ChaLEAN Extreme Buddies



  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    What exactly is a Burpee?

    Ahhh the Burpee... it's a multiple step move.
    You start standing up, legs together. Then you jump so your legs are spread wide apart. Then you bend over and put your hands on the floor in front of you and jump your legs back together behind you into a plank position. Then you reverse: jump legs back up and spread wide, stand straight up and then jump legs together back to original position. And thats one burpee. And you do 20 in a row in the Burn Intervals class. So far I've gotten up to 16 before I'm completely spent.

    Yesterday I did Burn Intervals and today my butt and legs are so sore. I've got Burn Circuit 3 today but may do it tomorrow and do Turbo Fire today instead. Just feel like I need another day before lifting again.
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    What exactly is a Burpee?

    Ahhh the Burpee... it's a multiple step move.
    You start standing up, legs together. Then you jump so your legs are spread wide apart. Then you bend over and put your hands on the floor in front of you and jump your legs back together behind you into a plank position. Then you reverse: jump legs back up and spread wide, stand straight up and then jump legs together back to original position. And thats one burpee. And you do 20 in a row in the Burn Intervals class. So far I've gotten up to 16 before I'm completely spent.

    So that's what they're called. I know I wasn't able to do 20 either. I just did as many as I could and took a breather every now and then and jumped back in. I'll count next time.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn Circuit 3 - done!

    Increased the weight a tiny bit and did okay - YAY!
  • I just received my Chalean extreme!! Turbo jam was really fun so I think I'll replace the burn intervals with that. Can't wait to start on Monday!!!!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    How do you guys log the CLX weight lifting classes? As cardio or as strength?

    I wear an HRM and usually burn around 250 during Burn Circuit 1,2,3. But after reading some info on the MFP boards and the internets, I'm not sure I should log it at all or eat back weight lifting calories.

    So confused. Should I only log and eat back cardio calories??? What do you guys do?

    Oh and I started Week 2 this morning. Burn Circuit 1 - done!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    How do you guys log the CLX weight lifting classes? As cardio or as strength?

    I wear an HRM and usually burn around 250 during Burn Circuit 1,2,3. But after reading some info on the MFP boards and the internets, I'm not sure I should log it at all or eat back weight lifting calories.

    So confused. Should I only log and eat back cardio calories??? What do you guys do?

    Oh and I started Week 2 this morning. Burn Circuit 1 - done!

    Yeah this is a tough one. I usually just log it under cardio, and eat most of the calories back. The HRM is still counting calories burned based on your heart rate, but the effort from strength training burns more, so the HRM is not entirely accurate. But I have heard you really burn more of your strength training calories after your workout. I would recommend increasing your calorie consumption now if you weren't really strength training before CLX. With strength training, you're actually probably burning more than you think, both during and after. And the more muscle you have, the better your body is at burning calories anyway. I would eat the calories from your HRM, but also increase MFP calories by 100-200 to start. I've done this just in general, because even after so many months of TF, my body is just better at burning calories, my metabolism has changed, and therefore, I need to eat more or I will not lose more weight.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Week three started today with burn 1. Lifted heavier on many and did more reps on the others. I love this program.
  • I started CLX this week. I've done Burn Circuits 1 and 2. I was really disappointed with the beginning measurements. I used the calipers and got a low body fat percentage, so I checked it with the Navy method where you plug your measurements into a formula and got something more realistic. I just got so excited to see such a low body fat, and then had it smashed. I'm liking it so far. I'm having a hard time picking the right weight, as I have no experience with lifting heavy. I seem to be going to light on most. Well, tomorrow I run. I'll check back in after burn circuit 3!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Burn 2 tonight. I am so glad that I've been recording things, makes it easier to remember. Still need to work on form though for some of these movies. Keeping my abs in, back straight, and elbows towards my ribs with large weights is tough!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn 2 tonight. I am so glad that I've been recording things, makes it easier to remember. Still need to work on form though for some of these movies. Keeping my abs in, back straight, and elbows towards my ribs with large weights is tough!

    keeping my elbows in is by far the hardest for me - I get 'em as close as I can but compared to Chalene and her crew I look like a chicken trying to take flight.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Did Burn Circuit 2 last night and went heavy - heaviest yet.

