Eating and Can't Stop Eating

Has anyone ever had this problem. I am on my first week on myfitness pal and watching what I eat has really helped me a lot. I am the type that I can eat junk food and keep eating it. I felt as if I may be a food addict and couldn't stop. I love to keep eating and eating and it seems as if I was never really full. With MFP I really watch my portions now and it really has stopped me from over doing foods. I hope it lasts and I can continue on, I think the support has really helped a lot. I rather have one Ice cream treat then me eating 5 of them in one day.


  • sheenades0804
    sheenades0804 Posts: 52 Member
    I also think I will be saving money doing portion control. I will have food that could last awhile for example crackers, chips and so on.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Honestly, once you've restricted yourself for a little while, it gets easier. Your stomach is elastic, and stretches to accommodate expected food. Eat least, your body starts expecting less, and it becomes that much more difficult to put away five ice cream bars :P Just stick with it and watch for the light at the end of the tunnel!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    I also think I will be saving money doing portion control. I will have food that could last awhile for example crackers, chips and so on.
    i agree..the less you eat at one sitting, the more you will have for another meal..good luck to you:drinker:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Yes, I food binge. its a massive problem. Tracking, opening my diary, posting my weight. I do all these things to try to control it. I can, but I don't ever imagine myself being able to just go out and eat and not track.
  • birdshoup
    birdshoup Posts: 23 Member
    I definitely think I have a food addiction. Today is my first day (back) on MFP, and logging everything in really gives me a better sense of how much I should be eating, and how much I was over eating before. Watching the football game today, I could've easily consumed more calories than I should in one meal. But, I'm trying to stay smart and not let the munchies take over. I'm also trying to drink water and eat fruit when I feel the munchies coming on.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I think MANY here on MFP can testify to the mindless eating...
    it seems some eat out of stress, others out of boredom, others have a sugar addiction, etc...
    Whatever your "story", keeping track ( being honest w/ yourself and the friends you gather to come alongside you)
    is a KEY component to staying ON track in this journey.

    And, in my opinion, striving for a lifestyle change- one that you know you can reasonably MAINTAIN AFTER you reach your desired goal(s)- is the BEST motivator for KEEPING the weight off.

    Those who want to drop it quickly- and implement other "dietary aids" in lieu of hard work and self-discipline/self-control
    SEEM to be the ones who put it back on later- and then some......

    Best Wishes to you on this journey...
    it IS hard work, but,
    in the end,
    YOUR HEALTH- and a better QUALITY of LIFE
    is SO worth the effort!
  • marialynnporter
    marialynnporter Posts: 95 Member
    I have a binge problem and i can eat any thing when i binge. i havent done it for awhile. but what helped me was to drink a lot of water! sometimes when you feel hungry drink a few tall glasses of water. people get hunger and thirsty mixed up. so try that. and if you need a friend to vent or to just talk to about it and need help you can add me if you would like. :)
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    The site certainly helps curtail snacking.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I definitely feel like I have a food addiction. It's gotten way better though as I've logged everything and started working out. Sometimes (especially like today when I'm feeling really depressed) all I want to do is binge on carbs and fat. When this happens, I usually can't stop myself, as ridiculous as that sounds. It's like I go into a trance or something...

  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    The site certainly helps curtail snacking.

    Totally agree :) I could spend hours on the threads whether I'm posting or just stalking, er, learning. Time flies.
  • kathyhaf1
    That's the thing that I love about MFP is that it does make you take a look at what you are eating and also how to change it. No one is perfect and all we can do it try to do better the next day :smile: