Feel like I’m toe-ing the line

Ok this is rambling. TLDR; I’m concerned that I’m developing an unhealthy mindset.

I’ve lost a significant amount of weight over the last 18-20 months and recently reached a healthy BMI for the first time ever. I’ve gone from somewhere in the region of 135 kg to 76 kg. I intend to drop a little further but I don’t feel laser focused on that.

In general I feel like I’ve had a good and healthy approach and I haven’t done any extreme restrictions. Unlike most at MFP I don’t track and weigh my food but I eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks (mainly fruit) daily. I set my kcal to maintenance and I understand the ballpark is somewhere around 2500 kcal. I’m primarily plant based but consume a fair amount of cheese and definitely generous with the oil. I don’t feel like I’m over restricting and I have no issues eating with other people or going to stay with my parents. I have had 2 episodes of eating ALL THE SNACKS that resulted in nausea and throwing up in this last year.

Over time I’ve picked up exercise and I’m now running what some might consider a crazy amount (pretty much daily since December, about 175km per month, previously around 100km per month since July after completing C25K last year). In addition I have a daily yoga practice of varying intensity and pick up some other exercise here and there. So far no issues with injuries.

Anyway my concern is that my head might be veering close to an unhealthy space. I don’t want to take rest days because I like my running streak and mileage numbers. Last week I was dizzy all afternoon and still went to my run group because I didn’t feel ok sitting it out 🤦‍♀️

I feel overcommitted to hitting my step goal.

I’m increasingly using exercise to earn or offset treats where I didn’t use to have this connection. Don’t get me wrong. I love running but yesterday I baked cookies and even though I didn’t feel like running after doing 6 runs (46km) during the week and a rest day would have been fine I decided I should definitely go for a run if I was going to be able to eat any cookies.

I already have a doctors appointment on the 22nd to follow up on my weight loss, I reached out in October since I felt I was losing too quickly without seeing a clear connection to a change in habits. I’m thinking about bringing up how I feel and where my head is at? But I also feel like maybe I’m overreacting and worrying about nothing?


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    I made goal weight counting and tracking Weight Watchers point. When I was in it WW was just calorie counting dressed up for copyright protection. So our paths are not the same.

    But I’ve been maintaining for years. One thing I can say for sure about successful weight loss- the work never ends. I think that’s the basis of the diet v lifestyle discussion. The dieters want to get it over with. If we’re going to maintain successfully, there is no such thing as over with.

    To lose 100+lbs and keep it gone I’ve had to reinvent my program about 4-5 times. And that doesn’t take into account the constant tinkering and adjusting. Like a lot of people I got into exercise to support my weight loss efforts and now find that my main interest in maintaining my weight is to support my fitness goals.

    Congratulations on the loss. Looking at what you’ve done, it’s a remarkable change in 20 months. Give yourself a break. This seems to be a whole new you.

    It looks to me like you’ve reinvented yourself as a runner. Don’t apologize. A lot of people are runners. Do you know any? Try to find some like minded people. If I’ve done the calculations right ( we work in miles here) you’re running about 110 miles per month. Don’t really know, but I doubt that’s a lot if you were posting on a runners page. But to keep that up you likely should eat and train certain ways. Again, I’d try to find some other runners or maybe bikers ( bicycles) or even tri-athletes. There seems to be a lot of crossover.

    Last- congrats again. And if it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it. Try not to be distressed. You’ve made big changes. It takes time to adjust. Good luck.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    my question would be are you still losing weight? is that something you need to do? (I don't speak kg and km lol)

    I maintained my weight for 2 years after a significant weight loss (over 130 pounds). I got lazy and stopped tracking ( I wasn't weighing on a scale but I was cognizant of what and how much I ate) and stopped working out. the weight crept back. So now I have 50 ish to lose again lol

    as long as your weight is in a healthy range, I don't see a problem with 'earning' your treats. if it becomes obsessive, and your weight is below a healthy range, then finding a good therapist knowledgeable in eating disorders may be a good idea, but at this point it doesn't really sound like that is an issue.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    I pretty much take no days off HOWEVER I only resistance train one body part a day with weights. Then next time I train that body part will be a week later. I'm only trying to keep what I got now. Still working on getting leaner, but after losing 40lbs, I've lulled a little to take a little "break".
    If you're recovering from your workouts to be able to run again the next day with no issue, then that's fine. As for an unhealthy mindset, to me it doesn't sound like you're overexercising and I myself do what you do if I intend to indulge a little.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have been exactly where you are along the same time frame at around 18-24 months after my I started losing. I got up to 150 miles a month and 20 mile long runs on the weekend, I was quite literally running myself to the ground. I did enjoy the food freedom that came from all the cardio. But I ended up injuring myself bc when doing any exercise you do have to allow sufficient recovery to heal and for your muscles to repair. I always ignored this advice but it’s fact not just an old wives tale. I ended up with tendinitis that won’t go away and a broken foot 1 week before my marathon. I still can’t run right bc of the pain. I’ve realized exercise isn’t a punishment or a contest with others but rather something I am lucky I can do and in order to be a responsible athlete I now take every precaution to avoid injury. I am now a competitive powerlifter and the same applies. Just remind yourself along with eating nutritious foods you also have to allow your body some recovery..... trust me once you start resting a bit more your runs will be even stronger!
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss and in achieving such a high level of fitness! No small achievement!

    I've been there, too. You get on a roll and just don't want to take a rest day. And you don't want to gain the weight back! You do need to come into a sustainable balance, whatever that looks like for you. It helps to keep logging your food for as long as you can. (I went for a year after my last big cut.) You should feel confident that, if you cut back on the running, you could cut back on the food, too. You've certainly demonstrated a high level of self control!

    It helps to have at least one other exercise option other than running, just because running is pretty hard on the joints. For me right now, thats using a spin bike. I also love swimming, but not right now. It could be as simple as having walk days. It's also really nice to have rest days. Phew!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I’ll be honest, it sounds concerning to me.

    Does the thought of a rest day make you anxious?

    I am also wondering if you are still losing weight, or if you’re truly in maintenance.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to respond and share your experiences :) it helps to hear from other people.

    To those who asked, I’m still losing weight (roughly 1 lb/0.5 kg per week but appearing in whooshes, down 3.5 kg from the start of February) but also still firmly planted in the high end of normal BMI. I’m counting on the weight to settle reasonably soon because eventually my eating and running habit must balance out.

    I do feel anxious about rest days. I’ve only taken one this year and that was on the express recommendation after a sports massage. It was really good, but I definitely wouldn’t have been able to commit to that without an external reason.

    I think part of my issue is that I started using running as coping mechanism and it’s been rather stressful lately with a lot of change. Maybe I need to find some other strategies that are neither food nor exercise.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member

    I do feel anxious about rest days. I’ve only taken one this year and that was on the express recommendation after a sports massage. It was really good, but I definitely wouldn’t have been able to commit to that without an external reason.

    I think part of my issue is that I started using running as coping mechanism and it’s been rather stressful lately with a lot of change. Maybe I need to find some other strategies that are neither food nor exercise. [/quote]

    Don't do a rest day, do a "do something else" day. Any activity or workout except running.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Please share with your doctor your concerns.