Cheat Meal

Hello to all!!! I want to chat about cheat meals. I find myself having a hard time to have a cheat meal and it only being one cheat meal a week. I feel like i done went and messed my day up so then i continue to make bad choices. Just can't seem to get back on track the day I have a cheat meal. This is a real problem for me right now. I am really struggling to get that last 10lbs off!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • Michelle9939
    Right now if you tend to cheat the rest of the day after your cheat meal, just try to not have a cheat meal. Or when you do have a cheat day, make sure you do some kind of exercise.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Well, really, who says you HAVE to have a cheat meal? My wife & I don't have any set "cheat meals;" we're actually happier when we eat healthy (and we we have to "cheat," like when we went to Red Robin with a friend last month, we eat light the rest of the day so that we stay under on calories).

    If the cheat meal is messing you up, just don't do it!
  • cat364
    I try not to have cheat meals but as a working Mum I have to be realistic. We tend to have take away once at the weekend and so I factor this into my meals. I enjoy my takeaway as quite frankly I earn it... however, the following day, I will usually endeavour to exercise more. :smile:
  • KitsuneSakakino
    I just posted a topic similar, a lot of people swear a planned "cheat day" works for them, some don't. Starting next week I'll be taking a Zumba class on Fridays so Friday will be my official "Cheat day", can you do something similar?
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    For me, I just can't do a cheat day or meal. It's a slippery slope that I normally lack the self control to get back on track.

    But after I roasted those Hatch green chiles last night, I just had to have some on pizza. So hopefully back on track today! lol
  • kerri007
    i have recently had a cheat meal. so i ate good for breakfast and mid lunch then had my yummy meal for lunch, i had pasta wings bread and a dessert and a drink. then i was mostly full the rest of the day but still managed to eat under my calories by just eating veggies b4 bed. i went 10 days eating clean then my 1 meal then back at another 10. then next day i wasnt craving any crappy food. hope that helps?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Don't have a cheat meal, then.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    i don't do weekly. or monthly. i have holidays. birthday, christmas, thanksgiving, anniversary with the fiance. Thats pretty much it. once a week turns into twice a week which turns into three times a week etc. you can still eat foods you want on a weekly basis without cheating. if i know i'm going out to dinner with friends, i'll get in a good workout and be conscious of what i eat during the day so i can get something that isnt rabbit food at dinner (i still try to find low cal options, just not as low cal as i usually would). if you want some ice cream after dinner, have a salad for lunch to fit it in. it's a lot of preplanning and balance, but its worth it. try to get to know the calorie content of stuff from certain restaurants makes it easier to know what you can/can't fit into your calories for the day
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Cheat meals don't have to be incredibly unhealthy. It can be something like chicken tacos or snacks like gluten free brownies or banana bread.
  • MARTIC0058
    MARTIC0058 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your suggestions. Im thinking maybe i shouldnt have a cheat meal until i hit my goal and then maybe i wont feel so quilty and will be able to get right back on track. I really like idea of 10 clean days in between cheat meals. I guess i feel like i need to have a cheat meal sometime so i dont feel deprieved. Darn these last 10lbs are kicking my booty!!
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    I guess i feel like i need to have a cheat meal sometime so i dont feel deprieved.

    So, what are you eating for regular and for cheating? As i said, my wife & I feel better when we eat healthier; we have yet to feel deprived of anything!