Beautifully Loved: Valentines Day Challenge



  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    I weigh in every tuesday and I take my measurements every other week! So here's WEEK 4:

    Name: Melly

    [Challenge starting weight: 219lbs]
    --Week 1: 215.0 -4lbs 4lbs lost total
    --Week 2: 213.0 -2lbs 6lbs lost total
    --Week 3: 215.2 +2.2lbs
    --Week 4: 213.0 -2lbs 6lbs total
    [End of challenge goal weight: 180lbs]

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: learning to eat better, exercising waaaay more, being motivated!

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    neck: 13.5
    chest: 48 in
    arms: left 15 in and right 14.5 in
    waist: 43.0
    hips: 47.0
    thighs: left 23.4in and right 24in

    WEEK 2 measurements
    neck: 13.5
    **chest: 46
    arms: Left 14.5 and right 14.25
    waist: 42.5
    hips: 47.0
    thighs: left: 23.5 and right 25 (?)....I think I didn't measure correctly the first time.

    WEEK 4:
    -2.0 lbs
    neck: 13.5
    chest: 45.25
    arms: Left 15 and right 14.50
    hips: 44...yes!!!
    thighs: left: 25.75 and right 26.5

    (?)---i''m probably not doing these right...i don't get why some of them are higher...shouldn't they all be going down =(

    so, we looked up where the waist would be (because i'm a doofus) and hehe, i was right the first two times. My hubs doesn't know what he's talking about SO:
    Waist: 39.5...OH YEA! that's what i'm talking about

    I also lost two more lbs since I weighed in on tuesday. I was jumping the gun but idc! lol
  • Hey Everyone! I think I fell off the wagon last week and ok maybe a little this week...Anyways I cant wait for September, just knowing that a a fresh new 30 days is ahead is great motivation! I plan on weighing in on Fridays now, so that I now where I am going into the weekend.

    Name: Selena

    Challenge starting weight: 255 lbs -So I caved and weighed myself today....!!!!
    1st weigh in: 243<<<can this be true?

    End of challenge goal weight: 200-205 lbs (I hope this is possible and logical)

    SEPTEMBER GOALS: Zumba, walking, little gym time, and some yoga will be the weapons of choice for the month of September. I need to up my water intake, and get back on schedule with breakfast :) Lets go ladies!!! VALENTINES IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!! :)

    I weighed myself on friday 9/9/11 and was weighing at 247....I either gained 4 or the first weigh in was something wrong, however I havent done Zumba for 2 weeks soooo yeah. Going back to Zumba on Tuesday cant wait!

    Great Job to melaniemccaskey and to all those who lost or mainted this go around! :)
  • Hey All,

    I hope everyone is doing well with this challenge. What are some of the things that you are doing to stick with the challenge and have your eating habits changed at all?

    My weight this week : 163.6

    Let's keep it up
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Name: Meg
    Challenge starting weight: 227
    Challenge end goal weight: 177
    Starting Measurements:
    Neck- 14"
    Chest- 41"
    Arms: left-13" right-13.5"
    Waist- 37.5"
    Hips- 50.25"
    Thighs: left-26.5" right- 26.5"
    Calves: L:17.5" R:18

    August Goals:
    Lose10lb! and especially lose measurement on my hips!

    ---Added calves in because well, they're huge and I want to watch them go down!
    8/19 Weigh-in: 224lb (-3lb)
    9/12Weigh-in! 221lb(-3lb)
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Name: Jersey

    Challenge starting weight: 179.5
    First Week: 178.5
    Second Week: 176.8
    Third Week: 176.4
    Fourth Week: 175.4 lbs
    Fifth Week: 175.0 lbs
    Total Challenge Loss: 4.5 lbs

    End of challenge goal weight: 165 lbs
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 10.0 lbs

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight:
    Ride my horse at least once a week, gearing for two.
    Continue Rushfit
    Eat my calories in a healthy way. This means grocery shopping

    Say WHAT?! only TEN POUNDS until I reach my V-day goal?! Saweet!!
    I should have some measurements for y'all tonight. Doing "before" photos and measurements for the Rushfit program. W00t!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Name Kristen
    I am checking in with a gain this week but thats ok im back on track now checking in at 189.0 this morning !
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 213 Member
    Name: SpecialK_Flett

    Challenge starting weight: 192
    Week 1: 189.4
    Week 2: 186.6
    Week 3: 186.6 (no loss for week three)
    Week 4: 184.8
    Week 5: 183.6
    Total Challenge Loss: 8.4 lbs.

