Exercises You Hated But Now Love

Story time

I remember when I first started working out, I was the guy that always skipped leg day. I'd occasionally do some leg extensions and leg curls, but that's it. Maybe once every two months, I'd try squatting and deadlifting when I knew the gym would be nearly empty. I didn't want anyone seeing my pathetic form (half squatting) or the weight I was doing (225 felt like 600) lol.

I can't remember exactly what changed but I think I was watching a fitness youtube channel and the person was like "you gotta squat if you wanna make some real gainz" or something along those lines. I decided it was time to put my ego aside and learn this damn lift.

I started with just the bar and making sure I was going "*kitten* to grass" with good form. Slowly adding weight over time, and to make a long story short...Leg day is something I look forward to now.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been through this and I'm also curious to hear about some other exercises people might've hated but now love. Post your story down below!


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't think this is quite the same, but I hated yoga twenty years ago. I started out with "A.M." and "P.M." videos on a dvd but they were the same routine every time and became so boring very quickly. Then I went to an in-person class once, and they shamed me about having weak wrists (which was more about my larger body but I didn't realize it then) so I never returned and quit doing yoga.

    Now, with all of the YouTube options for varied & different yoga routines, in-depth explanations, etc...I am in love with it!
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    I don't think this is quite the same, but I hated yoga twenty years ago. I started out with "A.M." and "P.M." videos on a dvd but they were the same routine every time and became so boring very quickly. Then I went to an in-person class once, and they shamed me about having weak wrists (which was more about my larger body but I didn't realize it then) so I never returned and quit doing yoga.

    Now, with all of the YouTube options for varied & different yoga routines, in-depth explanations, etc...I am in love with it!

    I'd say that qualifies!

    I tried yoga the other day and it killed me lol. I'm going to keep with it at least once a week but hopefully a few more times a week. My balance is so bad and my hamstrings are too damn tight.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Dumbbell Arm Curls!
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    Dumbbell Arm Curls!

    I've loved those since day 1 haha
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    I didn’t hate running but I only got into it because I needed a maximum calorie burn in as little amount of time as possible without requiring any equipment. Trail running has become my true passion and I can’t imagine my life without it! 8 years ago I lived a 100% sedentary lifestyle, now I crave running, I want it, I need it! <3 As long as I’m able to, I want to run for the rest of my lifetime! <3
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    I hated squatting bc it hurt my knees and I was quad dominant.

    Heavy hip thrusts woke up my glutes and now I can almost do a parallel squat. Still working on it but don’t hate it anymore.
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    Bulgarian split squats. It's. Love hate relationship. I loved squats from day one. Hip thursts, too. Deadlifts 😍😍😍😍 but split squats i hated. Until I noticed my hamstringS I. A photo shoot I did and I swear it musta have been the split squats that brought on thG definii. And ever since, I have loved them.

    They are still hard, though.
  • ClaireBri74
    ClaireBri74 Posts: 84 Member
    I hated spin classes but I liked the calorie burn and sweat so tried to do them. Last year when i'll and stuck at home with corona restrictions I bought a spin bike - I stumbled across a class style I LOVED and now spin most mornings and love it :)
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    Honestly - all of it. If you had told me 10 years ago I would develop an exercise habit I would have had you certified. But the slow, boring stuff like planks are the things I have taken longest to appreciate.
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    I didn’t hate running but I only got into it because I needed a maximum calorie burn in as little amount of time as possible without requiring any equipment. Trail running has become my true passion and I can’t imagine my life without it! 8 years ago I lived a 100% sedentary lifestyle, now I crave running, I want it, I need it! <3 As long as I’m able to, I want to run for the rest of my lifetime! <3

    That's amazing, thanks for sharing. It's crazy how we are capable of going from one side of the spectrum to the other, with you going from completely sedentary lifestyle to Forrest Gump mode. I can't say I love running very much now but when I was in the Air Force, I loved it! I'd usually run like 5 miles a day and like you said, it felt like a craving, had to have it!
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    serapel wrote: »
    I hated squatting bc it hurt my knees and I was quad dominant.

