What does it mean when I get hungry really fast?

Most of the time when I eat, I am satisfied for at least a few hours. Sometimes, though, my body seems to gobble the food out of my stomach and within 25-30 minutes, definitely within an hour, I am hungry again. As in empty, growling stomach, not a "bored" or psychological hunger. I can tell the difference no problem.

It happens almost every time I eat hot, whole-grain cereal for breakfast...a big bowl keeps me full for about 20 minutes. Yes, that flies in the face of common knowledge, but it's true. Today, I worked out for almost two hours, then I had a bowl of plain fiber one, then a couple hours later I had a big bowl of vegetable lo mein stir fry. I felt full, but immediately felt hungry again.

My body-builder friend says this is because my metabolism is reved up and my body is using the fuel and wants more. I do not eat sugar (very rarely) and avoid white and processed foods.

I guess I just want to know what's going on so I can give my body what it needs, although I would hate to have to eat again so soon.

Thanks for any help!


  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Eat more protein :) That's what will keep you feeling full for a longer time....

    Carbs are like chinese food for me... hungry again 30 minutes after ... or just feel like taking a nap.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I think it's a metabolism thing, too. It was happening to me all the time, and I wasn't losing any weight anyway, so I upped my calories to see if that helped either issue. I'm not hungry anymore (no word yet if I've lost weight..weigh in day isn't for a few more days).
  • rsparks38
    I was that way until I started taking metformin for insulin resistance and pcos. Now, it is not a problem. I am also making more of an effort to have protein in the morning. You could try boiled eggs. That reminds me to go boil some for this week!
  • Cakepiebeer
    Your trainer is correct. That's exactly what it is
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    More protein, more fiber, both help me stay full longer, plus I opt for fuller fat options, full fat whole milk rather than skim and similar choices.
    These things combined keep me full. I know I was lacking on protein earlier this week as I kept wanting to graze through everything in the house.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Try eating more protein.
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I am the same way if I just have a bowl of cereal or a packet of instant oatmeal. I started buying regular rolled oats (still cooks in the microwave) and eating 1/2 c with 1 c almond milk and some berries, and either lean turkey sausage or scrambled Egg Beaters. After adding a better protein source to my breakfasts I am never hungry before lunchtime. Same rule goes for all your other meals -- get in plenty of lean protein and you should feel fuller longer.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I recommend more chicken breasts, asparagus, sweet potatoes, beans...protein wont necessarily keep you full in my opinion. I like these foods to keep that feeling full longer feeling.

    Ex: one boiled egg and a few nuts wont fill me up...but one sweet potato will and they are a super food :)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    you definitely need more protein and/or fibre rich foods.

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • lanaholt
    Ditto, ditto, ditto. The more you workout, the more weight you lose and your metabolism definitely gets revved up. Try replacing white flour products with whole grain. If you have never tried quinoa, add it. It's a great carb replacement. It has lots of protein too. Add a little protein at each meal and that will help with hunger too.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I recommend more chicken breasts, asparagus, sweet potatoes, beans...protein wont necessarily keep you full in my opinion. I like these foods to keep that feeling full longer feeling.

    I agree about chicken - but asparagus, sweet potatoes and beans do not fill me up or make me feel full. I find that meat is what keeps me full the longest. Just a different view. :)
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    it could easily be real hunger, but still try to drink lots of water as it could be water your tummys grumbling for, i notice i get almost the same feeling when hungry and thirsty, but i look at when the last time i ate was and decide from there, and usually im right.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Also try steel cut oats. in the morning...with berries or nuts or both :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You should definitely go with more protein, especially after a workout. The body can fully digest carbs, especially refined carbs in cereals and breads (even if they're from whole grains) in 30-60 minutes. Cereal NEVER keeps me full. Carbs are used for energy and they're the easiest for the body to digest. Protein and fiber are the hardest to digest so they keep you feeling fuller for longer. Fats are also used for energy and take longer than carbs to digest. Adding protein and good fats to your meals will keep you from feeling hungry.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I was eating rolled oats or steel cut oats with skim milk and half a shredded apple -- so tons of supposedly "filling" fiber. I would get hungry about an hour or two after breakfast.

    I switched to at least two whole eggs and sometimes bacon. Now I am not hungry for lunch until at LEAST noon, if not even later.

    I think fat and protein help keep me satiated and stuff like oatmeal and breads (yes, even whole grain) just end up making me want more.
  • cameralinds
    I have been working with a high fat, lower carb diet. Lower meaning between 100-150 grams per day, nothing drastically low. I find that I'm not as hungry as often because while carbs are used as a "fuel", fat and protein are filling for longer sorts of foods. I don't really know though... just experimenting, personally.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i find i get really hungry really fast(1/2 hr after meal) if i have pastas and rices!
    so i stary away from them more!