    End of challenge goal weight: 165 lbs.
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 18.6 lbs.


    Neck: start - 15 current – 14 ¾ down ¼”
    Chest: sm – 43 ¼ cm – 42 ½ down ¾”
    Left Arm: sm – 11 7/8 cm 11 7/8 same
    Right Arm: sm – 13 1/8 cm 12 ¼ down 7/8”
    Waist: sm – 41 cm – 40 1/8 down 7/8”
    Hips: sm – 45 ½ cm – 45 ¼ down ¼”
    Left Thigh: sm – 24 ½ cm – 23 3/8 down 1 1/8”
    Right Thigh: sm – 24 3/8 cm – 23 ¼ down 1 1/8”

    I have seen quite a fluctuation in my measurements and I’m not sure if it’s due to placement consistency or the fact that I am doing some circuit work and am showing some muscle improvement. While I’ll continue to track my measurements, I’m not going to put too much focus on them. I am seeing visible changes in my body (in the right direction) so I’m not concerned at this point.

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight:
    Maintain Calorie Goal – This was a better week than last. I didn’t have many issues, save for one ‘snacky’ day that I was able to make it through 
    Treadmill – I have not been on the treadmill at all this week. This is only because I have chosen to focus on my Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 for the Wii
    Wii Fit – I have welcomed my JM FU 2010 with open arms! I was concerned at the beginning when I ‘tried’ to complete one of her ‘ready made’ circuits. That woman is a machine, lol. Since then, I have modified the reps on her exercises and created my own circuits based on these. There are 5 of them. Abs, Upper Body, Lower Body and two Total Body Circuits. I have gone through all of them in the last 5 days and have now upped my reps on the exercises that I know I should be doing more of. I feel really good about this and have noticed some ‘interior’ muscle change. By this, I mean that, while I don’t yet ‘see’ a difference, I can ‘feel’ the change.
    Fitness Classes – These have a mid-September start
    Run for the Cure - I have registered for the Run for the Cure event in Winnipeg, MB on October 2nd. Our team will be walking the event which is 5 kms so my August goal is to train to accomplish this without collapsing :)

    I’ve had a very good week as far as compliments regarding how I am doing so far. Many co-workers and friends have told me I look great and I hope they know how encouraging their words are. I was able to go through a box of clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in almost 12 years. I am now fit ¾ of it again! I also went through my closet a second time and shuffled some dresses forward. I decided to reward myself with a pair of thigh high boots, something I haven’t been able to wear in over a decade!

    Another good week is in the books and another great one has started!
    All the best to everyone.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Weighing in this week at 215 lbs even. Down .4 from last week. I'll take it!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Fridays are V-Day challenge weigh-in days!

    Sorry for the long post...

    Name: Amber

    Challenge SW - 154
    Week 1 - 08/17/11 - 152
    Week 2 - 08/24/11 - 150
    Week 3 - 09/01/11 - 148 (goodbye 150s!)
    Week 4 - 09/08/11 - 146.5
    Week 5 - 09/16/11 - no weigh-in this week, will report back next week

    Challenge GW 135 (and fit into my ski pants again!)

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: Run 4x per week already, add 2 strength training per week.

