The 5 year battle!

In 2017 I was at my heaviest at 375lbs! I was diagnosed with acute type 2 diabetes, had high blood pressure, and through the roof triglycerides. The diabetes was my wake up call! I never knew I would get it and I always thought it couldn’t happen to me!

I’ve done every diet under the sun...keto, Atkins, weight watchers, intermittent fasting, noom, low fat 1,200 calorie! The only one that seemed to do it for me was restricting the calories! I got down to 298lbs for the first time ever! Then I relapsed....I shot back up to 340lbs.

On November 27th of this year I went to the doctor to get my ear cleaned and the doctor issued me another stern warning. My blood pressure was again out of control. I made the choice to just stop and get myself back into check. I love the MFP tracking app and use it for everything! This go around I have just been keeping calories at 1,200 and watching the macros and SODIUM!!!

I am now at 285lbs and keep on trucking! My blood pressure is back down to 112/72 and I’m feeling great! Also my diabetes is gone with a A1C of 5.5.

I’ve found a lot of recipes that I’ve tailored for low salt and are bi-weekly staples! What I desperately want is a good tasting, low calorie overnight oats recipe! All the ones I find online are high calorie or loaded with sugar! I found the golden overnight oats w/ blueberries recipe on here. Easy to make and if has all the points I am looking for, but it is fairly bland!

Good to meet all of you!!


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Welcome to the MFP forums @k_robeson 👋🏿

    The 1200 calorie floor is for women whereas men have a 1500 calorie floor. For long-term sustainable health reasons, you may want to look at adjustments. Also, TDEE can be recalculated as your body's needs change while the exercise and nutrition habits change.

    As for the golden oatmeal recipe 😋 ... it's so good! I added freshly grated ginger to mine (and I used freshly grated tumeric too). You may want to play with vanilla and/or sea salt (or smoked salt) to amp up the flavour even more. Mind you, if sodium intake is a concern then stick to a good vanilla essence.
  • bettysboops03
    bettysboops03 Posts: 13 Member
    You are doing amazingly well. Well done you✨👍✨
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member
    I often make mine with a flavoured non-dairy yoghurt and add some fruit to the top, sometimes I will add a few dark chocolate chips too.
