going vegetarian



  • jessbennett1986
    Thanks all for the great advice so far. What is the recommended amount of protein in general for a vegetarian probably % is best for estimating. Also am going about this slowly so keeping my dairy and eggs right at what they used to be. I read about the trap of upping that.

    I guess it depends on what your goals are. I think the guideline is 1 gram of protein for every pound or kilogram you weigh??...i'm sure its somewhere on the net...

    I would say just start out and go with the flow and see how you feel. Just make sure you are eating plenty of veggies and fruit and staying within you calorie limits. There is protein in grains like rice and bread, and beans will be high in protein, plus they have fibre to help keep you feeling light:)

    Plus dairy has a TON of protein in it. Look at a cup of yogurt. Some foods have more protein than actually meat does. You are going to have your difficulties, and the solution is just eat vegetarian to the degree that you want to. Everyone has their own exclusions, modifications. Also, this site has a ton of recipes incuding a veggie burger one that is very low in sodium compared to the boxed processed kind:
  • pjgjnfl
    pjgjnfl Posts: 45 Member
    Watch the documentary Forks Over Knives to fully convince yourself. I am vegetarian and am the healthiest I have ever been, eat loads of carbs and low protein, low fat, rarely sick, sleep good, low blood pressure, walk 4-5 miles a day and strength train. It IS the best lifestyle, in my opinion. Friend me if you'd like.


    Absolutely. I agree. Have been vegan for 3 years, vegetarian before that. Have never been / felt better.

    Books that I love: china study, skinny *****, anything by Colleen Patrick Goudreau

    Huge evidence - both anecdotal and purely scientific - on the benefits of vegetarian living.

    Happy to help in any way I can. I love to cook... Have amazing recipes. And love to share.

    Oh - I have also started incorporating more raw into my diet. Specifically HUGE amounts of salad (& tiny amounts of vegan ranch dressing) every day. Also more fruits and juicing.

    It's awesome.
  • pjgjnfl
    pjgjnfl Posts: 45 Member
    Oh - and don't stress out over protein. That is how we have been programmed by marketing... Not really what we need. Less is more with protein and fat. None is bad, too much is bad, some is just right. See forks over knives (as someone else mentioned) or read some of what I mentioned.

  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    I feel good, just the protein on the diary shows 50% less than recommended. I go to the doctor in November and she is going to to a complete blood panel to make sure everything is ok still. Water is the only thing I drink besides 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I don't track my water though since I drink about 8 ounces every hour or so. Always have a 32oz bottle of filtered at hand.
  • pjgjnfl
    pjgjnfl Posts: 45 Member
    I love the comment feelling full=carbs for vegetarians, which then translates to pilling on the pounds.
    But the CNN report last week with President Clinton on how he follows the diet outlined in the book Reversing heart disease makes me think. In that diet there is no milk, no oil, no meat purely plant based diet. Many people seem to be having success in reversing heart disease.

    Doesn't have to equal piling on pounds... If carbs come from fruits and vegetables and whole foods,,,
  • littlemount
    I totally agree with you if all of us around the world spent more time in the kitchen and take out the processed foods , the artificial food colourings we would be better of.Yes I do think fresh organic produce is good.
    As for the protein for vegetarians, Greek yogurt, all beans,quinoa lentils , almond butter, peanut butter, humus with pita has all aminoacids or rather a complete protein, spinach, brocolli, potato all sources of protein.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Full feeling = carbs for vegetarians. :blushing:

    I have been a vegetarian my entire life and I can definitely attest to this. I decided to go vegan for 30 days to force myself to cut out carbs and junkand I just couldn't handle it. I only lasted 25 days because I completely deprived myself of that "full feeling". I can tell you being vegetarian it's very easy to continue eating junk food. Cheese pizza, fries, bean and cheese tacos, doritos. I suggest you continue to eat protien like fish if you can.

    I can't digest meat, fish, etc. And I find the thought of eating meat disgusting. But trust me sometimes it really sucks having to take all the supplements like iron, protien shakes, etc.

    Just remember just because it's vegetarian doesn't mean it's good for you.
  • emma1488
    Full feeling = carbs for vegetarians. :blushing:

    But trust me sometimes it really sucks having to take all the supplements like iron, protien shakes, etc.

    Just remember just because it's vegetarian doesn't mean it's good for you.

    I would also like to point out that just because you are vegetarian or vegan doesn't mean you have to be taking heaps of supplements.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I love the comment feelling full=carbs for vegetarians, which then translates to pilling on the pounds.
    But the CNN report last week with President Clinton on how he follows the diet outlined in the book Reversing heart disease makes me think. In that diet there is no milk, no oil, no meat purely plant based diet. Many people seem to be having success in reversing heart disease.

    Doesn't have to equal piling on pounds... If carbs come from fruits and vegetables and whole foods,,,

    agreed....I dont cut carbs, i stay pretty active so i have never had that problem....will have to look for that movie forks over knives :)
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    I love the comment feelling full=carbs for vegetarians, which then translates to pilling on the pounds.
    But the CNN report last week with President Clinton on how he follows the diet outlined in the book Reversing heart disease makes me think. In that diet there is no milk, no oil, no meat purely plant based diet. Many people seem to be having success in reversing heart disease.

    Doesn't have to equal piling on pounds... If carbs come from fruits and vegetables and whole foods,,,

    agreed....I dont cut carbs, i stay pretty active so i have never had that problem....will have to look for that movie forks over knives :)

    FOK is currently on Netflix.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Fish is my favorite food. I really like it but the mercury content has me worried

    Meat eater in a veggie thread :) but I'm also a scientist and my BS (meaning my first degree not some of the things coming out of my mouth) is in Env Sci. Mercury is definately a concern in seafood but keep in mind Hg accumulates in the larger species over time, especially the fatty ones. Good way to stay safe is eat the small fish and the less fatty ones. E.G. tuna steak (yum) needs to come from a bigger fish than the flaked tuna in a can (medium yum from me) but less accumulated toxins.

    I'm always interested in the veggie lifestyle. I think it can absolutely be healthy and one thing I respect about most long term veggies is they are excellent at listening to their bodies.
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    Hi All,

    I have done a lot of research in these 6 months since joining myfitnesspal and for me vegetarian seems the best way to go. I have heart disease in my family and that seems to be the best fit for a healthy lifestyle. Of course I am taking it in steps and immediately I am finding that it is a challenge to get my protein to the level recommended. I want to stay away from veggie burgers, etc. cause on a certain level I consider things like that processed. Soy is ok but not my favorite. I have looked into fortified cereals but a lot of people say they just don't get that full feeling needed after eating. Any suggestions?

    Good luck going veg... you will find loads of people here who are veg as well.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Try making your own veggie burgers. Cookinglight.com has a wide variety of choices.

  • littlemount
    I am mostly flexitarian. I eat vegetarian meal 6/7 days and I have my own opinion on vegetarianism. I am from India which is the leader in diabetes, cancer not far behind.Plants can have pesticides and lead to ill health and at the same time lean meat can have no harmones and be ok. So basically everything in moderation is the key. But I tend to see that vegetarians eat more carbs.
