One small step

Nessc Posts: 137 Member
Today I weighed myself and I have lost a pound in one week's time. This discouraged me and I thought why am I doing this for nothing. I had really cut back on the "junk" food I was eating and I was drinking tons of water, so I thought the weight reduction would be greater. However, when I took my measurements, my motivation took a jump. I''ve lost a total of 4 3/4 inches from various places, such as bust line, waistline and hips. I'm so excited now that I can't wait until next week's weigh in.:wink:


  • Nessc
    Nessc Posts: 137 Member
    Today I weighed myself and I have lost a pound in one week's time. This discouraged me and I thought why am I doing this for nothing. I had really cut back on the "junk" food I was eating and I was drinking tons of water, so I thought the weight reduction would be greater. However, when I took my measurements, my motivation took a jump. I''ve lost a total of 4 3/4 inches from various places, such as bust line, waistline and hips. I'm so excited now that I can't wait until next week's weigh in.:wink:
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    That is awesome!!!! You should get a ribbon (a BLUE ribbon) and cut it the length of the inches you have lost...

    Great job!
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Fantastic! And a pound a week isn't anything to sneer about! You're doing it! Keep up the great work!
  • svillalo
    svillalo Posts: 2
    Stay focused! It will come! Congratulation on the inches!!

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  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    that is great and losing 1 lb is great too!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    congrats, that is awesome. Keep up the great work.
    yay! :flowerforyou: i felt the same way, the scale hasnt budged a whole lot in two months, i was drinking tons of water and exercising, but i went from a solid 12 to a loose 10 since i started Jan 1st! I HATE SCALES.......LOL
  • Nessc
    Nessc Posts: 137 Member
    yay! :flowerforyou: i felt the same way, the scale hasnt budged a whole lot in two months, i was drinking tons of water and exercising, but i went from a solid 12 to a loose 10 since i started Jan 1st! I HATE SCALES.......LOL

    Yeah, I hate my scales too!!! :laugh:
  • Nessc
    Nessc Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks everybody...the encouragement really helps!!
  • momof2gr8kids
    I too, was starting to get a little discouraged. I got on the scale this morning and it went down 1 pound. I was actually kind of excited about that since it hasn't really moved in a couple of weeks. But today was the day for me to update my measurements. I got out the 'ol tape measure and saw that I had worked off some of that unwanted circumference! Since I started in January, I have lost only 7 pounds but I have also lost a total of 6 inches! So, I guess it IS working!! :laugh:

    :drinker: Cheers everyone! Have a great weekend!
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