Who eats/drinks "diet" stuff?



  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,986 Member
    I drink diet sodas (Coke Zero is preferred).
    Nonfat Greek yogurt. (Tastes good to me, and I'd rather save the calories for something else)
    Reduced fat milk (1%, this is what I grew up with, so tastes normal to me).

    That's about it...cheese always needs to be full fat.
  • jamloche
    jamloche Posts: 109 Member
    G. Hughes Barbecue Sauce. Only 33 calories per 100g.

    Saved my life.
  • FitAgainBy55
    FitAgainBy55 Posts: 179 Member
    edited February 2021
    I don't drink soda, so the only diet drink would be light beer :smile:

    We don't eat diet food -- we eat real food, lots of fat, salt and other seasoning but not a lot of sugar.

    One benefit of working from home for the last year and my wife's early retirement is that we now eat almost 100% whole foods cooked from scratch. There are no low fat ingredients in those meals. I don't believe snacking is beneficial, so no need for light snacks or fat free yogurt etc... My wife cooks dinners during the week when I work, and I cook dinners on the weekends. We don't cook diet meals, we cook normal full fat foods with LOTS of veggie sides and control portions. On weekends I smoke ribs, steak, pork shoulders, salmon, whole chickens with skin etc... I use LOTs of salt and olive oil when cooking but there is generally no added sugar in anything we prepare.

    While I don't monitor my micros or try to hit any specific target, this kind of eating lends itself to about 50% fat, 25% carbs, 25% protein.

    Eating real food and simply controlling portions has always been successful for me. My weight loss always matches the CICO model and I really don't have issues with hunger, even at a 750 per day deficit.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    VegjoyP wrote: »
    I do not like soda, juice, regular candy and most desserts do not make me feel good and there are endless ways I can have something that is like a treat. I am plant based, so no dairy. I do not use low fat but did for years. I do not buy things with added sugars except if a negligible amount. I do use Skinny Syrups, occasional Walden Farms syrups, unsweetened almond, coconut and cashew milk. I love Garden of Life Fit bars and some other products labeled as "Weight loss" but its because of nutritional profile. The name on a product can be misleading. There are a lot of "Diet" foods with questionable ingredients. I like using raw cacao, cacao powder, nuts, dates, figs, stevia, xylitol, erythritol and sugar free preserves. If it was between a "diet" cheesecake that was not vegan or a vegan cheesecake but with sugar I would go for vegan because I only have cheesecake on my birthday or a holiday and would rather have vegan than no sugar. I am thinking about ordering sugar free halvah because I love halvah! lol. I love hot chocolate and make my own with unsweetened chocolate almond milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, stevia and skinny syrups. I have made desserts using protein powder, coconut flower, etc.

    This is a great site for alternatives to foods and desserts-


    I really like her cauliflower mac and cheese, although I'm not sure how faithfully I follow the recipe - I think I mash it up with my Joy of Cooking recipe. But I love the addition of cauliflower to bulk up and thus reduce the calories of homemade mac & cheese.

    She gives options for making it vegan or GF.

  • Whatsthemotive
    Whatsthemotive Posts: 145 Member
    I drink Diet Pepsi. I’m not using other “low fat” foods right now as I’m doing almost all my own cooking and so I start from real food ingredients. I’m not snobby about it though. My husband still buys some frozen meals and I’d guess we’re having those once every 2 to three weeks. When I was going into the office instead of working from home, I used Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones meals pretty regularly but they didn’t satisfy me that well and I’d hit the vending machines pretty often. Now that I’m at home, it’s easier for me to have a piece of fruit or a healthier snack. I know people plan for their days working out of the house but I never developed the good habit.
  • suzij27
    suzij27 Posts: 199 Member
    I do not care for the taste of artificial sweeteners.I tried the Skinny Syrups based on how many people on MFP love them, but it ruined my coffee! ☹️😝 I use vanilla soy milk in my coffee most days, but if I’m out I use milk and no sweetener. I have a regular root beer once or twice a year.

    I eat low-fat Greek yogurt and when I have milk. Oh, and light sour cream or cheese in recipes that have so many ingredients that it isn’t noticeable. But not if I eating a piece of cheese.

    What I’ve found is that some “light” products taste better to me than the regular versions, but it is trial and error. I feel better when I eat less packaged foods, so proportionally they are only a small part of my daily intake, whether light or regular.
  • kiwilimeade
    kiwilimeade Posts: 14 Member
    I love soda! Actually grew up on diet but then learned to love regular soda, oops. I'm cutting back now. I still drink some regular soda if I'm sharing with my partner, but now I measure it out and limit how much I drink. Otherwise, I'm going back to diet version now. I have soda once a week on average.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    It’s definitely a combo for me like many others have posted. I drink diet soda, regular soda is not worth the calories for me. However I like real sugar in my tea, and real butter on my toast. I do use reduced fat milk, and reduced or no fat yogurt, but full fat cheese. It depends on the product really, if I can reduce calories without sacrificing flavor and satiety then I will go with the light version, but if it alters flavor too much it’s not worth it to me. Ranch dressing is a good example only the real thing will do.
  • 190reasonswhy
    190reasonswhy Posts: 25 Member
    I don’t drink sodas very often. When drink soda it will be diet fresca. I’m HUGE on stevia in coffee lately. I also have skinny syrups (pumpkin spice, vanilla, hazelnut). I also like diet cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I suppose I have quite a few when I think about it! I drink Pepsi Max and I'll often go for low fat versions of dairy things like milk, creme fraiche, mayo, yoghurt. I use an olive oil spread instead of butter.

