I Need motivation to loose weight

Hi all
Does anyone has hidrate spark water bottle? Fitbit? Switch ring fit adventure or not.. I Need motivation to loose weight let’s help each other


  • xayles
    xayles Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2021
    I have a polar fitness watch. I have never been that active and used to tell myself that I had to do half an hour's jogging every day but I could never get into a pattern where I could sustain it.

    This year I have started just trying to get to 100% of my activity every day. And it seems to be working for me. I started 2nd Jan and have only failed two days. The first I just wanted a break and the second I got to 96%. If I have time before work I will have a 25min jog on the spot in the living room which usually gets me to 37%. If I finish early I stick on some music or an audio book (Harry Potter ATM) and walk the long way home which takes me about an hour.

    Later on in the evening I have a go on my ringfit for about 15 mins (active time not sure about actual time) and then if I still need more activity I round it off with another jog.

    So far this year I have lost 5lbs.

    I also try to eat 1400 calories a day. But I am a short woman. MFP recommends 1220 calories but I find that I can't cope with that.

    Oh, I also keep a cold (740ml) water bottle in the fridge for when I do jog. I usually drink most of that.

    And I have a playlist that I like to jog to.

    I count songs while jogging instead of minutes. I tell myself every song lasts 3 mins and that seems to make time go faster for me. (Most of my playlist songs are longer).

    I do not look at the time while jogging.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    no water bottle or tracking device is going to motivate you. Motivation comes from within, and its different for everyone. I do it for MYSELF. no one else. not my husband, or kid, or society. ME. Others have motivation from health concerns or other external reasons.

    Some, find motivation from having like-minded friends. Whether on here, or in real life (or both). While I don't know that I would call that motivating, I do find it encouraging, although I use my status updates here to yammer on about our farm and dogs and apparently yesterday, *kitten* about my idiot sister in a safe space. So, somewhat like facebook in some ways, but minus (most of lol) the *kitten*. My favorite friends are the ones who use it the same as I do, and we comment on statuses and largely ignore the automatic daily posts about diaries closing and workouts and such. Some like to comment on those things but for me its like saying I brushed my teeth. its assumed you did and isn't noteworthy. I rarely look at others diaries unless they have a question or problem that the diary may answer OR if they say things that lead me to think they may have disordered eating habits. There is one person on my list that I am watching closely because I think they are dangerously under eating and I am trying to decide if its purposeful or just a random period in time ( I have days where my calories are super low but its certainly not the norm). I will not comment as such to them, but I do remove people, quietly, when I notice it. Most of my friends are older though, and its not as common for that demographic (still happens though on occasion).

    I wear a fitbit and have for years but all it does is track my activity for me. It doesn't motivate me. It is an object, a gadget. nothing more nothing less and not having it would make no difference in my activity.
  • Whatsthemotive
    Whatsthemotive Posts: 145 Member
    I’m only about a month in, so I guess we don’t know yet whether my motivation will hold, but I’ve set a goal that is not scale or dress size or appearance based. I want to be able to travel to visit my daughter who lives overseas and walk enough to participate in seeing the world she lives in. That’s more important to me than whether I look good for an event. I’ve tried that as a goal and it didn’t work.
  • quievala
    quievala Posts: 6 Member
    Hi how are you doing? I'm going to be doing a lot of chinups and dips over the next few months so am wondering if you guys have any advice on how to do them?
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,287 Member
    gadgets are not going to motivate you lose weight. they're great for information seekers who love to chart and measure the stuff you just have to do to lose weight.
    The single thing or gadget you should have is a food scale.. start weighing your food to get portions right. Now..that little gadget will change the game for you.