New at trying


I am going to try to lose weight and I believe this is the first time that I have really cared to try. I have heard from many that it is very hard because I am very over weight. You would be surprised how many people take away all hope from you when you are very over weight. Many of you can’t relate. So here it goes, and wish me luck.


  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Dude, deciding to do something is the hardest part.

    The decision is daily regardless of yesterday's success or failure. Just keep deciding to do and you will do it.
  • john_spencer_james
    Thanks, I was doing good, but my sister talked me into having a pice of her homemade banana cream pie. But I will do better and keep trying. At least I only had one pice where before I would eat half and she would have the other half.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited January 2021
    Thanks, I was doing good, but my sister talked me into having a pice of her homemade banana cream pie. But I will do better and keep trying. At least I only had one pice where before I would eat half and she would have the other half.

    All progress is good progress! Nice job! You can have treats in moderation. Just fit them into your calorie target.

    Read this post. It’s a great place to start!
  • DavWillTry
    DavWillTry Posts: 76 Member
    edited January 2021
    I've been very overweight for many years and couldn't convince myself to start. With everything shutdown from Covid, I realized I had a chance to think really long term. I don't expect to reach my primary goal for over a year and a quarter. But what else do I have to do? So I started Jan 3 and am down 4 pounds.

    You can do it, John! Now is a good time to start.

    But, yeah, those well meaning relatives... what ya gonna do? :)

    You would be welcome in our group, too.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Moderation is the key.

    But sometimes we need to go cold turkey to teach ourselves who is boss.

    You know yourself best.
  • john_spencer_james
    Thank You all. I guess sometimes the road can get bumpy.🙂
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,619 Member
    Maybe you'll be surprised how many people CAN relate. You shouldn't be. We're all here for a reason.

    But one thing you're discovering is that TODAY is the best day to start. There is no such thing as tomorrow; all we have is today.

    There's a lot of good tools here to help you succeed. What are your short and long term goals? What strategies are you putting into place to make sure you meet them? Slow and steady is a good approach; this isn't a thing you do and are done, because once you lose the extra weight, you have to be ready to adopt a lifestyle to keep it off.