    The strength training is going great but I've started having problems with my right quad :grumble: so am scaling back for a week or two in order to heal

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    08/11/11 -- neck: 12.5 . . chest: 39 . arms: L12 . . . / R12.75 . waist: 31 . hips: 41 . . . thighs: L25 .. / R25.5
    09/08/11 -- neck: 12.25 . chest: 38 . arms: L12.25 / R12.50 . waist: 30 . hips: 40.5 . thighs: L23.5 / R24.5

    I measure every 4 weeks, will update in Oct.

    Sept goals:
    - Month-end weight loss 3.5 lbs (144.5 GW) --> only 2 lbs to go!!!
    - Reconnect with girlfriends to rebuild my network for a :brokenheart: new single life as "me"... eventually a "skinny me"

    I am a bit worried about meeting my month-end goal. I think I've hit the point in my weight loss journey where my body is slowing down considerably. I've adjusted my calories to 0.5 lb loss per week but am really struggling against the hunger. Time to focus on the veggies!

    I purposely skipped weigh-in this week b/c I've had some not-so-good eating days and don't want to see my disappointment in the scale! Realistically, my calorie overage equates to either a 0 or 0.5lb gain... but I know myself well enough to know that it will hurt my motivation rather than help it.

    I'm scheduled to run a half marathon this weekend (have run many before), so am trying to keep my eating super clean so that next week's weigh in will be a success! Even these last few pounds lost DO seem to make it possible to run a tad bit faster!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I am weighing in at 122.3 today. I am down from 124.2 last week
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Hello everyone! I know Friday was weigh-in day but I'm waiting on something before I weigh in. I DID weigh myself and the pounds were the same, so 211.0 is for last week, but i'm hoping that whenever this thing is done, hopefully in the next few days, I'll have dropped more. So I will update again!
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey guys... sorry I haven't weighed in lately. Been working some crazy hours and just havent had the energy to do much else... getting back into the gym this week because I definitely want to meet my goal!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Name: Jersey

    Challenge starting weight: 179.5
    First Week: 178.5
    Second Week: 176.8
    Third Week: 176.4
    Fourth Week: 175.4 lbs
    Fifth Week: 175.0 lbs
    Sixth Week: 174.2 lbs
    Total Challenge Loss: 5.3 lbs

    End of challenge goal weight: 165 lbs
    Weight Loss Remaining to Goal: 9.2 lbs

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight:
    Ride my horse at least once a week: This has been going well! My horse is hairbrained, but it's been a fun adventure!
    Continue Rushfit : I must say... I am kicking butt at this. Haven't missed a day, haven't wanted to miss a day. I look and feel fabulous and I am only getting more excited for how things will go as the program progresses.
    Eat my calories in a healthy way: I think I still need work on this, I am sometimes quite significantly under, but I am making healthy choices when eating. On top of that, I am on protein powder now which is helping with my huge protein deficits.

    I did some new measurements. Everything is down (yay), but it's on a post it note in the bathroom (and I am at work). lol. I will have to post before and after photos when Rushfit is done.

    I bought my wedding dress! I hope to not have to order it until the beginning of february, we'll see if I drop a size by then!!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Name: Cant

    Challenge starting weight: 220.4
    August 26 weight 215.6 (down 4.8)
    September 22 weight 206.0

    End of challenge goal weight: 170

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: Move it!

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    neck: 15
    chest: 43
    arms: left and right l 15 r 14.5
    waist: 40
    hips: 47
    thighs: left and right l 27 r 27
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 188.0 this week !
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Name: Amber

    Challenge SW - 154
    Week 1 - 08/17/11 - 152
    Week 2 - 08/24/11 - 150
    Week 3 - 09/01/11 - 148 (goodbye 150s!)
    Week 4 - 09/08/11 - 146.5
    Week 5 - 09/16/11 - no weigh-in this week, will report back next week
    Week 6 - 09/23/11 - 146.5

    Challenge GW 135 (and fit into my ski pants again!)

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: Run 4x per week already, add 2 strength training per week.

