Good Morning

Hi I'm new to myfitnesspal. Just trying to stay motivated and determined to get this weight off!


  • shawnaha
    Good luck.... I really like the website because I use the app on my phone and I ALWAYS enter my food into the diary. My mom is on it with me (she only uses the website- no smart phone) and she had plateaued with her previous weight loss plan. Now she is down to her goal weight since being on here. BUT we both log in every day which helps motivate us because we know that the other one will hold us accountable. I have other friends that miss a lot of days in a row and stop recording their weight when it goes up and they don't do as well. I hope you find this website helpful but its all in the way you use it- and everyone is different too with what works for them with weight loss.
  • littleenginethatcan
    Hi there! I am new to MFP as well. So far, I am impressed by the support, motivation, and encouragement I have seen. I love that. I am using the food and exercise log, which is helping me stay focused as well.

    I know we can do this!