Positive, but real, accountability

I really want to meet my cal goals. I log but overeat. I would love for friends to comment on my feed stuff like, "I see you went over, try to swap that brownie for an apple" and I would do the same.
About me:
Vegan (not 4 nutrition), 5'5, has a yr old baby, down to about 180 from 220 postpartum, short term goal is 169 and long term is 155 (which would make me "normal' bmi)


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    or you could make room for a brownie? i eat oreos every night. 130 pounds down.

    and if someone tried to take my oreos from me we would no longer be friends LMAO

    you are welcome to add me if you want. I will cheer you on and when you have a bad day let you know that that's okay too and tomorrow is a new day. But honestly, I don't look at diaries often. and never comment on it unless someone has ASKED for my opinion. Being asked for an opinion is really the only time I will look and comment, UNLESS I think someone is dangerously and purposely UNDEReating. Even with those, I will not comment, however I do quietly remove them. I will not condone dangerous habits.

    The one thing (cause yes, I peeked) I would recommend.... invest in a food scale (they are not expensive) and learn how to weigh and log your food accurately. In time, it comes to matter, though right at the beginning most people have a little more wiggle room :)
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me.

    I also am vegan (not for nutrition). - Personally, I would not want people to tell ne to not eat what I did eat as even my occasional overeating is a decision I make and not something that is just happing without my thinking about it in advance, but I would be happy to be a bit of a "friendly nag" for you if you believe that can help you.
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend but I must admit I don't usually look at people's diaries. Also, just to throw another opinion in there - if you're logging everything but still going over then you're already able to see where you could reduce your calories, so would someone else also pointing that out really help?

    So, why do you think you're going over? Are you having cravings for certain foods? If so could you build them better into your daily allowance, treats are not a 'bad' thing, especially if you're aiming for a longer term plan. Is it because you're still feeling hungry at the end of the day? If so, maybe look at whether you could swop in some more filling/protein heavy options to keep you feeling full for longer. Are you giving in to snacking habits? If so, maybe you could put a plan in place to try and break that cycle.

    These are personal things to you, that an outsider is probably not going to able to just point out without knowing you better - they are totally things that YOU can consider though, and there's still plenty of support here to help you do it xx
  • MissMarie140
    MissMarie140 Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me, I'll try to help! I've had some success losing weight but I still have a ways to go.
  • mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12
    mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12 Posts: 204 Member
    It’s great to have friends cheering you on. But ultimately if you want to lose weight and keep it off for life you have to find motivation within yourself. You also have to find a way of eating you can stick to, forever. You probably want brownies to feature in that way of eating somewhere.

    It sounds like you know how to make healthier choices, but perhaps you’re not choosing to make them. Only you can do that part, so take a look at what you’re asking yourself to do. Is it realistic? Is your target calorie goal to low? Are you trying to cut out foods all together? Devise a plan that you can stick too. That might mean slower weight loss, but that’s ok because you’re aiming for forever not fast.

    I’m a vegan, I have been for over 20 years. I will be glad to answer questions and give my opinion if you find that helpful, but no one else can commit to being accountable for what you eat.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Feel free to add me. Sharing the dairy log is an excellent accountability tool. My friends and I on MFP comment on all posts. 😉👍