Apple watch ekg feature issues

I got an apple watch for christmas and was excited to try out the ekg feature. However, it always says unable to detect afib because my HR is always under 50.

I wish there was a way to change it so that under 50 doesn't get "alerted as low HR" and gives an error for low HR when you try to do the ekg.

I have always had a resting HR under 50, so this is really annoying. Has anyone figured out if there is a way to change it from the 50 minimum?


  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    When you go to settings does it give you any options? Or a spot to in your info??
    if your HR is less than 50 you most likely do not have a fib. Afib is a fast irregular HR.