Jorge Cruise THE 100 DIET- Anyone Done It??



  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    I know this is an old thread but I just read this book and although at first it made a lot of sense I also recognize like many others would agree it's like any diet. you have to find one that works for you.

    Ultimately it all boils down to changing your eating habits. Realistically that could have been the content of the whole book. Reduce or eliminate refined carbs and sugar, eat more healthy fats and lean proteins and exercise.

    This diet is very close to a Keto diet or just a low carb diet It may be a little more refined but I think the intent was to sell as many copies as possible with the line "Lose up to 18lbs in 2 weeks".

    I think most people on MFP have read that losing that much weight in such a short period of time could be unhealthy and is clearly unsustainable. Ironically he wrote another book a few years earlier that stated losing more than 5lbs per week is potentially unhealthy...he's contradicted himself in order to sell more books.

    Anyway my point is if you fall off any diet you likely end up gaining some or all of your weight back because ultimately a healthy weight is maintained by a balanced healthy diet free from added sugars and high carb content and some regular exercise.

    I can't remember who said it but it went like this - "If its made in a (manufacturing) plant don't eat it...if it IS a plant then eat it". Vegans and vegetarians who eat healthy (no processed foods) are typically leaner. Even Jorge Cruise makes that statement...look in the animal kingdom. Cows grow to be about 750lbs and all they eat is grasses, same with vegans yet they are huge compared to Humans.

    Bottom line is the 100 is a restrictive diet like all the rest. if you really want to lose weight and keep it off, it is time consuming because it is a complete lifestyle change.