Dieting for a month with little to no exercise =( HELP!



  • JKMunger
    I HATE to exercise as well. It took a lot of effort on my part to try to develop a routine; in fact I'm still struggling. I personally enjoy walking outside. I like it better than the treadmill. I think it is best to find something you enjoy and to set a schedule. If you have to write it down a day planner. I have found that HELPFUL support is really important. My husband encourages me to exercise and tells me he's proud of my commitment when I keep at it. On the other hand, when I'm slacking on my exercise he gently nudges or confronts me.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mini exercises!

    90-Second Calf Raises every morning. DO IT RIGHT NOW! Stand up!

    Feet, shoulder-width apart, like this: | |
    Go up on your toes 25x. Spend about one second per rep.

    Change feet. Point toes outward like this: \ /
    25 more reps!

    Last, point toes inward: / \
    25 reps!

    You will be very sore tomorrow. But do them again ANYWAY!

    Everyday! By day 5, you will stop fewer times and the soreness will be mostly gone.

    Now go find other mini-exercises. :)
  • alexi209
    I would start out walking, I did a bootcamp two years ago, lost 30lbs, quit and went back to the bad habits regained half the weight I had lost. I got to 167, and that motivated me to start walking. My husband got an elliptical for our anniversary. I have been working out doing elliptical, walking, jogging and aerobics on exercise TV on demand and have lost 11lbs since. I only started a month ago. I still have days where I eat more than 1500 calories but I burn so much with the exercise that it makes it ok. I keep myself motivated by being happy with every result. Every week I loose two pounds that makes me happy. My goal is 125lbs this time. I know that I can make it I just have to make small goals to get to the ultimate goal.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    You have to start with what you enjoy. I started with variety of Wii games. Now I go to the gym and do cardio and weights.
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    That's it! I'm going and buying the Jilian Michael dvd! ..
    and thank you EVERYONE for the advice. You have ALL been SOOO helpful! Im going to take the advice from each one of you! Setting small goals for myself, committing myself to be more active, (walking the neighborhood, pushing my kid sin a stroller? YES. ) As a couple of you have saidm, it doesnt have to be horribly hard to be exercise.. right? ;) but, it does if u want results..soon.. right?
    And I am dieting pretty well, and have lost some weight doing just that, but I just REALLY want to be "fit" and that requires the dreaded word......................exercise..... ;)
  • Queeenbosss
    I was the same way...but every time i look in the mirror it reminds me of how i dont like what i see and i WANT to change it.......i started off with a 1.5 mile walk M-F ( i walk my son to school so we get the chance to talk and before it knew it, i had walked 1.5 miles without the pressure of having to exercise) thats about 7.5 miles per week, and i have recently inducted slidercise into my workouts.....M, W and every other Sat....its so fun, dancing for 80 mins and it does not even feel like a work out but you are def working out, sweating and all but its fun cuz im with the ladies and we bringing OUR SEXY BACK together.....but if your mind and heart are not into it, you will fail every time............good luck to you and hope these small suggestions might get ya going....
  • Pamplemousse86
    Pamplemousse86 Posts: 2 Member
    Find something you ENJOY doing so it won't seem like exercise. Do yoga. Start dancing. Ride a bike. Go rollerblading. Go for a walk or a hike. Swim. Try Zumba. Exercise doesn't have to be time at the gym, or doing fitness programs (but if it's something you like, do it!) And find a workout buddy (even if it's just to go on a walk). It's harder to ditch when someone's waiting for you. Good luck!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Try going walking. . .or I love yoga. . dance dvds are fun. . then it doesn't feel like so much of a workout.. until you get into the groove. . :bigsmile:
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,639 Member
    Oh yeah, I was in the exact same boat! I wound up hiring a personal trainer who came to my home twice a week (whether I wanted her there or not! haha) She made it fun and not boring at all.... and because of her, I was inspired to not only do a sprint distance triathlon, but to become a personal trainer myself!

    The hardest part is just showing up. I agree wholeheartedly with all the other posts - find something you like to do. Something in the dance genre sounds like it would be fun, like Zumba or Jazzercise, or maybe kickboxing or some other martial arts? Water aerobics, or even just walking in the water is also fun. Just try stuff.

    You can do this, and I have to say, most people when they start out hate exercising too! Hey, I'm a trainer and I still don't love exercising!
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Sounds sooo familiar! Trying to find the time with my little one is hard! To start just try and sneak it in where you can. :smile: give yourself a small goal with a reward if that'll help. I'm a purse junkie ( accessories always fit!!) so I've tried that reward before but it can be anything! A top, massage, shoes ect. Keep positive mamma!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I watch TV while I workout, or watch Netflix on my iTouch. That helps with boredom. I also read magazines.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I already know I won't stick with anything if I don't disguise it as fun so I do my Wii games and I have started trying out local Zumba classes to find one I like.
  • dedicated2010
    I agree with others who have posted that the first 10 minutes are the thoughest. I work out 6 days a week and often start thinking, I am tired, can I do this tonight. I am a mother and wife and work outside of the home full time. But working out each day helps me sleep better, gives me more patience and makes me happier. Feel free to add me and or message me for support or more information about my workouts.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    water aerobics. Couldn;t be any easier. Also walk away the pounds videos are great.