New(ish) and Committed(ish)

Hi. Just been given an ultimatum by my Specialist that I need to lose a lot of weight in six months to be able to qualify for spinal surgery. Wondered if anyone else on here has been given targets/goals by their GP. Obviously, your health is motivational - but usually motivation comes from within not externally - so I'm struggling with simply getting going. Anyone else know what I mean? Obviously, with a bad back, there's not a huge amount of exercise I can do (no impact, no twisting, no sit ups etc) - so the weight loss will have to be calorie counting I guess. Help!


  • mechwd
    mechwd Posts: 29 Member
    I feel you, I have been told to lose weight due to my Barretts, and I also have a bad back (due to a soft core). Not as bad as your back (wish you well), but I know back pain.

    The good thing about weight loss is that the majority of it can be done in the kitchen. Are you able to do stretches? FitOn has a bunch of good stretch exercises that I love.
  • ellsbells555
    ellsbells555 Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hi - thanks for the support!
    I have a whole load of physio/yoga stretches I've been doing... and I've got the help of a personal trainer (who doesn't like my yoga stretches). Its difficult listening to all the professionals who have different opinions!
    What's Barretts!?
  • mechwd
    mechwd Posts: 29 Member
    It's basically the next step past GERD. Basically really bad Acid Reflux that has cause permanent damage. Unless I control it I will eventually get cancer which there is no cure.
  • ellsbells555
    ellsbells555 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh my word, that sounds awful. I'm so sorry.
    Do you find losing weight difficult when you are limited what you can eat?
  • The_Elephant_Man
    The_Elephant_Man Posts: 205 Member
    Hi. Just been given an ultimatum by my Specialist that I need to lose a lot of weight in six months to be able to qualify for spinal surgery. Wondered if anyone else on here has been given targets/goals by their GP. Obviously, your health is motivational - but usually motivation comes from within not externally - so I'm struggling with simply getting going. Anyone else know what I mean? Obviously, with a bad back, there's not a huge amount of exercise I can do (no impact, no twisting, no sit ups etc) - so the weight loss will have to be calorie counting I guess. Help!

    @ellsbells555 , I have been on and off here for years and I will get close to my goal and then stop and gain it plus more back, I have lost 66lbs so far and want to lose 20lbs more. I also have a bad back, I have 4 herniated disc. I am counting calories and low carbs. Just remember to log everything you put in your mouth and stay below your calorie goal each day and you will lose weight. You can do this!!! Never give up on yourself!!!
  • mechwd
    mechwd Posts: 29 Member
    Oh my word, that sounds awful. I'm so sorry.
    Do you find losing weight difficult when you are limited what you can eat?

    actually... if I eat the way I am suppose to, losing weight is easy. It's the eating the way I am suppose to is the hard part. Bad food tastes so good.