Seeking Motivational Friend - Mom of littles, 60lbs to loose

Hi there,

My name is Sylvia. Is anyone out there interested in becoming friends to support one another?

I'm a 30yr old mom of two little ones (3 and 1). I'm 214lbs and have been on a journey to loose the weight for 3 weeks now.

My final breaking point (and push to loose weight) was because my husband and I just miscarried our second baby in a row. I'm beyond devastated. I've been through so much this year... I'm desperate to turn over a new leaf. I also just turned 30 and want the next ten years to be so different. This is my chance. I'm going to do this.... I just don't want to do it alone.

Please God... let me find someone who can help me through this who GETS it!

Thank you ♡


  • GrnBelPepr
    GrnBelPepr Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Sylvia!

    I’m a mom of littles (1.5 and 3.5) too. I also work as a nurse full time and REALLY want this year to be my year of health. I’m tired of feeling tired and over weight! I also am not getting any younger (35) and know that I need to be healthy for my heart and lungs too.

    Nice to meet you! Let’s support each other!

    What are you doing for weight loss?? I am trying to stay under calories and am working out at least 5 days a week. I usually give myself a free day of tracking but I’m still conscious of what I eat.

    Let’s do this!! 😃
  • littlelambsathomedaycare

    Yes please!

    Is there a way to connect besides this community page?!

    I'm currently just trying to workout maybe 4 days a week. I run a home daycare so I'm pretty busy most days too. So I'm currently working out to Heather Robinsons videos on YouTube while the kids either try to help me or play haha. It's quite comical watching me workout with four kids around me. But... you do it!!

    I also just got a fitbit to help me track things properly! So that's fun! But I'm so determined. This is it for me. I'm making a change. Especially since I would like to have more kids... I need to let my body heal and get back to a better place!

    I'd love to chat a few times a week if your interested. I need someone who understands all the work that this goal will take!!
  • cvdub16
    cvdub16 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi there! I am also a mom with little ones.

    I am 36 and my husband and I are a blended family so we have 5 kids all together, we share 4 of them with the other parent and just our almost 2yr is the only one that is with us 24/7. I also work full time supporting an entire car dealership and the Finance department mostly. I defiantly have been struggling with finding the time to workout or even just go for a walk. Also eating a balanced and healthy diet is hard too. I am always so worried about making sure the house and the kids are taken care of I forget about myself.

    I would love to try and help you in anyway I can and I also could use some help myself! But you got this!! :smiley:
  • RhondaB89
    RhondaB89 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, I'm in the same position as you. I'm a 31 year old with three kids(9,6,2). I started my weight loss journey 2 weeks ago at 210lbs. I set small goals that are easy to get. My first goal is to get to 190lbs, then 180, 170, and finally 160lbs.

    I really do enjoy logging in this app and reading what people type to support each other. I tend to boredom eat, so I go on this app and read when I start to crave boredom eating.

    Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • AxBCecil
    AxBCecil Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi! I'm Amber...I'm 35 and I have 4 little girls: 12, 7, 4, and 2 (well one's not so little, she'll be 13 in a month!)...I am just starting out on this journey and I'm not even sure how much I weigh... but I know I have at least 60 lbs to lose and it's daunting! I'll find out exactly how much today when my scale gets here...aaaaah!
    I have found, as a recovering alcoholic as well (almost 3 years completely sober!) that helping someone else, and letting someone else help me, is the key to success at anything, and I'm looking for that kind of community here.
    So far, I've been able to stay under my calorie goals by rock climbing, walking, and drinking lots of water, but I know my biggest weakness are complacency and lack of consistency. I think making friends will help me stay accountable and motivated!
    I don't really know how to reach out on this thing yet, but feel free to friend me or send me a private message. Let's do this together!