    Heavy hip thrusts woke up my glutes and now I can almost do a parallel squat. Still working on it but don’t hate it anymore.

    I can definitely relate. When I first started squatting, it definitely felt uncomfortable in the knees and it was probably due to that same reason. Glad to hear you aren't hating it anymore!
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    WandRsmom wrote: »
    Bulgarian split squats. It's. Love hate relationship. I loved squats from day one. Hip thursts, too. Deadlifts 😍😍😍😍 but split squats i hated. Until I noticed my hamstringS I. A photo shoot I did and I swear it musta have been the split squats that brought on thG definii. And ever since, I have loved them.

    They are still hard, though.

    I'm glad you mentioned this because I haven't done those in forever! I'm definitely doing them for my next leg workout, thanks!
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    I hated spin classes but I liked the calorie burn and sweat so tried to do them. Last year when i'll and stuck at home with corona restrictions I bought a spin bike - I stumbled across a class style I LOVED and now spin most mornings and love it :)

    That's awesome! Glad you were able to find a bike and be able to still put in the work at home. I'm lucky that the gym I go to isn't ever crowded and everyone does a great job of wiping down equipment.
  • getfitmanuel
    getfitmanuel Posts: 22 Member
    SnifterPug wrote: »
    Honestly - all of it. If you had told me 10 years ago I would develop an exercise habit I would have had you certified. But the slow, boring stuff like planks are the things I have taken longest to appreciate.

    I've always really liked going to the gym but I know some people who just forced themselves to go and now a few years later, they are super passionate about it.

    I haven't done planks in forever but I know I should probably put in some core work.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited February 2021
    SnifterPug wrote: »
    Honestly - all of it. If you had told me 10 years ago I would develop an exercise habit I would have had you certified. But the slow, boring stuff like planks are the things I have taken longest to appreciate.

    Same here. I had such poor performance markers and low self esteem from gym classes as a kid that the aversion carried over into my adult life for quite awhile. I hated the idea of any physical activity because I was overweight and self conscious, and it was hard. I thought of "exercise" only as treadmills, stationery equipment, and weight lifting. I also thought it was only for jocks and athletic types, which I was not. Once I started doing yoga classes at work, though, and branching out from there, it got better. Now I can't imagine my life without exercise and physical activity.
  • BahstenB10
    BahstenB10 Posts: 227 Member

    Used to hate them - then fell in love with them. Unfortunately, I had a brain hemorrhage and I am currently partially disabled. One day we will meet again burpees. Until then, I miss you.
  • thatburpeesgirl_82
    Burpees for the win.....though now I do them daily and can't imagine not doing them as part of my regular daily routine! I also run..though not as much as I used to.
  • gunderw59
    gunderw59 Posts: 45 Member
    Lunges are my nemesis especially with weight and overhead squats are hard. But I try to make those days, they say train your weaknesses so i'm up with that.
  • youarepigsss
    youarepigsss Posts: 4 Member
    I used to hate weight training and yin yoga as they are quite boring when comparing with cardio and the higher intensity training. But after following Heather Roberston's dumbbells workouts in youtube and did the yoga teacher training in my home country last year (tho it turned online), I fall in love with them! Both physically and mentally feel good.
  • jdbly3373
    jdbly3373 Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2021
    Story time

    I remember when I first started working out, I was the guy that always skipped leg day. I'd occasionally do some leg extensions and leg curls, but that's it. Maybe once every two months, I'd try squatting and deadlifting when I knew the gym would be nearly empty. I didn't want anyone seeing my pathetic form (half squatting) or the weight I was doing (225 felt like 600) lol.

    I can't remember exactly what changed but I think I was watching a fitness youtube channel and the person was like "you gotta squat if you wanna make some real gainz" or something along those lines. I decided it was time to put my ego aside and learn this damn lift.

    I started with just the bar and making sure I was going "*kitten* to grass" with good form. Slowly adding weight over time, and to make a long story short...Leg day is something I look forward to now.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been through this and I'm also curious to hear about some other exercises people might've hated but now love. Post your story down below!

    Never realized I love sprinting. Its great. I always had a hard time with just running but 30 seconds of sprinting I can do and enjoy!