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    08/11/11 -- neck: 12.5 . . chest: 39 . arms: L12 . . . / R12.75 . waist: 31 . hips: 41 . . . thighs: L25 .. / R25.5
    09/08/11 -- neck: 12.25 . chest: 38 . arms: L12.25 / R12.50 . waist: 30 . hips: 40.5 . thighs: L23.5 / R24.5

    I measure every 4 weeks, will update in Oct.

    Sept goals:
    - Month-end weight loss 3.5 lbs (144.5 GW) --> only 2 lbs to go!!! Not sure if I can manage this in only 1 week...
    - Reconnect with girlfriends to rebuild my network for a :brokenheart: new single life as "me"... eventually a "skinny me"

    I ran a half marathon race last weekend, it was super fun because I was there to pace some friends and they all had a great race! Time to get serious with my speed training, my next race is in a little over 4 weeks!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    weighed myself: i'm still the same weight...But i just found that I haven't been updating my calories.

    Make sure after everytime you have a weigh in, you go under Settings->Update diet/fitness profile->Press update. After weigh ins your daily calorie allowance does NOT update automatically, and you may not have the right amount set.

    [Challenge starting weight: 219lbs]
    --Week 1: 215.0 -4lbs 4lbs lost total
    --Week 2: 213.0 -2lbs 6lbs lost total
    --Week 3: 215.2 +2.2lbs
    --Week 4: 213.0 -2lbs 6lbs total
    --Week 5: 211-2lbs 8lbs total
    --week 6: 211-0lbs 8lbs total
    [End of challenge goal weight: 180lbs]

    Sept Goal: 199lbs, not seeming possible. But I will take getting OFF this mini-plateau. Maybe since now I"ve changed my cal intake, it'll help. I've started exercising 4x a week, I'm hoping to increase that to 5x for october.

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    neck: 13.5
    chest: 48 in
    arms: left 15 in and right 14.5 in
    waist: 43.0
    hips: 47.0
    thighs: left 23.4in and right 24in

    WEEK 2 measurements
    neck: 13.5
    **chest: 46
    arms: Left 14.5 and right 14.25
    waist: 42.5
    hips: 47.0
    thighs: left: 23.5 and right 25 (?)....I think I didn't measure correctly the first time.

    WEEK 4:
    -2.0 lbs
    neck: 13.5
    chest: 45.25
    arms: Left 15 and right 14.50
    waist: 39.5
    hips: 44
    thighs: left: 25.75 and right 26.5

    WEEK 6:
    neck: 13.5
    chest: 46--I think its because I'm nursing. I shouldn't really measure this.
    arms: left 16 right 15
    waist: 38.5 ---I must be doing something right! I didn't lose weight but I lost an inch
    hips: 44
    thighs: both are 24.5

    So, I have a few NSV: first my waist is down another inch, but also, I am OUT of my 48DDD nursing bras and back into my 44DD pre-pregnancy bras! and out of the four rows of claps, I'm on the 3rd row to keep the girls up!!!! I'm going to have to buy new bras soon
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Hey yall...I know yall probably know I aint been around. I wanna say sorry about that. A lot has been going on. I hate to say it but I'm not gonna be able to do this group thing. I would love it if someone would take over, that would be great. Please let me know if you would like to take this group over.

    I'm sorry to let yall down. I have been told I'm newly onset diabetic. I feel like I owe myself to treat myself right and take care of myself and I don't wanna have to much on my plate! I feel bad and I wish yall the best!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Holding at 215 lbs (same as last week). I have a fancy scale though and am pleased that fat % is down and muscle % is up.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Hey yall...I know yall probably know I aint been around. I wanna say sorry about that. A lot has been going on. I hate to say it but I'm not gonna be able to do this group thing. I would love it if someone would take over, that would be great. Please let me know if you would like to take this group over.

    I'm sorry to let yall down. I have been told I'm newly onset diabetic. I feel like I owe myself to treat myself right and take care of myself and I don't wanna have to much on my plate! I feel bad and I wish yall the best!

    Don't worry about it! I think we'll keep it going! Its such a wonderful challenge!! I hope things get better for you!!!! Good luck!!