I ate a box of donuts...how was your day?

Well, not exactly a boxful but I did stuff my face with about 3 cream filled delicious donuts and it was worth it.

The past three months or so we've been changing our diets to a more vegetarian lifestyle and also trying to eat non-processed food. It's really really hard and the little cheats that I allow myself to eat do not ever satisfy. But today I really let go and man it felt good. Don't get me wrong, I realize that I consumed 1200 calories and I felt a sugar rush (don't ever remember having one of those) and then that crash and feel that I should not have done it but I needed that and now I can move on.

I just needed to free my guilty conscience with this post. Thank you for listening.


  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    You're welcome for listening........now brush that powdered sugar off those lips and get back at it tomorrow.............playday is done~! lol (by the way......one of those donuts you consumed for me..........thank you~!)
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Mmmmm.......sounds delicious!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I bought donuts for the kids and didn't have a bite.....
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I consumed a large amount of chocolate almonds. I logged it all - but, dang were they ever good. ;)

    Course, I made sure I waited until AFTER dinner (chicken on the grill and a bowl of salad with lotsa veggies), but I still ate them and had I NOT run out of them... I would have enjoyed more of them!
  • bharkin712
    Texas Patriot ,

    We are here to listen...any time. I messed up on my diet big time today. I exceeded my proteins, didn't eat nearly enough carbs or fat. Oh well. I wish I could find a place where I can ask for the site to show me all the high cars and fat with no protein foods. :-)
  • bobbie228
    Ba ha ha I love this post! I couldn't figure out what ele to eat today and needing something and well I ended up with a fresh Grilled T-Bone Steak! At 830pm lol! Thanks for eating a donut for me though!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I've noticed that I tend to binge on stuff I lack during the week. Especially fats. You might need to add more fat to your diet?
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Cheat days are good for you.....just as long as they aren't very often......gives your metabolism a scare and for me I will actually lose weight! But just don't do it very often!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    As I read your post I'm staring at a cupcake advertisement on the right-hand side of my screen. Man! Does it look yummy! But honestly, we all have those days. Just get back on track tomorrow and you'll be fine. :wink:
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Tomorrow is another day! Glad you feel better...
  • pokyfamily
    Well, not exactly a boxful but I did stuff my face with about 3 cream filled delicious donuts and it was worth it.

    The past three months or so we've been changing our diets to a more vegetarian lifestyle and also trying to eat non-processed food. It's really really hard and the little cheats that I allow myself to eat do not ever satisfy. But today I really let go and man it felt good. Don't get me wrong, I realize that I consumed 1200 calories and I felt a sugar rush (don't ever remember having one of those) and then that crash and feel that I should not have done it but I needed that and now I can move on.

    I just needed to free my guilty conscience with this post. Thank you for listening.
  • PlumLovin
    I got beat down by some homemade chocolate chip cookies today so I feel your pain!! Oh well, tomorrow is another day & the rest of the cookies are with my sons at a party and not with me!! I must admit that I did not feel that bad, I mean, come on!! They were homemade, fresh out of the oven, chocolate chip cookies for heavens sake, who can resist those!!! haha
  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    Oh and you didnt share? :P

    I dont know if i could of done 3....

    and i know what a sugar drop is like...

    But hey... don't feel guilty, I'm sure most on here have done similar things, and haven't even admitted it, so well done.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    It's ok...last weekend I had three pieces of cake and ice cream. What did I do? Went right back to it the next day. Enjoy! :D
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Oh well! Some days are like that! You do have to live! Once you have indulged, you log it, and reflect and move on....glad you enjoyed it!

    I ate 2 mini bags of m&m's AND a can of sprite! I have not had a can of pop in close to a year....we were at a football game and I just decided I wanted a can of pop...I logged it, and I will live through it. It is the larger change in lifestyle that matters. I have learned that I can and should eat something not so great every once in a while, everything in moderation.

    Don't worry, be happy!:bigsmile: :wink:
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I know just how you feel....I have had those days:))
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    I gave in and had a skinny pumpkin spice latte and a salted caramel cupcake. :) We all need our treats every now and then. You'll get back on track tomorrow. :)
  • I pan grilled the BEST pork steaks EVER today...they were tender, juicy, and savoury. And for dessert I had a slice of Snickers cheesecake...and now it's cool and rainy..WOW what a day!!! :^D
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I just got home from an out-of-town family reunion. They had boxes of donuts, deep fried chicken and other stuff. It didn't even occur to me to try the unhealthy stuff. It just didn't tempt me away from wanting to be healthy. Instead I ate lots of fresh grapes, strawberries, veggies and salsa. Afterward, we stopped off at Whole Foods Market for some healthy shopping and an early dinner.

    I feel satisfied, proud of myself and I avoided the physical discomfort of eating junk food. I am glad you enjoyed yourself as well. I don't think I could ever go back to eating like that again. I love feeling great.

    And seeing all my fat unhappy relatives complaining about their aches, pains and prescriptions made me feel all that much better.
  • tshirley69
    Oh, I so feel your pain! Today was a Steak N' Shake day...double cheeseburger, small fries and ....a chocolate milkshake!!! YIKES! I haven't had bread in over a month, let alone any oils or processed sugar. I am payin for it with a rumbly, rolly tummy ache! We will get back at it tomorrow!