Recumbent Bike recommendations for someone 5'1?

I have an upright bike but I feel like I could pedal harder and for longer if I got a more comfortable recumbent bike.
The only problem is I need to be able to comfortably reach the pedals.
I was hoping to get a cheaper bike but those seem less adjustable than the more expensive ones and are also harder to find in a store to try out.

Anyone a similar height and have an recommendations for cheaper recumbent bikes?


  • DavWillTry
    DavWillTry Posts: 76 Member
    Not your height and do not have a specific recommendation. Just want to agree about lasting longer on a recumbent.

    My wife can't balance so we both ride recumbent trikes now (nine years). I had a RANS Stratus before that. Comfort made a big difference for us in terms of how long we could ride.
  • JoeWilly4s
    JoeWilly4s Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2021
    I have a Schwinn 240 recumbent bike and I'm only 5'0. The seat is adjustable and it works fine for my short legs.
  • DavWillTry
    DavWillTry Posts: 76 Member
    Okay, now I've gotta ask... are we talking recumbent bicycle, or recumbent exercycle? :smiley:
    (I use Schwinn 270 exercycle, but do not recommend for her height)