September Tribal Challenge *** TNT Crew *** (Closed Group)



  • Pygmy plus: DONE
    Water: DONE
    Calories: Under, but not where I'd like them to be. I need to make better food choices because that scale is not moving!!
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    calories: under
    exercises: done, 1.5 miles plus another extra mile.
    Water: 12 cups, so done haha
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Water, over
    Calories, under
    Pygmy challenge done

  • Hello!!!!

    For today:

    Bushmen and tabata: done
    Calories: Under
    Water: Over
    5k run: done

    Have a good night!!!

  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Bushmen - done
    water - done
    under calories - done
    Tabata - done
    Today this was so hard. It took me 25 min to complete all of today's challenge exercises, and let me say that bear walk just isn't natural.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    bushman: Done
    Tabata: Done
    Water Over
    Total calories burned: Turbo Fire 55EZ, Tabata and september challenge: 1,310

    This log is for Friday 9/9/2011
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    For 9/9
    Tabata and busmen: Done
    Water: over
  • OK...
    Water over
    calories under...only because I knew I was going out tonight for dinner and worked my behind OFF today and yet, it's still there! legs are SOOOO tired.
    pygmy PLUS DONE
  • For Saturday 9/10

    Bushmen and tabata: done
    Calories: Under
    Water: Over
    5k run: done

    Looking forward to my 5 mile run tomorrow. I ran 5 miles for the first time last Sunday.

    Good Night Everyone....

  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Completed exercise for Saturday & Sunday ( just forgot to put it in the forum )
    Also did good on water & calories

  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Tabata: Done
    Bushman: Done
    Turbo Fire Core 20:Done

    3miles at moderate pace.
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry I forgot to log all my stuff yesterday! I hardly touch my computer on weekends. I'll try harder ;)

    Pygmy challenge for Saturday and Sunday done. Also did an extra mile today because it was sooo beautiful out :)

    Water under for both days and calories under.

    I was bad and had some chocolate both days but my tummy didn't like all that sugar! I was guzzling some water to flush it out. Lesson learned ^_^
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    For Saturday I was under on my calories, and met my water. I did the tabata and bushmen workout.
    For Sunday not as good met the water, was under calories, but didn't get in the challenge workout. I just didn't have it in me today. I did a few things around the house, did my regular workout, and watched a movie with the kids. The day just flew by.
  • Took sunday off...not feeling that great.
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Weighing in at 172.8 this morning!
  • Weigh in at 177...I'm going to do an experiment to see what will work...I will not be taking exercise points into account. I don't know why the scale is not cooperating so we shall see how it goes.
  • With three weeks to go before end of September, I'm beginning a new forum for Week 3.

    Next post will have the link.