    With cheese I will only go for the low fat one if I'm actively trying to lose weight as I notice the difference quite a lot there. That's one thing I find it difficult to compromise on! :)

    I definitely think some of the low fat/ "diet" options have a place, for me I've always used some in every day life, for some people just when they are trying to lose weight or eat a lower calorie/ fat/ sugar diet.

    Sometimes you definitely need the real deal but I find I can happily compromise on quite a lot of things day-to-day.
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    I drink diet soda a couple of times per week, and use sugar free Torani syrup in my coffee. Other than that, I typically don't be sugar-free stuff with fake sugar. I will read labels for added sugar, though,and try to choose items with less added sugar.

    I do buy fat free Greek yogurt for my smoothies, 2% cottage cheese and reduced fat cheeses (NEVER fat free-gross) which are still pretty fatty. We buy 1% milk, as that's something we always just have done (although I'm not a big cow milk drinker). I will say I have noticed that I do seem to get hungrier more quickly after my morning smoothies when I switched from 2% to fat free, even though I always add healthy fat to it in the form of nuts or seeds.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I drink diet soda and I'll sometimes have "miracle noodles," but that's about it.
  • eater_78
    eater_78 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd rather go for low fat than sugar free if I was to choose. Weirdly I can't stand the flavour of most artificial sweeteners in food but I don't mind them in drinks.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I don't drink a lot of pop because I find them to be empty calories, but if I am going to have some when I am eating fast food, I don't mind diet coke if its from a fountain. I don't like the taste of diet drinks in cans or bottles, it just seems to have a weird taste to me.
    About the only thing I seek to be 'low cal or diet' is salad dressing. Not even sure why, I suppose if I am going to eat a salad...i try to shave as many calories as possible. Just a habit I formed years ago that I haven't shaken.
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    I drink diet coke, and use unsweetened almond milk, so I guess that is diet food.
    I'd like to reduce my fat because right now it is up there at 50% of my daily calories, which seems so wrong and I'm not used to it. But I don't eat dairy or red meat so all my fat basically comes from eggs, fish, olive oil, almonds, avocados, and chia seeds and you can't really get low fat in those.
    I just had a consult with my doctor because it looks weird to me, but she says it's fine so idk. Hopefully I don't drop dead of a heart attack. :smile:
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Honestly, I feel like there's some 'virtue about food' signaling going on in a weird way, here.

    We all decide what's 'worth' our allotted calories. It's all still just food. Reduced fat and sugar free aren't 'fake' or 'bad' any more than sugar and fat are. Don't be afraid of fat and sugar. DO find ways to fit what you love in your day as painlessly as possible and if low fat mayo helps you do that, awesome. If the full fat mayo IS that, also awesome.

    Right. And a muscular man who doesn't appear to be trying to lose weight will have a lot more calories to play with for full fat ice cream and full sugar dessert - than some of us who are trying to lose on 1400 calories a day.
    Nothing wrong with either one.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    33gail33 wrote: »
    Honestly, I feel like there's some 'virtue about food' signaling going on in a weird way, here.

    We all decide what's 'worth' our allotted calories. It's all still just food. Reduced fat and sugar free aren't 'fake' or 'bad' any more than sugar and fat are. Don't be afraid of fat and sugar. DO find ways to fit what you love in your day as painlessly as possible and if low fat mayo helps you do that, awesome. If the full fat mayo IS that, also awesome.

    Right. And a muscular man who doesn't appear to be trying to lose weight will have a lot more calories to play with for full fat ice cream and full sugar dessert - than some of us who are trying to lose on 1400 calories a day.
    Nothing wrong with either one.


    Though loosely on topic the only avocado I could get this week was a flordia one.

    I noticed the sticker when I got home.

    Someone, somewhere, has trademarked these things as 'slimcado'.

    THAT leaves me a little outraged though don't ask me why. It's not the best thing ever but good enough to be counted as avocado and it IS lower calorie and fat than hass avocado but also. Really? REALLY?
  • pancakerunner
    pancakerunner Posts: 6,137 Member
    i had a conversation with a lady today who had a great way of putting it. She said she eats sugar when she CHOOSES to eat sugar with products that are MEANT to have sugar (i.e. chocolate, ice cream, etc). she avoids foods that have sugar added as a filler (dips, sauces, etc.)
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    Interesting to see everyone's choices 😎
    I don't drink soda just true lemon,but the other flavors
    I don't drink milk I use almond milk in my coffee and to bake with for me our kiddos get organic whole milk, BUT they don't drink it we use it in baked goods anything I cook for them or the occasional cereal
    I use stevia, when I bake for the kids I use raw cane sugar that isn't bleached I am just not comfy with feeding them an artificial sweetner even if it isn't aspartame
    I eat low fat cheese 98 percent of the time kiddos eat normal
    I make a lot of stuff with egg whites
    96/4 ground beef
    Chicken breast mainly
    I do eat full fat and sugary things but I am choosy about it and it is not my every day

    LORD JESUS guide 💟