Diabetics trying to get healthy?

hi! I am a 29 year old, type one diabetic. I was just wondering if there are any other diabetics out there that would like to add each other as friends for support. There are special considerations when it comes to losing weight as a diabetic so we could be a good resource to each other!

I wear an insulin pump and have been diabetic for 7 years. I am looking to lose about 40 pounds and my biggest pet peeve is having a low blood sugar right after I work out!! How fair is that...work out and then HAVE TO go eat up some cals!

Anyways, hope to hear from some of you out there! :)


  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    Hang in there! I am not a diabetic, but my daughter (now 23) has been a type I diabetic since she was 2 years old, so I can certainly empathize! It can be really tough to have a low just after working out--have you tried timing it around your snacks or something such that you don't have to eat extra calories, or are your lows happening like more than an hour after you work out?
    Anyway feel free to friend me, and good luck with your health and weight loss!
  • jLAVA82
    It doesn't happen all the time but when it does, it's SOOO frustrating!! I usually try to have my blood sugars around 8 or 9 before I start working out.
  • jamja
    jamja Posts: 190
    I also have a type 1 diabetic child. Same comment...try to plan your meal or snacks beforehand. Also just before a workout try eating an apple or other healthy options to inflate your count so you don't hit a low aftwards. It's a delicate balance.
  • jLAVA82
    Anyone else?