Mental health let's discuss it

I have always stayed away from discussing it but it has been affecting me.

It is a subject which is not talked about in men. We are told to man up as they say.

I wanted to say that I have been suffering with depression and I want to encourage those who are to open and discuss.

I have been feeling really down and just no myself, some things I cant talk about here or even to family friends.

I am a deep thinker and often confine to myself and always over think.

At work, I am always super happy and always chatty but when I go home, I feel alone.

This mental health is not a joke and i believe it should be talked about.

So I encourage those that suffer do not suffer in silence. You can message just to say hi, you dont have to disclose your issue but do not suffer in silence.

I hope i am not breaking any rules by posting this.


  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    The gym was my escape when I felt down but ever since this quarantine, I do not have one.

    It is work and then home workouts. Missing the interaction at the gym and people
  • xGreatWhiteNorthx
    xGreatWhiteNorthx Posts: 335 Member
    edited May 2020
    Mental health is super important.

    I have bipolar and while I'm medicated, I still experience hypomania and slight depression. Hypomania though for me is rarely ever the happy productive type. Usually it's the "start and never finish 100 projects and be irritated at all who cross my path" type. Being stuck at home with the same people every day doesnt help. The separation and Sense of community I have at work made me a better mom and partner but since I cant work right now, I basically get to suffer in silence because its not fair to unleash on my family who hasn't done anything wrong.
  • Runthemille
    Runthemille Posts: 3 Member
    I hear that. I'm 48 and was only diagnosed 4 years ago. So many answers. God bless ya.
  • glojlilly
    glojlilly Posts: 313 Member
    edited February 2021
    Depression and bordom can cause me to binge snack so I have to walk quickly past the goodies and chew some xylitol gum. Oh my!