New and looking for support

Hey everyone. I’m looking for some true supportive friends to help me along my journey. I’m starting out at a whopping 365 pounds. I’m ashamed to even admit that but I have to start somewhere. I have used and abused food for many years and have struggled to change my habits. Currently I am in therapy to help me face my past traumas and issues to to move forward and change. I’d like to have some
Non judgmental and supportive friends who can offer advice, support and motivation to help me along the way 😊


  • janeoshep
    janeoshep Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there, congratulations on making the step to better your health and be a better you!!!
    It's a tough journey but it's worth every step. You will have good days and bad days, but most of all you will give yourself the best chance at a happy and healthy life. I hated my body for so long and was disgusted everyone I had to shower or get changed. I still have a bit to go, but I'm on the home stretch, I feel so much better within myself.
    You can do this, never give up!!