    My hands hurt and feel crampy tho. I'm pretty aware of my grip and try not to overdo it but these weights are HEAVY, how else am I supposed to hold onto 15-20lb'ers without gripping them with some degree of force? Otherwise they'll just fall outta my hands! Anyone else have this issue? Do you get used to it? Are my hands just really weak?
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Burn 2 tonight. I am so glad that I've been recording things, makes it easier to remember. Still need to work on form though for some of these movies. Keeping my abs in, back straight, and elbows towards my ribs with large weights is tough!

    keeping my elbows in is by far the hardest for me - I get 'em as close as I can but compared to Chalene and her crew I look like a chicken trying to take flight.

    Me too! Lol!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn Intervals - done yesterday.
    Burn Circuit 3 - done today.

    I'm getting stronger! I can feel it!!!
  • So I completed my first week of CLX. I'm loving it so far. I've never lifted heavy and I'm really excited to start seeing some muscle! I bought the Select Tech weights and they're awesome! Sometimes it takes me a little longer to get everything dialed in though, so I've been missing the first rep. Also, I feel like I'm having a hard time choosing the correct weight. But now that I've done the first week, hopefully next week I'll have a better idea as to where to start. I really worked up a sweat on burn circuit three! I'm still pretty sore from it, especially my gluts. I have been running for my cardio, but tomorrow I think I'm going to do the ab workout and the recharge workout after my recovery run. I was really excited because I did a 10 mile run today. It's my longest yet! Half marathon, here I come!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 - done!

    Hubby did it with this morning and GAWD his form is horrific! The 35min class took us 50min cuz I kept having to pause and correct his form. I'm glad he wants to do it but I cannot stand watching him do it WRONG. It was making me cringe. Next time, I'm going to do it alone and then train/correct him while he does it. That way he won't slow me down and I can actually really focus on him when he does it.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    HI everyone...

    I'm currently doing Supreme 90 Day and have about 20 days left. I'm considering doing Chalean Extreme or Turbo Fire.

    For those of you here doing CLE...please give me what you like (and even dont' like) about the program, what a typical day is like, etc or any info that would help me make this decision! If you've done TF too...even better!

    I don't know if this helps or not...I'm down 25 with 45 to lose yet.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I completed 14weeks of Turbo Fire. Then I started my own ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid - currently on Week 3.

    CLX: 3 lifting days, 2 cardio days, 2 rest days each week. The lifting is fun and short (only 32-38min), she goes slow and does a lot of compound moves, meaning you work legs and arms at the same time. The cardio is more like boot camp intervals, no choreography, but it'll kick your butt.

    TF: 6 days/week (it's usually 5 workouts and the 6th day is stretching with sometimes abs too) It is SUPER FUN!!!!! It's very choreographed/dancy. She goes fast and you will suck at first - everyone does, but then you catch on and it's a blast. The music is awesome and things change up quickly so you never get bored. There are strength classes, ab classes, cardio classes ranging from 30, 45, 55, 60min, and then HIIT classes and Stretching classes. It's a really well rounded program and you will BURN MAJOR calories.

    If you wanna drop a pounds quickly, I would recommend TurboFire first. It's tough but you WILL see results if you stick with it (and eat right, of course). CLX is great too but I would do it after a round of TF. Drop the weight then sculpt and build muscle. CLX will help you build muscle and burn fat, but I personally think it takes longer to see results.

    That's my two cents. It really depends on what your goals are though. You could always do 'em both (hybrid)!
    Hope that helps.

    P.S. I did Burn Intervals this morning. And Burn Circuit 2 yesterday. wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks for the info!

    CLE vs TF has been a battle. I have 45 to go so doing TF makes sense. My concern is that Supreme 90 was weights and cardio a couple days and I've got some good toning going. I'm afraid of losing what toning I've gotten by doing a cardio only based workout. Any thoughts?
  • Hi CLX buddies.... this is my 1st week doing CLX....thought I'd follow along. :smile:
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi CLX buddies.... this is my 1st week doing CLX....thought I'd follow along. :smile:

    Nice! I stopped for a while and didn't finish the whole program because I really missed TurboFire, but I started back this week and I'm determined to complete it! :smile: