pigging out once a week?



  • Very well said....if we make it too much of a restriction on ourselves, it's a recipe for failure.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have always had a treat meal (not a whole day) once a week as my boyfriend and i like to eat out so it fits in my social life well.

    I wouldnt have a whole day, as you can easily rack up a few thousand extra calories, but one meal where i dont worry about calories did me no harm in losing 14 pounds in 12 weeks.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I think maybe a cheat meal is more something people should do-if they decide to cheat at all. Many people I've seen on here, and myself as well, get to the point where those foods that would be used for cheating just aren't satidfactory any more. I personally love pizza thin crust and without cheese-covered in veggies-not something I can always get here so I just don't eat it. Personally I believe that 'cheat' calories should be used only when really necessary such as a wedding, BBQ, potluck etc.-a time when it totally sucks to be that person who devours the veggie tray then awkwardly stands in the corner starving while everyone else is getting a taste of all the delicious food there is. Just remember, this deosn't mean go overboard either. Just learn to enjoy your food and where it comes from, but also learn to appreciate the exercise and hard work it take to lose those calories as well.
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    I've heard that too. BUT..for me...once I have a "pig out day" it usually turns into a pig out week, month, year....

    I agree. It then gets hard for me to get back on track. I have to work hard to re-lose the weight I gained from my pigout session. Instead, I'm now trying to incorporate small treats each day so I don't feel so deprived.
  • everything in moderation is a good way to look at your personal diet. diets are inaffective and will leave you feeling like **** 90% of the time. if you want a brownie make sure you take the "low fat" approach. And remember you are what you eat and listen to your gut if it sounds like bs most the time it is. have a good one
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I've read a little bit about the metabolic confusion type of diet. They recommend increasing calories at certain intervals, then decreasing them again. I don't think the approach would work for everyone. I also don't believe in eating crap one day a week. If you want to try confusing your metabolism, just have a larger-than-usual pasta meal once a week and see what that does. It is what my trainer has recommended to me.
  • I don't "pig out" because I wouldn't consider what I'm doing a DIET. It's really just a lifestyle change and an effort to be more aware of what exactly I'm eating and the quality of it. USUALLY one or two days a week, however, I will not follow as strictly as I do the rest of the week. For instance, if I know I'll be having a few beers on a Friday night, I stick to my diet for breakfast and lunch, but I know once I have a few beers I'll go over anyways so I just don't stress on it.
  • I've read a little bit about the metabolic confusion type of diet. They recommend increasing calories at certain intervals, then decreasing them again. I don't think the approach would work for everyone. I also don't believe in eating crap one day a week. If you want to try confusing your metabolism, just have a larger-than-usual pasta meal once a week and see what that does. It is what my trainer has recommended to me.

    Excellent point...it's called calorie zig-zagging. It's what I did through my entire 43 lb. loss. Also it's what I attribute my muscle gain to as well.
    As we all know, muscle is the key to fat loss....if we lose muscle we slow our metabolism and that's a bad scenario
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I do a cheat day a week, usually on a weekend when I'm out with friends or family. It makes socialising and being on a diet a breeze. I still log calories and do a lot of exercise on these cheat days.

    I look at my calorie intake over a week, so I average around 1400 daily. This works brilliantly for me.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    I will eat all my work out calories once a week as my pig out day.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    There is some science to this, its not a totally unfounded point, BUT some things to note:

    -your body has a certain amount of calories it burns everyday, just due to the fact that you are alive. This is the energy from sleeping, signals being sent throughout the body, and blood flow (not really so much so for your heart actually sustaining pumping, but the blood traveling)
    -ontop of that your base calorie usage, everything you do in a day, typing, walking, driving, sitting, even thinking burns calories

    With these two above things, we have established our Daily Calories Burned. For this explanation, lets say the daily amount you burn is 2,200 Calories (as per the FDA)

    Now everything you eat adds calories. So lets say combing your breakfast, lunch, and dinner (plus snacks), you eat 2,200 calories, which is known as our Gross Calories for the day. If we subtract our gross calories from our Daily Calories Burned, we get a number of 0, or 0 net calories. What this means is for the day, we did not gain, or lose any calories, in otherwords no weight change.

    With diet and exercise, we are changing those two variables, inorder to get a lower net calories, meaning more weight loss. So if you are eating less/healthier, that means you will have a lower gross calories, maybe of 1800. So 1800-2200 (daily calories burned)=-400. Just the same is true with adding exercise, you are making you Daily Calories Burned even higher, to make your net calories even lower, causing more weight loss.

