Any long haulers in here.

EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
If you know want it is, I’m assuming you probably have the symptoms. I’ve had Covid twice, first time was in March and the last time was a few days after Christmas,
The one in March must have done something to my heart and around mid June I had to have heart ablation done to help with the AFib. After the surgery I kinda went downhill from there for a while, real tired, weak and started suffering from severe depression and anxiety attacks, now I can’t sleep without taking something but I take them so much they take 3-4 hours to start working.

If any of you have any of the same problems I would be interested in hearing your stories.


  • Miss_Chiev0us_
    Miss_Chiev0us_ Posts: 2,208 Member
    edited February 2021
    I'm sorry that's happened to you, I hope things get better for you.

    I refuse to take medication for sleeping but have you ever tried breathing exercises to relax you? There are few Apps available that can help.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    Covid did something to my brain that makes me forget things that I would usually have no problem remembering, so it must have something to do with that. I’ll wake up very fast in a anxiety attack if I don’t.

    I have meditated before in the past but have a hard time doing it now.

    Even taking the sleep aid I will only sleep just a few hours.
  • Miss_Chiev0us_
    Miss_Chiev0us_ Posts: 2,208 Member
    Covid did something to my brain that makes me forget things that I would usually have no problem remembering, so it must have something to do with that. I’ll wake up very fast in a anxiety attack if I don’t.

    I have meditated before in the past but have a hard time doing it now.

    Even taking the sleep aid I will only sleep just a few hours.

    I am no expert but what you've went through with the complications has probably caused some form of ptsd for you. I myself suffer from ptsd because of a chronic illness so I know anxiety and depression can easily jump in there when you've been through traumatic events. There's alot of resources to help with that but you have to do some work to find it and commit to it, it will not get better by itself.

    Our minds can easily control us and how we see our lives but the good part about that is that WE have control over our minds and with some work we can change that and make it a better place.  As for meditation, I had a hard time at the beginning but after being consistent for a couple of months now I can't go without it now. I do understand it's not for everybody but I'm just sharing my experience.

    Be grateful that you got through it and that you're still here 🙏 I don't know you but I am also happy you are still here. Keep your head up and things will fall into place. 1 day at a time.