What is your STOP YOU IN YOUR TRACKS motivation for losing weight/getting healthy?

I'm thinking deeply about defining my motivation. I want it to be specific, personalized, and concrete. I'm hoping to get some inspiration from others.

My goal is to define a motivation that would literally stop me in my tracks whenever I'm practicing or about to practice bad habits.


  • kbru19
    kbru19 Posts: 23 Member
    Ultimately what stops me in moments of steering toward a bad habit is remembering why I started building good ones. I know that's not a very original answer but it's so true.

    I started changing my habits because I didn't like how I looked and new that I looked that way because I wasn't taking care of myself. I very much did not feel like myself. I also knew that the later I got started taking my health seriously, the harder it would be. It's never too late but it's also never too early.

    I'm about 10 weeks into New Habits and a lot of my Old Habits are now wildly unappealing. I have no desire to eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's. In fact I keep forgetting I have a pint of Halo Top in the freezer. In my Old Habits a pint of ice cream wouldn't have made it 24 hours.

    And like @AnnPT77 said, the New Habits become self-rewarding. I get psyched for myself at every mini-accomplishment I make, even things I never planned on counting as goals. For example I'm using 3lb weights for my arm strength exercises, I used to do them with 2lb. I celebrated moving up to 3, and I'll celebrate again when I move up to 4.

    At the end of the day, what I'm thinking about the most is what I'm moving TOWARD rather than AWAY from. Moving toward a stronger, thinner, healthier me that feels like ME again and knowing every action I take gets me closer. I feel better already but there is more work to be done.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    What keeps me working towards my physical goals? I made a clear and decisive decision to age well. I know it takes work, but I won't give in or give up. I don't always feel on fire for the cause but why would that change my mind?

    So.. just decide.
  • duxlady
    duxlady Posts: 18 Member
    What initially motivated me was how I felt and worrying what excessive weight was doing to me health wise. I guess you could sum it up as fear. When I finally was able to stick to a plan, trying unsuccessfully for many years, I would comment that I wish I knew what made this attempt different- why was I able to stay motivated for a long time. I do not have a straight forward answer. I do know that wherever the motivation came from, I kept stoking it. I would participate in community- such as this, read about weight loss, watch documentaries etc.... I tried to keep it in the forefront of my mind. Exercise and getting stronger is part of my everyday routine and I do it because I enjoy how I feel- pain free, flexible.
  • glojlilly
    glojlilly Posts: 313 Member
    Seeing old classmates that have let themselves go.
  • MPyLP
    MPyLP Posts: 25 Member
    I looked i. The mirror one day and started to u recognize myself. I was feeling sluggish and just done with fighting my pants on so that and the fact that I had just about given up on myself
  • MPyLP
    MPyLP Posts: 25 Member
    Wait correction I remember it vividly; after a laparoscopy and Endo diagnosis, doctors said that if I didn't change my eating habits and make some positive lifestyle changes endo was gonna get worse. I couldnt do ANYTHING I loved for 3 months and I LOATHED it. THAT was my stop in my tracks point.