
I would love to take up running, but find that I do not have the stamina... I'll run for maybe 10 paces and am totally out of breath. I've heard of alternating running and walking, but find that after a block or so, I am so tired I can't continue... Need some words of advise....


  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Do a search online for Couch to 5K (C25K) and give it a try. I was never a runner and found that program last year and gave it a try. It starts off with 20 minutes of 60 second run/90 walk intervals and builds up from there. It liked to kill me to get through some of those 60 second runs, but I managed. Today I ran 9.6 miles for the first time ever and will be running my first 1/2 marathon before year's end. Good luck!
  • Suzymo3
    Suzymo3 Posts: 77 Member
    I started the same way. I could only run a few feet at first but, just kept walking and added running a little further each time. Little by little, I got stronger and the past 2 weekends have been able to run over 3 miles straight thru. It just takes a while to build up but, if I can do it...anyone can!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I 2nd C25K!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    It takes tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. But if I can do it, I truly believe that anyone can! Good luck!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I'm sure others will have better advice, but here is my 2 cents! lol

    I was out of shape a few months ago. I decided I wanted to be fit and revamp my lifestyle. I started eating healthier and slowly incorporated exercise into my day...150 crunches nightly, now I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred every night and after a few weeks I now have the confidence to start running. I'm going to used the C25K method (I googled it a few weeks ago lol)
    My advice is to start working on your cardio/strength and then progress to the jogging/run. I feel really confident this will work better for me...and maybe you too! good luck.
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Ditto everyone else. I used to run back in high school/college, but gave it up when I got married. Now am trying to get back into it. C25K is the BEST way to do it. It takes you very slow but by the end of 9-10 weeks you will be running 3.2 miles! :-)

    Good luck, keep us posted, would love to encourage you on if you need.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Check out - he also has a lot of really good methods of run-walk-run training for any level. C25K is a GREAT way to start, though!
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    I started C25K in July and will be running my first 5K in 3 weeks :-)

    I was never athletic, if you told me 3 months ago I'll be ENJOYING running, I'd laugh at you. And yet, here I am, loving it and running almost every day. You can do it!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Try podrunner C25K program. I used it and am now up to running 5 miles!
    Good luck
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I have been doing the Couch 2 5K for four weeks now and I would highly recommend it. I had never run before I started and the first day I felt like I would never be able to run farther than the 60 seconds. It's still hard but I keep adding time each week. Next week I will be doing 8 minute run segments. I have the app for my iphone and it tells me when to alternate running and walking.
  • charlottebronte
    Yep. If you want to run, just start running. Do as much as you can each day and push yourself a little harder day after day. Lots of folks like the C25K program; starting with that is a good idea.

    You might want to log your minutes running/walking and note how you feel each day. I think you will be surprised that you see progress even after a few days. All the best to you!!
  • moniquelessard

    Slow and steady does the trick. If you try to rush it, you will injure yourself (shin splints etc..) or you will get so frustrated that you will get turned off from running altogether. I run 5k about 4 times a week, but it took a lot of building up (over months). My three recommendations are;

    1) Couch25k - my sister is doing it now and LOVES it
    2) Find some really good fast paced music and mix up your music often. You can google search running music. I prefer techno/dance/hiphop so I google those words + running music. There are many lists of suggested songs. The music is what keeps me going.
    3) Get a really good pair of lightweight running shoes. I'm an Asics fan myself, but it depends on your foot structure. Take the time to try on a lot of shoes and like I said, lightweight is key!

    Good luck!!
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I never ran in my life literally!

    I couldn't even run a block without thinking I was dying.

    I did the C25k program in Aug 2010 and now am training for my first half.

    To be honest, when I started it, it was tough but I found most of the runs to be more mentally challenged than physical!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Take it slow at the beginning and work your way into running from walking. I started running on July 4 of this year and for the first four weeks I did walk/jog interval training in which I alternated jogging and walking over a set distance. Each week I would walk progressively less and run progressively more. It took me the noted four weeks before I was able to run 2 or 3 miles without stopping or walking. I recently ran my first 5K and will be running in a 7.8 mile trail run on my official 90th day of running. It was rough the first couple of weeks, but if you are patient and don't push too hard too fast you will see positive progress.

    My other advice would be to make sure you have proper shoes (they make a huge difference) and make sure to stretch at least after each run if not before as well. (There are mixed opinions on this. Many folks will tell you not to stretch before; I can't run if I don't stretch before.) I post regularly to my friends about my training and progress, as I've really fallen in love with running, so feel free to send a friend request if you're looking for support from a novice runner who's picking up steam! :smile:

    Edit: I am not a C25K not care for the structure of the program or its reliance on electronic devices. (Many get good results so I'm not knocking it per say...) There are good BOOKS out there too. I used the New York Road Runner Club's guide to develop my training program.
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    Like everyone else has said, you just have to start small and work your way up! I started seriously exercising in June -- at first I mainly walked on the treadmill, used the incline a bit, and started using the elliptical. I only started running after I had the stamina to do 30 minutes straight on the elliptical. After that, I started running on the treadmill and increased my distance gradually. In 3 months, I've gone from being able to run 0 miles to 4 (without stopping!) I did not use C25K or any particular program, I just did what I felt comfortable doing. I'm running a 5k next weekend and a 10k at the end of October -- I never would have thought it possible! You just have to persevere and go at your own pace :) Good luck!
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    I also started working the couch to 5K program. I found that at week 5 when I switched from using the times listed to using the distances listed, it was too much of a challenge for me, so I'm kind of doing my own thing now. I think the biggest thing to remember is be patient with yourself. You're not going to be a runner overnight and that's ok, but you will make progress and you SHOULD be proud of it!

    Also, a friend told me when I started running that the first 5-10min of running straight through will always suck because your body is switching from aerobic to anaerobic respiration (or maybe I have that backwards, but it is switching). Therefore, while using the intervals to build stamina is important, the intervals are probably always going to suck until you get into a groove and a longer running time. At least I found that to be true. Now I can run 1.5miles straight through and I find that I DO actually zone out and get the "runner's high." This is something that I thought would never happen for me. I have tried running several times before and I always quit because I didn't like it, but I stuck with it this time and I love it!

    Make a decision. Set a goal. Stick with it! It took me 2 months to get up to running 1.5 miles. And I don't run fast. I run at 4.6mph on the treadmill which is a bout a 13min mile. Just because your progress may not be fast, doesn't mean it's not progress :)

    Feel free to add me if you want!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Stretching is key for me also!
    I do windmills with my arms and jumping jacks to get my blood pumping.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    sounds like you need to slow down! i am a big girl, and started the c25k about a month ago, start slow, build up.. and get good running shoes!
  • Panibinka
    Panibinka Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, thanks for all your support!! I'm in awe....
    I will check out the C25k program, right now.. and will start TODAY!

    Thanks again!:flowerforyou: