Runners/Joggers Lung Question

I just started jogging/walking for a 5K I am doing in October. I've never jogged in my life, so this morning when I jogged for 6 minutes straight, the only reason I stopped was because my lungs hurt so bad. I don't smoke or anything, so how do I make my lungs more used to all the extra breathing/jogging?

Are there any breathing exercises or tips you have for me to make them not hurt so bad?



  • Ireshgurl
    i have this same question!!! Though my lungs don't hurt, I just can't seem to get enough of a breath in. I am however an ex smoker (almost 6 months) and asthmatic.......
  • jp09m
    jp09m Posts: 89
    yes, yoga. it teaches you to control your breath.

    in all honesty tho, if your not used to running its nothing more than conditioning. like any other untrained muscle ur lungs are week. by running youll make them stronger.

    when u start to loose control of ur breath (when u start panting) force urself to breath in ur nose as deeply as possible for 2 sec. and out as deeply as possible (preferably thru ur nose) for 3-4 seconds.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    slow down, you should be running at a "conversational pace" such that you could talk with a friend without huffing and puffing
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    Slow down! You get your lungs (and legs, and heart, and the rest of your body) ready for running by running, a little at a time, at a pace that you can sustain. Even if it seems really slow. Later on you work on speed.

    You might want to look into programs like Couch to 5k, which assigns you intervals of walking and jogging to help you slowly build up to running for longer periods of time. Week one workouts are warm up walking for 5 minutes, then jog for 1 minute, walk for 90 seconds, repeat 8 or 9 times, then cool down with a 5 minute walk, for example.
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    I have been running for almost a year. (October) I take in a deep breath through my nose and breathe slowly out of my mouth. When you are breathing deep, it brings oxygen rich blood to all of your muscles and you perform better. But I also agree that it's conditioning in the beginning. You may want to start off in intervals. Running one minute and walking two and then build up to five minutes. I hope this makes sense. :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    In this case your breathing issues are due to your lack of conditioning. As others have said--try running at a slower pace and running shorter intervals. As your conditioning increases, your breathing issues should subside.
  • hayescarmen364
    While in bootcamp one of the DI's had a small class about fitness and nutrition and he told us that we will do wind sprints to raise your VO2 Max( what helps our lungs breath and go longer and faster). I was a slow runner and I use to have the same problem. I use to run as long as I could at a 10 minute mile. (6MPH) for as long as I could and my lungs would kill but each time I ran I would rest 1-2 days and go back out and do it again. Each time I ran, I ran longer and I did stuff like Farlek training, wind sprints and long runs. You will start off slow and a beginner but in time you will get better. Train hard and give it all you got and I promise you will be able to run a 5K non stop. My PFT for my 3 mile run was 24 minutes. First time I ever ran a 3 mile run I did it in 45 minutes. Just keep at it and train smart, eat smart and you will become a great runner.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I don't want to run the whole 5K. I just want to jog a mile of it so I don't finish last. I'll never be a runner, per say. I didn't jog very fast but I suppose I shouldn't go all out in my first 6 minutes of my 40 minute walk...LOL. So I'll do minute intervals and walk for a couple, will that help my lungs too?
  • hayescarmen364
    That is a start. Start slow like a minute light jog, 2 minute walk and just keep going. Do that for a week then do like 1.30 jog and 2:30 walk the second week. Your lungs will have it easy if you are slow and steady at first and just keep building it up. Your lungs will get use to the exersices and you will find it easier to run. I have a rythm that helps my lungs when I run. Breath in, in out. I always use my feet to help my control my breathing and it helps if you breath through your abs instead of your chest. Its difficult at first but it helps lungs to. Good luck and just work at it and you will do just fine :)
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    OMG! My thighs and shins HURT SO BAD! I definitely over did it when I jogged the other day...:(
  • hayescarmen364
    Ice your shins and take a couple days off to avoid further injury. Your thighs will burn and hurt but that will help you run because they get stronger with each run. Also before your next run stretch out your calves and shins that will also help prevent injury.
  • jessicamckay13
    go slow, stretch, and try intervals!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i hate running, so i started biking. the other day the ground was wet from the rain, and it was still kind of drizzling, so i decided to go for a run, just for kicks. i found that i was able to run for 20 minutes straight from the cardio conditioning.

    when is the 5k?? if you are struggling a little, you just need to keep working out!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    The 5K is October 15th. I am so sore that my thighs hurt when I THINK about them...LOL. I'll be doing the intervals next time I try, as soon as I'm done being sore. And I will stretch the crap outta myself BEFORE I do it this time...LOL