Turbo Fire starting 9/12/2011

So here I am I have been on MFP for almost a month, I have bought, Turbo Fire a Heart Rate monitor and a new sports bra. I have used every excuse in the book to not start on this turbo fire schedule, i have done a few of the classes but not consistantly, I went on vacation.. I had to do communtiy service... My son got sick, So here I am with no more excuses!!! I am starting FOR SURE on monday heres the plan im going to get up at 8 am (wich when you work till midnight, and dont go to bed till 2 that is pretty early) drink my cup of coffee and do the damn thing, if there is anybody out there who has been putting off starting it maybe we can do this together, use eachother for support, or even if there are turbo fire users out there who have been doing it already I could sure use the motivation to do this. Im sooooo ready for this change, Just trying to kick but my gear into doing it!!!


  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I would love to know if that dvd is any good. Anyways good luck...you'll do great!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Getting started is the hardest part. I am on week 16 and have stuck to the schedule. It is wonderful, it becomes addicting. I have lost almost 30 lbs, and down 4 sizes since i started it.

    Make it a NON-Negotiable part of your day. So i stay on track, I get it done before work, so I can't make excuses. It also helps me eat healthy, along with tracking my calories. After a great workout, when tempted with junk, i rethink it, saying to myself, you do not want to undo the hard work that I did that morning.

    Get started, you will not regret it!!! I have 4 1/2 weeks to go, then it is Insanity for me.

    Good luck and add me if you wish
  • kmartinko
    I would love to start with you. I got the program and did a week, but I am starting over on 9/12/11. I got the program and started it on a Friday. I did week 1, but not on the correct days. I'm in!!! So far I LOVE it!!!!

    I've lost 5lbs and have about 24 or 25 to go.
  • btah02
    btah02 Posts: 15 Member
    ]Hey, You will love it once you get in the groove. I am on Week 9 of my third rotation. I have had the program since it came out in July 2010, and I couldn't live without it. If you love music and really get into it, you will love this. The endorphins you release when you are done, gets you addicted! You really do look forward to that feeling. It will take a bit to get the routines down, but once you get them down you can put much more into it, I found that I used more energy trying to hold myself back then just going all in. Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sassy4loss
    Just got mine today and would love to join the group! Mother of three trying to drop 25-30 lbs!
  • sassy4loss
    READY , set , GO!!!
  • Ajbays10
    Ajbays10 Posts: 39 Member
    I Did it yesterday, Struggled to say the least, was going to get up early this morning to do day 2 but just so happend to sleep through the alarm so i will do it tonight before i got bed so far so good :)