those notes and it usually helps me get out the door.

    And always tell yourself, today is a new day and just start fresh each day with a positive mindset! Take one day at a time, it can get very overwhelming thinking about the complete journey you are taking. Maybe make yourself small goals or "presents" you get for yourself, that you would like to reach rather than looking at the big picture. This helps me stay on track.

    Don't beat yourself up over a bad day, just make up for it the next day and start over! Feel free to add me if you would like more motivation :)