belly fat cure

opinions on the belly fat cure? been in a serious rut and thinking maybe i need to shock my body!


  • 3 cups a day of fresh brewed green tea!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    they say you cant just get rid of belly fat..i need the cure as well..maybe just do crunches or something to target the belly, to gain muscle there..i dunno..good luck
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    the cure is cardio

    oh, and very little sugar
  • I know a lady who lost 35 lbs on the Belly Fat Cure diet. She looks very good now. She now follows the plan for breakfast and lunch only to maintain. She has done this for the past 2 years with great success. Good luck to you on what ever you decide to do.
  • adevereux
    adevereux Posts: 17 Member
    I've been looking into CLA - it apparently helps to rid belly fat after steady use for a month or so. I don't think it's a maguc cure but it's supposed to help.
  • SophRW
    SophRW Posts: 93 Member
    1 hour of high intensity interval training 6-7 days per week, core work, lots of water and healthy eating. Unfortunately there's no magic pill to get rid of belly fat, but if you work hard and stay regimented you will see your tummy shrink and tone :)
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    the cure is cardio

    oh, and very little sugar

    yep.. lots and lots of cardio!!
  • chan0404
    chan0404 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the info.
  • punkinrn
    punkinrn Posts: 32 Member
    thanks for the input, i'm not actually looking for a "miracle" to get rid of belly fat, the belly fat cure is a "lifestyle" where you limit sugar to 15 grams and carbs to 120grams. it's for wt loss, I've been stuck at my wt for about two months, lookin to get the scale moving. I run 3 miles a day and work 12 hr days in a seriously busy ER, so I get my cardio!
  • I know that when I limit my carbs to about 100g per day, it helps shrink my belly. Whether that's just getting rid of bloat or fat, I don't know or care, as long as my tummy is flatter. :-P But yeah, it's maintainable, and will shrink your belly if you stick with it.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    caloric deficit is all you need...
  • My husband and I are on this now. We did this last fall for about 2-3 months and lost a lot. We cheated during the holidays and most of this year, but neither of us gained much back (like 5-7 pounds.) I love it. I still get to eat what I want only healthier choices. I feel so much better as well.
    You are more than welcome to friend me and I can share with you what all we do.
    I am looking forward to getting Jorge's newest book this weekend. A lady that I know got an early copy of it and just last week, lost 7 pounds.
  • caloric deficit is all you need...
  • caloric deficits are the only cure
  • Kalossus
    Kalossus Posts: 98 Member
    Exactly what Jordan said. Sorry guys but the only "cure" there is is long term calorie restriction. There are new studies saying cardio on top of calorie restriction will increase the ammount of fat loss in the abdomin though it is usually different for everyone. Just keep your diet clean and play the waiting game! Goodluck all.
  • Rats. I was lookin for a magic pill or a combo of magic words... :tongue:
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    caloric deficit is all you need...

    Yup, poor food choices are what got you that belly, good food choices will remedy it, even without cardio or weight training. I know a guy that lost 28 lbs. in a few months, just with diet. He lost a lot of inches from his belly.
  • sonjalucia
    sonjalucia Posts: 120 Member
    It can be done without cardio... just needs a deeper deficit and less dairy, carbs, sugar and sodium..

    Or, spin in circles 3 times and and rub your tummy at the same time ;)
  • There's a simple way to beat the belly fat: This is the way I lost mine without dieting:


    Stand upright, keeping legs & pelvis aligned at all times.
    Lift arms above head in the same plane as your body while standing erect.
    Move slowly during these exercises to avoid any possible muscle tears.

    Keeping your legs straight,
    Slowly lean backward keeping your arms in the same plane as your upper torso at all times for all exercises.
    Start with 5 or more repetitions, and gradually increase to 10 reps twice / day

    1) slowly lean backward, keeping your arms in the same plane as your torso
    and hold briefly,
    then slowly to upright position, repeat

    2) slowly lean torso & extended arms toward Rt rear (45 degrees from original position)
    don't bend at the waist, just lean into it with arms also extended in the same direction and hold
    slowly return to upright, repeat

    3) slowly lean torso & extended arms toward Lt rear (45 degrees from original position)
    don't bend at the waist, just lean into it with arms also extended in the same direction and hold
    slowly return to upright, repeat

    If you do the exercises correctly, you will be sore for days. I've been teaching it to the members of my church,
    and they say it really works for them.
    Once you've reached the point where these exercises don't make you sore, start holding for a count of 5, then later hold to the count of 10, before returning to upright position.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    This may sound counter intuitive from what we have learned over the last 50-70 years. But I'm gonna put this out there. Consuming more saturated fat, up to 50% of your fat intake, causes the liver to purge its stores of body fat. This extra store of fat around the liver is what the majority of belly fat is from.