I want to...but don't REALLY want to.

rachelrox81 Posts: 26 Member
In desperate need of some motivation and self-discipline! Ugh...Also, I hate it when people say, "just wake up before your kids do and workout in the morning!" Because it's so easy to wake up at 5:30 a.m. Uh huh. Is it sad that I'd rather sleep than workout that early in the morning? Nope, what's sad is that I won't get off my butt and do something! I feel like I'm purposefully not even really trying because if I don't start then I won't fail. I always hit a plateau around a certain weight and I'm honestly afraid I won't ever get past it when I get there because I've never defeated it so I have doubts I can even do it. Maybe I have some underlying issue or something. Does anyone have any experiences with seeing a counselor or therapist about these things?


  • Forget therapy, that's another hour sat on the couch!

    Get yourself a personal trainer instead :o)
  • mo1700
    mo1700 Posts: 78 Member
    Sounds like it might help you to think about expectations, if you are slow and steady you eill get there in the end, its not about making unrealistic changes (5.30am no way!) it making small lifestyle changes that are there for keeps, even if you lost 1/2 pd a week that was gone FOREVER just think how that would make you feel and just be kind and compassionate to yourself, you can do it, especially with the help and motivation from people on here, good luck with your journey and remember each journey starts with a single SMALL step ;-)
  • Well, yes. The under lying issues might be that your do not get any "me" time and are feeling stretched into too many directions. Give yourself credit for housework on your exercise posts, I do. My underlying issues are I hate housework so I use it as my exercise. Taking a walk after dinner seems to help me in many ways, I get outside, I get some solitude and I get some exercise. Now, if you need to take the kids with you either in a stroller or on bikes or skates. I have seen a mommies group meet at the park where we live and actually walk laps on the sidewalk with their strollers. Going to the gym never worked for me until I worked a 1 pm to 9 pm shift, then I went to a noon workout, showered there and went to work. 5am workouts? Please. I can't even drive to the gym at 5 am, I'd fall back to sleep. Hope this helps.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I have never seen a counselor so I can't help you there, but you are here so you obviously want to make a change, this community is here to help you reach your goal, there is no reason to be afraid of a plateau in your weight loss, you are climbing a mountain, as with any climb there will be obstacles along they way, you can choose to either conquer that obstacle or return to base camp. Let's say you don't get past the obstacle, you return to camp and try again, the difference is you know you tried. I say try again, when you reach an obstacle, ask for help, motivation, whatever you need and it will be here. There are other people who are facing this same issue, sone will return to base camp and others will push through the obstacle and reach the summit, I think you are one who will push through, who cares how you did in the past, this is the now, so you may have made a few attempts and failed, we all do, the difference is what you do after that failure. Good luck and I hope you continue on. Hopefully that is motivation, the self discipline has to come from you.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    IAlso, I hate it when people say, "just wake up before your kids do and workout in the morning!" Because it's so easy to wake up at 5:30 a.m. Uh huh. Is it sad that I'd rather sleep than workout that early in the morning? Nope, what's sad is that I won't get off my butt and do something!

    Me too! I've got up early once to exercise since I started this a couple of months ago, and that's only because I wanted to go for goodbye drinks in the evening too (and it was quarter to seven in the morning, which is by far the earliest I'm getting up if no-one is paying me to!) You just need to think about how you can best fit things in around you. Ignore the plateau, not being critical but a lot of people on here have 'history' - yo-yo'ers, eating disorders etc - but we are all here because we are confident we can make a long term change - why not try and forget your 'old' plateau and have a fitness goal instead? Is there anything fitness wise you'd like to do but thought you'd never achieve? The weight will go hand in hand then if you are within your cal limits, and help you to not focus on the past by seeing new achievements. You only need to find one hour a day to exercise, and you can do that on the Wii, get out on a bike, go to the gym, rope some friends into a class or even walk fast, it will make a difference (and not at 5.30am lol) Best of luck to you, you can do this, and look hotter than ever! :-)
  • rachelrox81
    rachelrox81 Posts: 26 Member
    @Martinh78 Ha! You're so true.
  • I go for a long walk with Eleanor right after she wakes up when its still a little cool. Usually around 8am or 9am That way its done but I still get to sleep in a bit. Then I get Eleanor to work out with me when we get back. We do pilaties or dance or something and she likes it. I have a hard time working out on Saturday tho.
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