    Im assuming everyone knows what I just posted above, but its important to say before moving into my main point.

    When your body gets used to a decreased calorie amount, it decreases the amount of calories it burns in a day. For example, if you are on a diet of only 1,600 as opposed to your old 2,200 calorie diet, you body may lower its Daily Calories Burned to somewhere like 1,800. That difference of 200 calories may be causing weight loss, but not as much as it did on the 2,200 Daily Calories Burned.

    The idea of a cheat day is that you eat more than you typically would, in hopes that your body will go back to a higher Daily Calories Burned. For example if you body is at the 1,800 calories and you trick it into going up to 2,200 calories, you will be bruning an extra 400 calories once you return to your diet again. So in idea, with a cheat day, you are trying to get your body to sustain that higher Daily Calories Burned, causeing faster weight loss


    This can be dangerous if done wrong. The reasoning is this: Lets say you go all out, and on your cheat day eat 3,000 calories, which is 1,400 than the 1,600 calories you ate yesterday, almost double. The problem is without proper exercise (which increases not only your Daily Calories Burned, but also your metabolism) and other elements, you could actually GAIN weight. The reason is if you were eating 2,200 calories like you were prior to your diet, and then one day ate 3,000 calories, thats only a 800 calorie gain. If you are eating a 1,600 calorie diet (Daily Calories Burned of 1800), that is a 1200 calorie gain, which is significantly higher.
    Most people overdo cheat days, and thats why their benifits are normally lost or pointless. If you wanted to do a cheat day, increasing by only 400 calories or so is a safe bet, because it will increase your Daily Calories Burned, without causing any real potential for weight gain.

    Just as well, sometimes one day alone isnt enought for your body to react to the increase in calories. The best option really is to go for a zigzag diet. This is where you pretty much go 2 days with a higher calorie diet, than 3 lower, 2 higher, 3 lower. An example would be something like maybe going 2 days eating 1,800 calories, then 3 at 1,400. This will sustain a higher calories burned, but will not have any real potential for great weight gain.

    Wow that was a long post, hope it helped
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I will eat all my work out calories once a week as my pig out day.

    Very good way to do it
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    if you are pretty overweight there is really not a huge need for a cheat day other then psychological reasons and diet adherence, they are more beneficial for leaner people who have been on prolonged diets

    here is one of many takes on it

  • Doesn't make sense to me. Why ruin what you have worked hard for all week. I believe it's ok to occasionally have a treat but everything in moderation. If I feel like having chocolate I have a square of the bar instead of the whole thing. I am learning to make life style changes because if I don't when I get this weight off I will only end up putting it back on again and it will be harder to try to maintain my ideal weight.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't take a cheat day, but I will go over my calories if I have a good reason and I'm otherwise on track.

    I like the fat2fit podcast's idea on lifestyle change -- a thin person will eat a big dinner or order dessert once in a while, but they don't let it trigger a binge and they make up for it with a little less food or more exercise during the rest of the week.

    On the other hand, I have a buddy who has been doing Body For Life for years, and has kept the weight off with a combination of crazy eating rules 6 days a week and a free day once a week, so I guess it works for some people.
  • I haven' t went off track and have lost 40lbs in 8 weeks! I will however if I am really wanting dessert or something I will order a dessert...take one bite, and have them throw the rest away. I know it sounds like a waste of money, but honestly it was worth the few dollars just to get the flavor! And since a bite isn't many calories it shouldn't trigger any relapses! I have a problem with that! I obviously had/have an addiction, and everyday I'm closer and closer to overcoming it!! As for a whole binge day...I wouldn't! If you stop thinking about the crap food you will quit craving it!
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    I've heard that too. BUT..for me...once I have a "pig out day" it usually turns into a pig out week, month, year....

    thats true for me too!!! ...and thats why we are MFPers LOL
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    To me this sets a person up for seeing food as a reward instead of the nutritional energy that it is. Why not reward yourself with doing something you've meant to do but don't make time?
  • My husband lost 25 lbs and got at a standstill no matter what he did he stayed the same weight. I asked a phamacist friend about it. He didn't say to pig out all day, but said he should try to eat one big meal a week, and he started loosing again.
  • This is my first time trying to really diet and I think if I eat a big meal I will not be able to stay on track.