Biggest Loser: Anniversary Edition

My boyfriend Jared and I have become quite motivated recently to lose weight and get in shape, and just improving our overall health. I’m not grossly overweight, but I AM in the overweight category, and I can tell that just this little bit (plus being out of shape) has affected me health-wise. Jared is worse… he has all the symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and I didn’t notice them our first year together (when he was about 30+ pounds lighter). As he has been gaining weight over the past couple years, it has become so bad it actually affects *my* sleep (and I’m a heavy sleeper)… among other things. I told him that something has to be done soon, not just for his sake but mine too. So he began getting his butt up super early in the morning to do P90X with one of his work buddies before his shift starts. He does it 4 times a week… and I’m VERY proud of him, because he has been keeping it up for 2 weeks now!

As for me, I noticed that I had less energy, my joints bothered me a bit, and I felt “jiggly”. Ick. So I started working out and paying attention to what I eat about a month ago. I’ve only had subtle changes so far, but any changes in the right direction are good. My pants are a little looser and I have a LOT more energy. I usually wake up with our 9 month old daughter Hayley in the morning, around 6:30am or so, and when she goes down for her morning nap, I go down too! But ever since I began working out, I almost never need a nap. Unless I didn’t get at least 6 hours the night before… then I may take a 30-45 minute snooze. Otherwise, I’ve actually had the energy to not only stay awake, but to work out and clean up the house. Not complaining. Basically I've been doing a little bit of everything... Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, P90X, Jason Yun's Online Fitness Bootcamps, and using equipment my employer provides at the in-house gym. Keeps me on my toes and keeps me from getting tired of the same routine. Plus I can do more than one workout a day if I want to! :-)

Anyway, Jared and I decided to step it up a notch when it comes to motivating each other. From August 1st until October 7th (the day before our 3rd anniversary), we will be competing to see who can lose the most pounds/inches. Whoever wins gets to pick the restaurant we are going to celebrate at. The loser has to pay for the meal. Jared is already thinking he is going to win because men lose weight easier than women (supposedly). BUT, inches count too. The winner will be determined by the best overall weight loss average. If it’s close, we may have people vote on our before/after pics.

And here we go… may the best man/woman win! :-)


  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    Go you!!!! I hope you both do well, but you just a little better!! :) ha
  • dawnrford
    dawnrford Posts: 29 Member
    Sounds like a win-win deal for both of you!! Having someone along side to motivate you is huge. You have made great progresss since joining MFP. Be encouraged by small changes. Over the next few months you'll continue to see small changes then wake up one morning and realize all those small changes cumulated to one BIG one! You'll free great! I like how you mix it up with your workouts! Definitely helps keep boredome at bay! Keep up the good work. I anxiously await your "Biggest Loser" updates. Kick your man's butt!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
  • Thanks everyone! These are our stats as of 8/1/2011 -

    Jared -

    Weight: 258
    Pant size: 38
    Neck: 17″
    Chest: 49 ½”
    Arms – Right: 14 ½”
    Left: 14 ½”
    Waist: 49″
    Hips: 48″
    Thighs – Right: 25″
    Left: 24″
    Calves – Right: 17″
    Left: 16 ½”

    Jaimee -

    Weight: 175
    Pant size: 14
    Neck: 14 ½”
    Chest: 38″
    Arms – Right: 11 ½”
    Left: 11″
    Waist: 39 ½”
    Hips: 45″
    Thighs – Right: 25½”
    Left: 25½”
    Calves – Right: 15″
    Left: 14 ½”
  • UPDATE!!!

    Here are our updated measurements as of 9/3/2011, our halfway mark on the contest. Due to the nature of the contest, we decided we are not counting certain measurements since some areas of my body are affected differently than a man's during weight loss. So, the only areas that we are counting are the ones that have a need for fat loss, depending on our body types.

    Jared -

    Weight: 253
    Pant size: 38
    Neck: 16 ¾″
    Chest: 49"
    Waist: 47″
    Hips: 47 ½″

    Current total loss:
    5 pounds
    3 ¼ inches

    Jaimee -

    Weight: 169
    Pant size: 12
    Neck: 14"
    Waist: 39"
    Hips: 43½″
    Thighs – Right: 25"
    Left: 25"

    Current total loss:
    6 pounds
    2 pant sizes
    3 ½ inches

    Pretty close, right? Now, Jared is still too embarrassed to show his progress in pictures, but I will let you see mine. :-)

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    What kind of jeans is he buying that is size 38 that he was wearing with a size 49" and 47" waist?

    I'm just curious, I now have a 48.5" waist and I'm in pant size 42-44's, I'd be gasping for air in a size 38. I'm wearing American Eagle and Nautica for the most part. I think their might be some vanity sizing going on with the brand of jeans/pants. I don't know if the pant size is counting on bet/contest or not.

    Actually I think it might be the way you are measuring your waist. Your numbers are way off on waist size as well. If you had the waist size you have marked down above you'd be a size 16+. From your pictures you don't look anything like a 16.

    How are you measuring your waist?
  • I was told to measure the waist at the belly button. Not sure if that's right but that is how my personal trainer did it and said to do it in the future...
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I was told to measure the waist at the belly button. Not sure if that's right but that is how my personal trainer did it and said to do it in the future...

    Ah that makes sense. Wasn't doubting just curious. Since I'm a fattie I call that my belly in my measurements lol. That makes a lot more sense. :-D Thanks I was just curious!
  • No problem! Glad I'm not doing it wrong... LOL :-)