Why do i beat myself up.

I've only lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I know that's something and I know weight loss isn't linear. I'm due on in the next few days so that probably won't help. But why do i feel so *kitten* about myself? Is it cos I'm still fat and feeling impatient. I've only been dieting for 7 weeks and lost an amazing amount up until these last 2 weeks and nothing has changed cico wise. I know it's not a platue, just me being stupid, but how do you stop beating yourself up!?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,683 Member
    Basic fluctuations or stalls that happen ALL THE TIME, with EVERYONE. No one is immune to hitting stalls in weight loss journeys.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Basic fluctuations or stalls that happen ALL THE TIME, with EVERYONE. No one is immune to hitting stalls in weight loss journeys.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I know this but it doesn't help the feeling of self loathing...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited February 2021
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    I've only lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I know that's something and I know weight loss isn't linear. I'm due on in the next few days so that probably won't help. But why do i feel so *kitten* about myself? Is it cos I'm still fat and feeling impatient. I've only been dieting for 7 weeks and lost an amazing amount up until these last 2 weeks and nothing has changed cico wise. I know it's not a platue, just me being stupid, but how do you stop beating yourself up!?

    I'd say don't make weight loss the be all and end all of all things. Embrace the process. There's a lot more to gain in the process than just some magical number on the scale. Also understand that none of this is linear...This is how it looks on a graph...for EVERYONE who has ever lost weight...


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    You're losing 1/2 lb per week on average, that's great!

    You didn't gain it all in 2 months, you aren't going to lose it that fast. Trust the process.
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    You're losing 1/2 lb per week on average, that's great!

    You didn't gain it all in 2 months, you aren't going to lose it that fast. Trust the process.

    And I get this but its just hard drilling it into yourself to turn it into a positive. I suppose just like water weight your hormones fluctuate, one day your proud of yourself the next day you feel like giving up. No rime or reason to it. Think I've answered my own question. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply. Just having one of them days I suppose...
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,301 Member
    edited February 2021
    I take a look at my long-term weight graph when I feel frustrated. Never fails to put things into perspective for me, to see how far I've come 🙂
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited February 2021
    I think confidence in yourself and trust in what your doing goes a long way in defeating self doubt particularly when the scale doesn't meet expectations. Right now I'm uber confident both in myself and in what I'm doing. I seldom have negative thoughts creeping into my head. My mind is made up, and I'm following the plan, and I like to think I keep a open mind ready and willing to make adjustments if adjustments seem like the right way forward.

    In the past... for me personally, stepping on a scale was a very stressful endeavor the very act of knowing I was going to have step on the scale at the end of the month actually stressed me out, and gave me anxiety which lead to self loathing, and to some extent corroding my confidence. Not saying this is you, by any means. But what is stressing you out? Why is it stressing you out? How is it impacting your ability to stay motivated, and keep at it day after day?

    This is all easy for me to say right now... As I got a ton of weight to lose, and losing it is very easy right now. Eventually I too will need to step on a scale. (Once I lose enough weight where that is possible.) How will I feel then If I don't hit expectations? Why do we have expectations, and why does it bother us when we don't reach them? Am I not way better off now then I was when I started? Should a simple number on the scale that doesn't agree with your expectations over rule all the hard work you put in to get you to a more healthy weight?

    It might just be a matter of proper perspective, keeping in mind all you accomplished to get you where you are. Sure it feels great to see "good numbers" but numbers that don't move are still good in light of the entire journey.

    Give yourself a hug, and keep at it. And always keep in mind the entire journey, and don't pay to much attention to that momentary number on the scale. I hope I can do the same, when the time comes.

    Cheers to you!
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    I've only lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I know that's something and I know weight loss isn't linear. I'm due on in the next few days so that probably won't help. But why do i feel so *kitten* about myself? Is it cos I'm still fat and feeling impatient. I've only been dieting for 7 weeks and lost an amazing amount up until these last 2 weeks and nothing has changed cico wise. I know it's not a platue, just me being stupid, but how do you stop beating yourself up!?

    I think you need to find another judge besides the scale. Maybe do measurements or buy a smaller clothing item and check once a month. Progress pics are huge for me. I take a picture almost everyday. I upload a pic every week with my weight. Even on weeks I feel the scale didn’t show as much as I hoped, I check my pics and compare to a few weeks before and feel better.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    I've only lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I know that's something and I know weight loss isn't linear. I'm due on in the next few days so that probably won't help. But why do i feel so *kitten* about myself? Is it cos I'm still fat and feeling impatient. I've only been dieting for 7 weeks and lost an amazing amount up until these last 2 weeks and nothing has changed cico wise. I know it's not a platue, just me being stupid, but how do you stop beating yourself up!?

    Realize not beating yourself, and living a healthier life... Are both very much practices...

    Be careful not to practice self defeat... And realize, you will get better at this... With practice 💕
  • tariqari
    tariqari Posts: 38 Member
    edited February 2021
    Going through difficulties is good. It’s part of progress. Beating yourself up can just be another way of reminding yourself to keep going and motivation to be disciplined.

    You look great by the way.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,275 Member
    This takes patience and experience. The older I get, the more forgiving and gentle I am with myself. I had a really crummy day yesterday. So many negative voices in my head, and they were all mean to me. I realized that I haven't had that kind of self talk in a long time. I think it's like anything else that we want to change-practice and time. Read through the threads about how many factors will influence weight for a female body. Once you realize that you're doing all you can to be healthy and strong, but the scale won't always reflect that, you can let go of the number and move on. It's hard. You're not the only one who struggles with this. But you deserve to be treated better than that, even by yourself :heart:
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    I've only lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I know that's something and I know weight loss isn't linear. I'm due on in the next few days so that probably won't help. But why do i feel so *kitten* about myself? Is it cos I'm still fat and feeling impatient. I've only been dieting for 7 weeks and lost an amazing amount up until these last 2 weeks and nothing has changed cico wise. I know it's not a platue, just me being stupid, but how do you stop beating yourself up!?

    By recognising that you need a cheerleader on this journey, and the world's best cheerleader is yourself.

    Congratulate yourself on your highs. Commiserate with your lows. Above all, treat yourself with the kindness you would show any other human. I think for many of us, the reason we ended up overweight in the first place is because we didn't treat ourselves with the respect and kindness we do deserve.

    If you have periods, the monthly hormonal fluctuations can mess with your weight loss, and mess with your head. The longer you keep this going, the more your graph will even out and you'll be able to anticipate and understand the blips. I put on weight during my period, and it's only temporary as long as I don't give into the hormonal fluctuations telling me it's OK to eat a takeaway for two people. Being able to look back at past trends on my graph can reassure me during those crazy moments that water weight is temporary and it will disappear soon.

    I'm losing weight for me, for the right reasons. Not every day is a good day, even if I really, really, try. But I believe in myself to do this, and it means I have to keep going when it's hard, and regularly pick myself up and dust myself off. You need to believe in yourself too.

    I compare myself to the person I was yesterday, no one else. And you know what? I'm doing better than her.
  • chocolate1902
    chocolate1902 Posts: 48 Member
    I think the best way to beat down the bad feelings just get on an exercise bike or a treadmill or just crank out some push-ups and raise your good mood endorphins! Best of luck and I know you can do this because we all hit plateaus